General Flynn Was Set Up!

>BREAKING: General Flynn Uncovered Massive Clinton Scandal Linked to Terrorist Funding – Was Immediately Targeted by Obama Deep State

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Who cares? Not even relevant

Hahahahahah Bibi is gonna be executed.

>On November 10, 2017, we reported how the Wall Street Journal had received information from anonymous sources who said that General Flynn and his son Michael were involved in a plot to kidnap Muslim cleric and return him to Turkey.

>The Wall Street Journal reported –

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is investigating former White House national security adviser Mike Flynn’s alleged role in a plan to forcibly remove a Muslim cleric living in the U.S. and deliver him to Turkey in return for millions of dollars, according to people familiar with the investigation.

>(Of course in the aftermath of Obama it is now customary and expected for FBI, DOJ and other government officials to leak true and false stories to the left wing media as long as they attack or discredit President Trump or anyone who voted for him. These corrupt and criminal leaks will never be investigated or addressed in court with the Deep State in charge of the US government.)

Why isn't this relevant?

Thanks for the update, q tard

it is relevant. He's a shill trying to mitigate the impact of these revelations.

Why don’t you give a link you fucking nerd

I have never followed q. Nigger.


Flynn didn't go off and actually decide to side with the roaches?
Ha, lies, the roaches went for him
But nice try to look like Clinton is still the most powerful person on the planet


>Flynn gives us a direct connection between a Muslim terror organization that not only tried to overthrow the Turkish government, but has a network of 160 taxpayer-funded schools here in the US, and which donates heavily to the Clinton Foundation.

>Tell me again that Flynn wasn’t running a sting operation on the Clinton Foundation and these Islamic terror networks.

fake news, bitch

It is relevant. It is also scary because it will most likely amount to nothing happening. And if that's the case, what does that say for our chance to turn things around without going to extremes?


Get fucked satan.

those sites literally look liek they were made by a high-schooler or something, you fucking retard lmao

Its sickening. I whole heartedly support the GOP in Oregon. I hope it becomes a theme.

Are you a muslim ?

So your argument is that the sites UI isnt up to your standard therefore are lying? If the UI was up to your liking that gives the sites news more veracity?

Ah, the deep state, because again Trump is so pathetic and weak that he can't even be expected to run the US
Makes sense then why you have so utterly failed mutt
You think you are ruled by man, and yet it is a grat set of breasts that lavish the land and spread the milk of freedom
So sad, you could have instead had to admit that somehow the greatest enemy of mankind is a lady a year younger than trump, riddled with tumprs, khuru, and a bum leg, and still she wins and is victorious eternal

We welcome them up here as political refugees.
I like how they are wonderful for taking a paycheck and doing nothing
Hope you enjoy knowing your tax dollars are being wasted like that
Looking forward to it becoming a theme
Waste f my money, the electoral candidate
No policies, just a promise to never show up if elected

Same fag

Hang all pedophile kikes


shit source is shit source neck yourself

leaf, are you really allowed to talk shit considering the state of your pathetic country?

Did you look at the content? What have these site been wrong on. Neorevolt is new to me. The gateway pundit has been extremely accurate.

Riiiiiiight. Wake me up when this shit is on CNN


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Bump. Link pls?

Kys nigger

Found the MIGAboomerQtard
>baste MAGA blacks
>I stand for Israel
>muh Thernovitch scoooops
Amirite fellow magaPEDES

My sides

We know he was set up, but this info is one of the ongoing investigations they mentioned Flynn was working on

trumps an absolute retard with an IQ of like 70, this appeals to many rural americans who fear and hate people smarter than them, it doesn't really matter what trump does or how incompetent he is because as long as he's as dumb as a brick they'll support him.

Scared kike posts 12 seconds after op.


How can she look like that and still be hot?

>never followed Q
>posts Q-related shit
gas yourself

William Barr has a "red team" set up already. Wait till it comes out that Putin and Russia actually wanted Hillary to win, that Hillary was their preferred candidate. Then we get the truth about Seth Rich.

Flynn did nothing wrong

Sure thing qtard. Trust session the ‘stealth bomber’. Trust the plan. Arrests any days now.

Qtards will be gassed first

nobody's saying the magic word

putin gave trump a large info dump on flash cards inserted into the soccer ball that trump was given when they met for the first time
You faggots are on the wrong side of history

We know this. How do we force the MSM to report it
>against their orders

Liberal loony black helicopter tin foil hat conspiracy theories

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That's a cool pic.

>The absolute state of the American education system.
I hate this country more and more each day.

Go back to watching CNN you leaf queef.

Russia can be our good friend and McCain was executed for treason.