Kike hate thread

Attached: 1549319215779.jpg (960x960, 230K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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Attached: Israel-Cohen.jpg (1266x620, 388K)

where are your typical 200 posts and 100 flags?
these place is shilled to the moon by (((someone)))

big folder you have

A few days ago an open jew tried to convince the board that this guy was an European ethnic nationalist. Anyone else remember that?

this board is mostly redditors at this point .
just look how low tier bait gets 200 replies.
2016 was mistake

Did you get all these jewish quotes from Stormfront by any chance?

Aryan cucks are crying in their beds right now

Attached: 38d1fda.jpg (2388x1024, 278K)

Wow it really does get worse, do kikes eventually evaporate from so much jewing?

Attached: jew_comic.jpg (940x672, 176K)

Attached: 1559713039464.jpg (1000x1174, 365K)

Attached: b819113331d2626d342cd311564718b0213d972a51b9c41741a74337bacb9df3.jpg (8000x5798, 4M)

Attached: 1559287993224.jpg (609x228, 56K)

Attached: 1558560497133.png (1165x1139, 1.1M)

Attached: 1558559290361.png (1158x1621, 361K)


Attached: 1558086535515.png (2000x2000, 2.86M)

The Unholy Trips of Truth

Attached: 1557719213073.jpg (1472x1472, 317K)

Stop posting these fake quotes you fucking moron. They make all legitimate quotes look suspect via guilt by association. Which is the reason they're created in the first place.

Better version.

Attached: 1463007364372.jpg (2005x1221, 594K)

Attached: 1556781131779.jpg (1230x2932, 604K)

Attached: 40fddc2af339d838a343e1bfc393f838ed67d7b3988c5c450adf2d4383b0ef7e.jpg (255x120, 12K)

Post the link to this document so i can just click it. I wanna see this.