German immigration ruined America. The same problems happening in Germany are happening here...

German immigration ruined America. The same problems happening in Germany are happening here, all because of the Eternal Germ. Lutheran Humanism is the end of the white race.

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msot of germans are catholics and were largely opposed to womens emancipation back then and most of their women didnt even vote even after the emancipation

Yes nothing to do with skin color or country of origin, it's that pesky religion goy!

Attached: 1560900395757.jpg (811x553, 57K)

Attached: European_Ancestry_in_the_US_by_county.jpg (2248x1473, 707K)

*shoves you to the ground*
Shut the fuck up, mutt.

Religion is an expression of ethnic psychological mechanisms.

who was martin luther. sage for your stupidity.

>msot of germans are catholics
Lots of the Germans who migrated to the US were Protestants from Prussia
>inb4 larp
I'm not German

Donald Trump - half german
Ron Paul - half german
Pat Buchanan - half german
Joe Mccarthy - half german

Attached: buchanan.jpg (868x1333, 176K)

Viele Deutsche Amis ne?

3 out of 4 of those people are part Scottish. Obviously the source of any supposedly positive traits.

>Germans ruined America
Nice way of saying Jews, Shmuel!

deflecting to the jews?
nice muslim tactics
sorry Hans, the world is sick of your shit

>american education

irish =/= scottish

The Jews are only as responsible as Germans let them be.

>Israel's favourite goy pet defending Jews

Not German. Don't care.

Do you blame the drug dealer or the user for an overdose?

I refuse to believe the south is filled with the same Irish we know from the north. Prob Scott-irish.

Literally german and proud of it.

Attached: 1456435323.jpg (1280x720, 63K)

This is a terrible ancestry map. America is not that German and the South is not that Irish. It's Scotch-Irish and English.

Correct. I am southern Scots-Irish who recently moved to the midwest. I am fed up with Germans so I made this thread.

That analogy can be approached in many ways. The user creates a demand and the dealer supplies it. Though, dealers are reprehensible degenerates that deteriorate society through their actions.

Many European nations have harboured Jews, though. Poland was regarded as the European homeland for Jews. Now the US is propping up Israel and themselves harbouring the second highest population of Jews on the planet.

Germany was the only country to try and put an end to it, and you're trying to blame them? That's very Jewish of you.

I hate Germans and Trump is a faggot liar.

That's definitely the case. And Scots-Irish were lowland Scots who settled in northern Ireland only a few generations before they would have come to America. If they were actual Irish the south would have been full of Catholics.

Hahaah man you JIDF kikes got really sloppy!
Holy shit, this is Jow Forums not Reddit Jids!

Keep on calling real Americans kikes Hans.

>I am southern Scots-Irish who recently moved to the midwest. I am fed up with Germans

Why, because your hillbilly state is a shithole?

Real Americans serve kikes, don't they? America, where your government is full of dual citizenship Jews who divert funds to Israel. America, where 2% of your population is Jewish (again, 2nd highest in the world) yet they hold all top positions. And real Americans fight and die for their Jewish masters.

But of course, the blame lies with Germans, the only group in recent history to try to end Jewish control.

Very Jewish of you.

Unironically this

Germans get the last laugh

In der Tat.

Attached: immigration.gif (889x719, 2.09M)

The majority of American nationalists are German and Italian. Meanwhile Anglos and Irish tend to be the most leftist.

Also the nigger population would of been near 100%

Anglos tend to gravitate towards Jewish domination and control. Just look at South Africa and the Balfour Declaration.

lol, just look at krautland and anglostan, both filled with leftist lunatics and feminists, not to say the jew licking, now look at Italy, full of nationalists, always the first to start the nationalist fascist fire on europe, america should have get more Italians

>not to say the jew licking

Attached: Salvini-drapeau-dIsrael.jpg (729x513, 57K)

We have to do it now or you will shut us down fucking kraut shit, as soon as you are done with we will show the true colors, remember that most jews have italian genetics thanks to the romans destroying them for good the first time, so much that they had to issue matrilineal lines to cope

>Italy, full of nationalists, always the first to start the nationalist fascist fire on europe
But always the least effective at fighting for it. Next time, don't betray your allies and change teams, okay? Also, don't be a net drain on their resources.

Attached: retarded_brainlet.png (625x773, 111K)

>German immigration ruined America
>map shows the center of german america, Milwaukee and Central Wisconsin, opposing the amendment
sage and fagpilled, go back to shilling how niggers are more southern than northern whites

Silence dixoid, America would've never taken the trajectory it did without slavery

Count me in.

Attached: Hitler_and_Mussolini_June_1940.jpg (2752x2062, 988K)

Next time don't' start fucking wars, the whole european continent was turning fascist already, just a matter of time, even the goddamn anglos, have you let time do things by itself there would be no war

jews aren't gonna do shit but piss themselves once the war kicks off and you know it. this time we'll holocaust you for real.

Germans are mostly in the Midwest which has a history of voting Democrat in states like Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Illinois, but they also vote Republican in flyover states like Indiana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas. Italians are concentrated in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut, all vote Democrat. The Irish are mainly in Massachusetts, New York, and New Jersey so they are mostly leftists as well. Anglos are in the South, parts of upper New England, and western states like Utah. New England does vote Democrat, but the South and Utah are solid Republican states.
Irish and Italians are mostly leftists. Anglos and Germans are more of a mixed bag. Some are nationalists and others are leftists.

The vast majority of your "German" Americans have like 10-20% of their ancestry in West Germany the rest being English, Scottish, Irish and sometimes subhuman black, southron/jewish

>Im so proud of being half German that I married off my kids to sandnigger kikes

Find the Anglo.

2016 republican primaries

Donald Trump - German/scottish - 44.95%
Ted Cruz - Cuban - 19.6%
John Kasich - Croatian - 13.76%
Marco Rubio - Cuban - 11.27%
Ben Carson - African - 2.75%
>Jeb Bush - Anglo - 0.92%

Attached: bb6ca01cab59493fb2a8d1695fcb8845.jpg (300x199, 19K)

>implying racemixing Bush represents the English race
>implying Trump is not a subhuman cuck

Sounds fit