Staged alien landing is going to occur soon

Remember that these things are not "extraterrestrials" (a satanic creation). They are fallen angels / demons who exist inside of our world.

Also remember that these same demons are working with the Illuminati to stage an alien landing which the aliens will claim they invented all religion. They will trick the masses into dropping their religion and make everyone denounce Jesus while at the same time forcing everybody to worship the Antichrist.

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>They are fallen angels / demons

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do not reply to memeflags. type SAGE in the option textbox to prevent the thread getting bumped.

Immediate shill response.

Pray to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ everyday

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>They are fallen angels / demons who exist inside of our world.
Didnt Jesus defeat them?

I promise I'm more White than you Ahmed

the anglo jew strikes again

it wont be stage...why are you jews always playing the victim

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Show your flag you kike. Memeflags are not to be trusted.

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It’s cute that you think you’re white. How are the rothschilds and their saggy cocks doing? Oh that’s right,you can’t talk with a full mouth.

Why are there so many shills in this thread?

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post proof

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See the documentary Alien Intrusion: Unmasking a Deception.
Look into Project Bluebeam as well.

No the end times has not happened yet. He will tho. Jesus, Michael, and the heavenly host will come down to btfo the devil and the fallen

you clearly dont understand what proof means

Its scriptural. Your proof is in the bible (also the book of enoch).

Fuck you, and fuck your Abrahamaic death cult ramblings. Project Blue Beans is a trick to get us to fight those who would come to our aid.
Fucking nazilarper memeflaggot

Cool story bro, do tell

Making shit threads with a memeflag does not lead to shills. It leads to people calling you a retarded nigger.
Retarded nigger.

lol the illuminati doesn't need an ET landing to have a new world order, it already exists.
also project bluebeam is for retards who cant accept aliens are real, holograms dont show up on radar.

Our aid? Is no sexual sin your idea of aid?
The "ashtar galactic" peoples that are supposed to come to our aid are Satanic. Ashtar is Ashtorath which is Ishtar. Ishtar represents Venus, the god of sex and love.

Even jonny podesta wants blue beans to happen because it will eliminate sexual sin.

>still believing the council of nicea's lies
so, you're a professional retard?

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>muh demons

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