Liberals are hedonistic pigs. How did Nazis know?
Liberals are hedonistic pigs. How did Nazis know?
and then one day for absolutely no reason at all the nazis rose to power
Probably because they were just as hedonistic then as they are now
also yadi yada click at your own risky blah blah blah you know the drill
i aint going on that link until you tell me what it is first
liberals are nazis
nazi were liberals
stop being youtube brainwashed zoomers...
open your faggot eyes
if I tell you there s a chance you might click, you have been wise not to click memeflag
you are one of the lucky ones
the others wont be so lucky
I never trust a link without having a general idea what is behind it, your posts certianly have painted it as something id regret hitting
It's a link full of free steam codes.
well, I'll be damned. It actually was true
I aint falling for that one again
if you really wanna know what it is, its a link thaat will turn you instantly in a fanatical purging nazi and at the same time deeply scar you for life, click at your own risk
shhhh guyus I dont want him to know about all those free steam cards!!
Im already one of those anyway, what the hell lets find out
not sure
....ura faggot right, OP? & im something u can just ignore?
>what the hell lets find out
Its empty?
there are literally steam codes and a few microsoft points
your loss
no do you have noscript?
just wait if you have very slow internet reddit is shit
shhhhh stop telling him about all the free money and free games!!
Im let down that Im not foaming at the mouth furious
This meme is literally just a game of telephone.
I've watched rekt videos with a smile on my face.... but this is.... beyond me. Who the fuck thinks this is hot?
are you fucking retarded
how does that even work
did you post the whole link or just half of it, both links had that part
at the end
the image you posted is the last 24 hours
just click all time instead of 24 hours and it ll show you all the pictures
if you really want to see them that is
I fell for your bait once and now I know better
memeflags should unironically be doxxed and shot how can you be too stupid to open a link
I did in fact open it, several times, and it went to the 24 hour one. Now that your ruse is revealed I aint setting it to all
Change "Links from" to all time you fucking scum bag mental dickface
nazism was just a loose collection of german politicians at the time. their ideology formed along, predicated on the opposition towards bolshevism
no you didnt, you didnt copy all the link you absolute retard
this wtf, how can someone be this stupid and be alive and not underage, I feel like most people this dumb would have killed themselves in accidents by then
Stop ruining my anime you fucking faggot fuck off
Im not falling for your ruse, my the sheer grace of god was i lucky enough to have fucked up copying that link
ah ok so you DID fuck up and now you just pussied out
I thought you were in denial abou not being able to copy a simple fucking link
alright move along then
Why would anyone...
Was that woman shoving a lamp in her...?
People get off to this?
>Who the fuck thinks this is hot?
>People get off to this?
keep browsing if you can there s worse the more you go down
also there s this link
It's pretty obvious that trading all your values and morals for profit won't end well
I'll pass. I've had enough for today
I looked, I didn't need to but don't avert your eyes from the truth or whatever.
But what does FATOROBOTO stand for?
no fucking idea
This is Ed and Winry from Full Metal Alchemist, in case that wasn't clear.
holy shit
literally Goatse 2: Electric Boogaloo
>literally Goatse 2: Electric Boogaloo
speaking of