What's the dumbest thing you've ever heard a nigger say?
Stupid Nigger Quotes
Other urls found in this thread:
God bless America
"Hope and change!"
"-How much do you earn at part time job?"
"He dindu nothing"
Here is a few.
>have sex
"-How come only White people get that job?"
Nigger, because they applied.
If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor
“God’s got a plan for you”
>Can you buy me a banana for my birthday
As I was in line at 7-11
"-I'm good!"
"Ebonics is the language of black folks."
I laughed so damn hard
ima thinkin about havin me a keeeid
>What's the dumbest thing you've ever heard a nigger say?
"Listen to this music"
>Ayo, I’z be famous one day
>that’s our word
"Rain in April? I dunno... it must be global warming. I don't remember it ever raining in April."
To which I replied, "April showers bring May flowers."
ayy man canna barrow yo fone a minute?
Yo those rhymes is tight
>Ayo, I’z be famous one day
What is it with niggers and thinking they're going to be a famous rapper in the next few years?
>be me
>private docks with boats on public waterfront
>black 28 year old sitting on pavement. doesn't look like hes on drugs or poor.
>starts saying something to me while i jog near him thats seems very important despite me clearly jogging and with headphones on.
>slip headphones off
>you ever been on one of these?
>"have I ever been on a boat?"
>"Yes I've been on a boat, but not these ones"
>jog away.
One time at football camp this nigger on our team was trying to get guys to go swimming with him. No one would because obviously he couldn't swim, so he said
>I might drown, but I won't die!
shieeet dem ypipo mus be stealin our wahta
Wez been building this and sheeeiiit.
I voted.
>Ayo y boi, U need ta read dis. Rassis ass cracka
pic related
Wakanda Forever
I saw a nigger wearing this exact shirt a few days ago
I had a dream...
vikangz wuz black (not kidding)
>talking to niggers
In class the other day (not high school), the instructor made the comment that you're tallest when you first wake up due to spinal decompression. Negress minds were blown. After literally a 10 minute block of instruction on this simple concept, one of them says,
>Wait, so am I still tall when I take my high heels off?
I shit you not
>Also talking to other subhumans like Albanians and Southern Italians and of course kikes.
Hello my beautiful black angels , heard this from a black lady on youtube , she only addresses black audience despite whites, asians watching her
This is a good one. This country is a failed abomination void of any morality. It's all based on Judeo-Masonic garbage.
Also in class:
On the subject digestive tract diseases. Ghetto as fuck negress says she has Crohn's disease. Instructor asks her about it:
>I found out because I had went to the doctor to get a check up because I thought my baby daddy had gave me AIDS
I laughed out loud
Watch this video.
What channel? It's likely a channel for black girl hair, so that would make sense.
Only when mixed with something else
>No, its not me
Another nigger's name
>know a doctor who had a patient named Nosma King
>parents saw a No Smoking sign on the bus they took to the hospital
>named their firstborn after a sign on a bus
>still more normal-sounding than most nigger names
Why do they come up with the stupidest fucking names? I knew a nigger girl named Retina and one named Dorkus.
I couldn't say. I met a Negress at UT Austin on one of those diversity scholarships name Areola
They don’t, affirmative action has made so that white men don’t get jobs as easily.
based nigger having normal healthy conversations with people, in the dark age of social media and toxic individualism.
I couldn't say. I met a negress at UT Austin on one of those diversity scholarships named Areola. Another standout was "Conceited Jones"
Every race has bad people in it.. Black people just have by far the most..
ask if theyve ever said anything smart. beyond basic lines.
How would I know ?
My country is pure, we ain`t gotz none of dem nigga sheiiit, knowimsayin ?
Dorcas is actually a white girl name, once upon a time.
