WAR WITH IRAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>Bolton during his meeting with #Israeli PM Netanyahu: "#Iran wants nuclear weapon and continues to threaten #Israel and our allies in the #Gulf. These aren't signs for a peaceful nation. Our military is ready for action."


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I can't wait to die for greatest ally!

Nothing ever happens

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Bibi is going to jail

Then GITMO because Trump will expose his crimes against our nation.

>Iran wants parity with Israel
Oh wait, we don't talk about Dimona

I'm fine with firing a missile as long as Bolton is strapped to it.

>I'm fine with firing a missile as long as Bolton is strapped to it.

Attached: Imam Hussein Abu Ayada, Rafah Friday Sermon - “Tie Me to A Missile and Fire It at Tel Aviv”.webm (852x480, 2.52M)

bolton is a good little golem

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Not gonna happen

Bolton has no role in US government, nor chain of command. Simply an adviser to the President. Despised by the military and bureaucracy alike.

Bolton sucks so much Israeli cock, his breath smells like cream cheese.


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>war with Iran sends refugees to Europe
>even more refugees to Europe would turn it full fash
I am conflicted, greatest ally...

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>implying he wouldn't love dying for zion

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> Iran wants to blow the most cancerous ethnic group on the planet
Why should we care about it?

Only Israel is allowed to have nuclear weapons!

fucking bomb those iranians. i want to see their navy blown out of the water right fucking now

Don't get my hopes up

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This. Everyone here is gay.

Attached: John Bolton 3.jpg (1650x1711, 1.83M)

You know what to do...in minecraft

God I love bolton posting

yeh, hopefully the millions of refugees this war will create are shipped off to thd United States instead of Europe you fucking kike mutt.

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>I stopped the war
>Get reelected
>Start war with Iran
Let's just hope this isn't campaign Trump

Hahahahahaha look at this piece of shit.

He should stay in the filthy desert he loves so much. Do not come back here. Kill his children.

Wow you’re so funny you greasy ugly inbred Jewish desert rat! Maybe you shouldn’t kill your whole family then yourself. Oh wait no you should do all of that.