Brit/pol/ - Class War edition

>Boris and girlfriend are driven out of their home: Anarchists camped outside London flat

>Boris Johnson 'should give explanation' for home row

>Liam Fox criticises Boris Johnson's Brexit plan

>Woman arrested after ‘trying to rush cockpit’ on Jet2 plane forcing RAF jets to intercept

>Man breaks record by demolishing 65 item breakfast challenge in just 12 minutes

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Anybody ever here worked in a prison?

I'm looking at jobs and considering applying to be a meter reader or a prison custody officer. Any advice desu?

First for Greggs

literally who?

>prison custody officer
team up with cokeposter you can make serious wedge

some pinko the far-left worship I imagine. I'd never heard of her neither.

Prisons smell.

>avenue of the rich
>can't even afford to paint their stairway properly
I think they got lost

my secondary school teacher worked in a prison and she was fat, 160cm tall and basically autistic it doesn't seem that hard.

Camberwell, average property price, £470,000.

>class war NOW
>Fresh new pair of white trainers
>fashionable pair of sandals

Holy fucking shit what is wrong with these deluded middle class leftist scum bags


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Meter reading is bottom of the barrel scumwork where you get paid pennies and have impossible deadlines while public facing.

Prison service you can beat cokeposter up with a baton and be paid for it

Did she teach in there or what?

Both jobs are shit-tier. Learn a trade.

Is meter reader really that bad? A guy came round to read my meter the other day and he seemed alright.

Hard Brexit

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daily reminder Theresa May's deal is essentially the Swiss Brexit minus free movement

Have fun reading meters at council houses.

I have met this person twice, he is as much use as a chocolate teapot.

They say that if you do what you love then it doesn't feel like work at all, so maybe you should be a cocksucking prostitute for niggers and pakis

no she moved inmates from the van to inside the prison, it was a job she got after finishing uni and before getting a teaching job. dumb bitch would never shut up about it and i think about it at least twice a month.

*Jeremy Cunt

she probably got laid by lags daily.

seems I've been doing numbers today

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>listen to radio on the way home to not fall asleep
>the topic is dealing with bad sex partners
>it's all women
>sex therapist lady starts talking about managing expectations, suggesting changing positions, reinforcing what your partners does well, trying to steer them to get better over time
>other women ignore all of this entirely and instead focus on B-BUT WHAT ABOUT ONE NIGHT STANDS HOW DO WE DEAL WITH THIS NIGHT'S HOOKUP NOT BEING AS GOOD AS WE HOPED

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seems I've been doing numbers today

hello arsonlets

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Anybody knows anything new about Ana Kreigler?

hello scotchlet

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Kriegel you mean? The girl who was murdered?

A man of great taste i see

Kek. I remember reading an article by some slags complaining that the men they fuck on their one night stands don't give them orgasms and aren't interested in the women's pleasure in the encounter.

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Yeah, thats the one

Clean under your nails you fucking malcontent.

you know it

why should I you pitiful sconner?

imagine their smell

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Beyond grim

Maybe some britbongs live close to little England

Lads, I've decided I'm going to go and see a doctor on tuesday, can't hack it anymore

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that bincel lives close to the Horlick's brewery lmfao

White middle class people are your main enemies standing in front and protecting of the sadistic elite that they think they hate

sounds like a LARP t b h kid

What's the problem?


Go read metres, you'll just end up blackpilled to fuck with how easy prison is

thats the wheat and chaff. Let them expose themselves

Damn shame. She was a russian qt

Last I knew, Camberwell was a shithole.

I'm widely envied in Camberwell for my cocaine consumption

I saw a stoat on the road last night.

Just miserable, changed everything last year, stopped drinking, started lifting, got an easy job which pays well and i work with friends so its a laugh, but I just feel awful all the time, feel like theres no hope

Its sickening. She must have been terrified.

Wow that's a very antisemitic sign

get a puppy

I prefer, and have, cats

Its being ‘gentrified’ by students and other trust fund scum who can’t afford to live in Islington or Camden.

My dog is German
My coffee is Colombian
My IT is Indian
My car is English
My food is Italian
My TV is Japanese
My diamonds are South African
My licorice is Australian
My computer is Chinese
My wine is French
And I am an American.

Why can't racists understand that Britain is for everyone, not just white people?

And at such a young age. What kind of exposure did the 2 boys have in order to commit such a heinous crime

Take Vitamin supplements, Zinc and Magnesium.

Open borders for Israel

So they're causing the Jafaicans to get kicked out?

my victory seems to have infuriated you?