Lol..I don't get it man. I'm in school with a negress that has been spelling her name wrong her whole life up until a few weeks ago. Pulled out her ss card for paperwork and was arguing with the instructor about which one is the right spelling. She even said that her mom told her that she mispelled it on the birth certificate and the way she had been spelling it was actually right, even though legally it was different. It was amazing
Well I'm glad it's not anymore because it's horrible
we the real jews
We gonna get our college education then you whites better watch out.
>Race is only skin-deep
we wuz kangz
Shit you not, a black guy named Tyrone, got a job flat roofing at my company. He was dumb as fuck, andc when I would tell him how to do something, this nigger would say" Tyrone does it it tyrones way. So before I fired his sorry ass, I asked him what in the fuck does that even mean? And he repeated "Tyrone does it thrones way". Niggers are so fucking ignorant. Good luck when we whites dissapear, the world will be fucked and you know it.
Call Amber lamps
one time i woke up, i was at this hospital. a nigger was in the room with me. i woke up, and the nigger was touching my arm. i was like, wtf. and he laughed and backed away, laughing. idk wtf still. like lets touch him he's white. hurrrr durr wtf.
yea i was freaked the fuck otu like what am i suposed to think.
you gon get raped purty white boi
I have one refuses to correct his mistakes and keeps ordering the wrong shit. I told him he was missing 100 30" carpenters wrecking bars, he pointed to 100 24" levels. I told him those are levels, his supervisor told him those are levels, our director and the accountants told him those were levels. The dude chimped out and is now threatening a discrimination claim against us all for questioning him. Then he crashed a new forklift into a stairwell after telling a new employee that they would crash it.
Whenever they name their kids
Is there another language in Russia, or do they just have an accent?
>Hitler did nothing wrong
>gibs are okay as long as it's white people getting them
>fascism is unlike communism
>fascism isn't socialism
>everything is the jews fault
That's some pretty nigger tier shit
I'm not sure, really. I think its a bit moronic though to tell people whose hair naturally dreads that they are appropriating black culture by dreading their own hair. Any example of cultural appropriation they provide is stupid considering their culture is extremely limited without the influence of other cultures.
No idea. I hear whites say the most retarded stuff about shit they don't know anything about daily. I remember one time a (faggot) Minister of Finance (of The Netherlands) who went to Greece refer to the Greek alphabet as Cyrillic.
Great pajeet post
You are really trying to reinforce the creatura memes aint ya?
Dreadlocks look disgusting though.
>Slave ships
>All aboard reading
Don't you have to have really thin hair (like niggers) for that?
"Nazis built the Berlin wall" - Talib Kwali ('intellectual' rapper)
>we wuz kangz n sheeeit
10 captcha's later,
It's because you are white, blacks especially hate whites, therefore in their mind they hate you.
This one said the same
Wanna buy peace and beans man?
Don't know to be honest. I know some sects of Hindus wear dreadlocks too. I've always thought dreadlocks look fucking hideous, and I bet they smell bad too. Let the niggers keep them.
you are socially retarded
That looks terrible
"ICE will be deporting millions of illegals next week!"
No sir. Just stating that pure black women aren't pretty.
"Blacks have assimilated."-RC Maxwell
I work with this black guy at a popular food joint, don’t worry about where, it’s my business, fuck you.
Long story short he comes in late and this is the conversation that transpired
>the fuck dude you’re an hour late
> shit sorry bruh I got stopped by a cop and had my shit searched
>uh he said my car smelt like weed and shit
>did you have weed in your car?
>yeah I mean I had that blunt and I was smokin on it but it’s total bullshit dog, I put it out and sprayed my car and shit as he was stopping me dude, it was total bullshit. He got me out and searched my shit, he found the blunt but he was cool and shit and only wrote me a ticket
>have you considered that maybe he smelt the weed in your car because you were smoking a blunt and the spray didn’t hide the smell good?
>I mean.... shit dog, I didn’t think about it like that you know? Fuck.
Just came back to the thread. Let me think
wasted digits on boomer retards
we be invented all dat sheeit!