Are we on the wrong side of history?
Shes got a point
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I remember all those stories of Jews wanting to and trying to sneak into Nazi Germany
Oi Vey! Its anoda shoah!
she really doesn't have a point. it is closer to saying that you'd turn in the piece of shit living upstairs that sells drugs out of his apartment.
i sure as fuck hope we are not.
Guess I’m a bully for submitting a couple anonymous tips to ICE. Dunno why leftists are siding with criminals and lawbreakers.
People who enable enemies coming in are traitors who in the past secretly opened the gates to the city when honest folks were asleep.
this is worthless at this point
Oh I'd just about RATHER hunt down and turn in Jews. It's just it's not an option. And without them, we wouldn't have " undocumented people ".
>"Turning in criminals makes you a nazi!"
Guess that makes me a nazi then.
You know why. They hate their country.
Came here to say this
Wish they were checkable digits
People who enforce laws are immoral, cowardly, sadistic, cruel, racist bullies... ?
This right here. I just own the label. "I don't identify as that nasty slur you called me, but we all have the right to freedom of speech"
Flip it on them
Shes right but its not immoral.
Or bullying.
People who think immigrants arent a problem dont understand basic economic realities
Laws is raycis n shit because dey be makin it hard fo me to do my thing y’nawaimean
this is the point
Given the vast majority of laws are immoral, sadistic, and cruel -- yes.
Dunno about the "racist" shit, though. I mean, I wouldn't be surprised, but I also don't really care, at least compared to all the other shit.
how is she right? you have to be a shill or moron to think that
such as?
Immigrants aren't a problem in the same way the common cold isn't a problem.
If you have HIV (a welfare state) it suddenly becomes a huge problem.
What point in history has a civilisation not been destroyed by immigration and degeneration?
Every malum prohibitium law is unjust, and anyone enforcing them deserves to be exterminated. Preferably it would not come to that, but it would certainly be justified.
Only if we lose.
So you wouldnt turn in jews or runaway slaves?
Stop virtue signaling
No one can see your profile so there wont be any brownie points for you. Faggot.
Well, she does have a PhD in mental illness.
Bolivia bringing the bantz
>her point
What ! That’s a retarded traitorous degenerate ? Silly cunt.
No, the people who are right haven't gotten a win in a long time.
I would have joined the military to kill jews. What is your point? runaway slaves or jews during ww2 are not the same thing. You are unbelievably fucking dense if your nigger-brain cannot comprehend that.
I fucking wish.
>during the holocaust
hell, I'd've done it today.
They're not the same thing in that you believe one group has broken a law which gives enforcers of the state a legitimate reason to kidnap and punish them, while the other two had not.
They are the same, however, if the state is illegitimate to begin with.
Shes got a logical fallacy
-The Nazi helped Jews emigrate anywhere else
-The Southerner returned escaped cattle to its owner
-The Border patrol is processing immigrants some are set free and some go back to their home countries
none of these are related.
No one said that jews and runaway slaves were the same
She said the type of people who want them brought to justice are the same
Which is true they are actions taken out by people with """conservative""" and """nationalist"""" points of view.
She's got it backwards. The Jews and invaders are the immoral ones that are harming innocent Europeans.
As usual, what they say is the opposite of the truth.
Yawn. Another ancap post, another chromosome deleted from my system. Yawn
>another chromosome deleted from my system.
State education I'm guessing