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take the christpill, at the very least you will be brainwashed into being happy.

Will that help at all?

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Clean your room.

Tried religion already. Didn't work

my victory seems to have infuriated you?

Poor little fuckers must be nuts. I don't get how people can't see warning signs for this shit

It is clean

See the breaking glass,
beneath the underpass.

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>I just feel awful all the time, feel like theres no hope
Sorry to hear that, mate. I don't have any good advice to give you, but I would if I could.

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Yes, it helps get the brain in gear. Long walks/jogs should help as well.

Is there an underlying cause do you think? Something at the back of your mind that keeps you unhappy?

Was it a news story in your country?? there is pictures of the two 14 yr olds who did it (were 13 when it happened) but police are after anyone who posts them.

reminds me of HSBC
>my doctor is Indian
>my nurse is Jamaican
>my boss is Spanish
>my car is German
>by favorite anime is Japanese
>my shop clerk is Turkish
>my favorite food is Thai
>my favorite genre of music is Korean (kpop)
>my favorite coffee at Starbucks is Mexican
>my favorite beer is Cambodian
>my favorite tobacco is Cuban
>my favorite male pornhub star is Nigerian
>my favorite female pornhub star is Norwegian
>my avocado is Congolese
>my toast (bread) is French
>my favorite economic union is Belgian (EU)
>my wife is Colombian
>her son is half Muslim
>our adopted kids are Chinese
>my favorite language Danish
>my favorite clothing is Italian
>my favorite nation is Sweden

You may well be the most pathetic poster in this site, well done. I hope you get smart and finally commit suicide, their really is no point delaying it any further. Your attempts at ruining these threads became pathological moths ago, there is no need to go on torturing yourself, your life will get even worse, you might think you're at rock bottom now, but you have no idea how bad things will get if you don't end it now. Do yourself a favour, take out a bottle and a few lines, find a multi storey car park and do everyone a favour.

Maybe they took the Vargpill.

why are you so mad that I won?
hear the crushing steel
feel the steering wheel

Thank you user
Exercise doesnt seem to work, I already go to the gym and run etc, I dont know what it is, my dad commited suicide when I was 5 so I've always struggled with the thought of mental health, but i dont know why in particular im sad.

Hard to say, it’s easy to blame exposure to stuff online but that’s probably what happened. Doesn’t excuse them actually doing something so fucked up.

The part in the article that said she was ‘relentlessly bullied’ caught me in the feels. What a fucked up world.

You know why Americans are so happy? Cheese, more specifically, Kraft Singles.

Yes we are fat, we die early, but we die happy because the moment we bite into a kraft single, it’s like a shockwave of cocaine has been injected directly into our veins.

Downside is you have to carry a pack of singles along with you during the day in a wallet cooler, but it makes up for the disappointment we’d usually go through during our daily lives.

that one's going in my Jerusalem

Holy shit lads, the Cameroonians were right Niggers in that match, probably redpilled a lot of people, the English women probably wanted to butcher them too.

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I'd like to visit America. That could cheer me up, see how the brainlets live. Much like a zoo perhaps.

Yeah it was on the news. I hope those filth get what’s coming to them in the can. The people at the school and the local area will all know who they are.

and Gary Neville triggered a few tumblrites and twitter mob I think

You should read The Last President. Written around 1900 if I remember correctly

>Cunt wins
>Tory party dies right there and then
>literally a skeleton of a husk filled with shilling tory remoaners
>Brexit party btfo every Tory seat up and down the country
>and Labour seats too
>Brexit party fucking runs parliament, Are Nige is both Speaker and PM because opposition are a coalition of commies who can't even agree amongst themselves so all the rules that can be changed do
>leave EU
>STTOOBBBBZ BREEGWSIX guy dies of a heart attack
>peace and prosperity reigns on the UK for 1000 glorious years
>Nige take a bite of a single crips before quietly sneaking a swig of his favourite bebby, not before giving you a knowing wink and slyly taking his leave

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>changed everything last year, stopped drinking, started lifting, got an easy job which pays well
Stop being a poofter. Get on universal credit and go for a pint down the pub.

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that explains it

I’m sorry to hear that fren. Apparently, depression and other mental health issues do run in families but it’s a sketchy subject between psychologist, psychiatrists and nature/nurture.

Please go see a doctor user

Feels bad man. Whenever I get that feeling now days I remind myself that every one is going to get what's fucking coming to them, either by our hands or the hands of nature. Everyone is getting fucked in the end.

I wonder which side quintessential Englishmen like Gary Younge and David Lammy wanted to win?

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