Why you not take the "sand pill" user?
Borders are just lines in the sand user
i am pro open borders, but still very right wing
some big corporations are open borders
some conservatives are open borders
i dont understand why do those leftists believe if someone is pro open borders it means we align with their stupid womens rights, lgbtqlmnop nonsense
>pro open borders
>"right wing"
you should kill yourself
>wanting the jews to restrict your movement and corall you into arbitrary states
If that were true then why don't the open borders people just go live in the 3rd world?
Somebody should beat her with such a stick.
Doors are just wooden obstructions in the brickwork. We should get rid of them and let anyone in.
She should be fine with rape then if reason is going to be thrown out the window. After all, consent is just an opinion expressed with some words or text. Prove me wrong.
>pro open borders
>right wing
in other words, you are fucking retarded
They are, nations are an imaginary identity, even racial identities are much imaginary. I mean what’s the difference between a French and a German other than the cultural indoctrinations.
>If you really were an ally or cared about blacks/trannies then you would open your door to them and take them in
user I wish I could laugh with you but I got some bad news for you.
Borders are bad for the world's economy
So I don't see the contradiction
She's right it is a line drawn in the sand and we're drawing it to put an end to our sisters and daughters being raped and murdered, we're drawing a line in the sand so our children can walk to school without fear of going missing or having acid thrown at then, we're drawing a line in the sand because our forefathers did before them and so should we.
>wanting to be a bitch to the globalist jews you have exactly zero chance of ever defeating
Locks on doors are just lines in the sand. All of these activists must open their home to aids infested niggers for equality
even if they are just lines in the sand they mark a boundary between one economic entity and another. They mark a socio-economic and legal jurisdiction - so shove your sand up your vagina and watch as honest people build a wall on your line
Murder all THOTs
Also fuck off Schluchtenscheißer
But are genes, languages and cultures?
what's the difference between a doge and a chihuahua? or a difference between a nigerian and a russian?
just because you can't see the differences on the first look doesn't mean there aren't any.
yes comrade! everyone is exactly the same and there are no differences between people whatsoever. any difference you see is a result of racism, sexism and bigotry. we need to overthrow the status quo and replace it with glorious communism so that everyone can be freed from oppression and allowed to be the same as everyone else. /s
>white woman...
If she doesn't believe in borders I guess it's okay to access her vagina whenever anyone wants to.
they are all the same user. white ones are just the most vocal because we allow them to be...
Do you use locks? Then I'll keeo using borders.
you are just a racist lefty neet. thats all. you are no rightwing
Sort of true and comforting...but it's also a failure of western men then...
they want to restrict your movement by flooding your place with millions of aggressive niggers. you are just retarded
Borders are about taxation