White Identity

>"Russia isn't white"
>"Spanish aren't white"
>"Italians aren't white"
>"Argentina isn't white"
>"Lol there are no whites in Central and South America"
>"Slavs aren't white"

Apparently nobody is white according to the 56% Amerimutt, sometimes accompanied by the usual leaf boy who lives in the most liberal country in the planet outside of Sweden.

Speaking of Sweden, and I might as well add Germany while I'm at it, have still a considerably higher percentage of whites than America had decades ago.

Apparently it's not enough being European, have blonde hair and blue eyes... The 56% Amerimutt is the true actual white!

Niggers are niggers no matter in which shade or shape they are, Asians are Asians, but of course whites are always a debate...

Go ahead and explain what makes somebody white

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Other urls found in this thread:


Shitalians arent white though lmao

But you sure are white, right? Lol bring an actual argument, soon-to-be-replaced hillbilly

Slavs aren't white because slaves and turco-mongol rapebabies
Italians are not white because of arab/black admixture
Sweden is not white because Sweden
Germany not white because raped by slavshits after WW2 (and slavshits are turco-mongol rapebabies)

The reason white Americans are whiter is because we experienced none of the raping and just left across the ocean thus preserving our whiteness

get off pornhub and actually look at reality.

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user, have you actually ever seen Italian people in your life? I'm talking outside of your kike Hollywood stereotypes and stock Google Images with the title "aRe iTaLiaNs wHiTe" with the perfect pic of some tan/rom negro in display?

Over 90% of the Italian population stand out from niggers and Arabs easily

>>"Russia isn't white"
>>"Spanish aren't white"
>>"Italians aren't white"
LMAO whomever seen Russians and shitalians wont ever say such a stupid thing. southrons are arabid mongrels, not Europeans. deal with it

that picture is giving too much credit to merimutts

God eur*peans are so fucking weak

Brexy boy, please...

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As a rule, a lot of the Americans crying about who is white and who isn't.
Are the ones who themselves are not white.

All of these statements are true Paolo

They really aren't, user-kun

It'd be like a Korean or Chinese guy saying that Japanese aren't Asians

They are some ethnic differences, sure, but you're still part of that race

Alot of American posters are literal mestizos from the jungles of Peru or are New York jews. I've noticed whenever a European say they want to move to the US these posters come out and say "fuck off were full" or something else cuz they see Euros as superior and a threat. You can see the mutts shitting up any balkan thread desperate to divide and conquer... Best to ignore mutt posters or better yet put them in a filter so you never see a post again.

There's no such thing as white

I saw fuck off we're full, but I say that to literally everyone.
Including people within my own state.

He might be, if he comes from a bloodline that didn't get conquered by shitskins, such as the Italians did. For centuries.


The team found that for Southwestern Europeans (those from Italy, Spain and Greece), between 4 and 20 percent of their genomes came from North Africa, compared to less than 2 percent in Southeastern Europe.
>moving to the US
oh my

Attached: southronorcs.jpg (1000x1000, 227K)

Stop shilling.

>America is all le 56%

Seething Eurofags. I have 1% nigger DNA tho, which is honestly embarrassing.
My son was just born and has blue like his mother so at least I didn't pass it on.

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Have sex

The lands inside the hajnal lines are the only truly 'white' countries/regions

You don't want this meme war, boi

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What color is your skin period.

40%norwegian 40%swedish 20%english

I consider myself white. Not just because of my genetics and history but i am observeably blonde blue eyes and white skin so.

Anyone who actually thinks im not white knowing that knowledge and seeing me is just a low tier larping faggot, a troll, or genuinely retarded.

t. Arab Rape Baby

Here in Mexico there are more white people than in the US. The times I have visited the US, I saw mutts galore. There is no purity or semblance of racial sameness. Too much going on and ergo no peace. People see race and no matter how much they say race doesn't matter as a form of virtue signaling, race secretly does matter. Racial groups stick together, whether they go out of their way to make it so or not.
Hispanics, and most other countries have a sense of togetherness that comes from people looking similar. You trust those that look like you more.
Mexico is more calm than ever. We have less crime than in the US as a whole. I prefer the narrative perpetuated that the US is safer than Latin America, at least we can live with lower costs and less turbulence from different cultural groups attempting to "live" intermingled. Doesn't happen. Mexicans are perfectly happy sticking together. Only Americans are ignorant enough to think their lifestyle isn't forced and uncomfortable.

Stay on your side of the border, Mericunts.

If you think you’re white, that means you’re basing your entire identity around NOT being whatever minority is in your area.

I’m not white, I’m Catholic.

having nigger dna literally makes you a literal fucking subhuman.

imagine being a part ape lmao

You have the pinnacle of achievement getters in Whites and LITERALLY people who have never even built a city in all of history without outside help in blacks. What you need to do is to realize what a nigger is. Look up videos of black people in their natural habitat of Africa to find out what a real nigger is - there's plenty on youtube.

I was looking at videos recently of doctors without borders for instance. They had a group of missionary doctors in Africa and the filth and late stage of illness the niggers who came up to them to get cured for was unbelievable. Who lets infections for instance get so out of hand it consumes an entire fucking leg? Who in their head thinks it's a good idea to feeds themselves with clay and fly cookies or to cook their food directly on hot sand? And you wanna breed with that shit? I have nothing but contempt for you and you should be down once you sleep with a nigger. They had anti-miscegeneration laws for a reason in the past. In our collapsing societies where everything is turned on its head they took those laws away. Why was every nigger majority country colonized during empirical times? Niggers were made slaves and sold around like merchandise.

Imagine having that filth for ancestors

fucking hell

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>op whines about the "lol ur not white" meme
>flag: Italy

Basically, a white person is someone who is of 100% European origin (one drop rule). In order to be properly considered European, ones genes must have been in Europe for at least 10,000 years. So nations whose genetic makeup was influenced by asian, middle eastern or African conquests in recent millennia is by definition not white. So once you subtract the tainted European nations from the pure European nations, you have the true white nations remaining.

So, let's do the maths:

Which "white" nations are really crypto Asian/black/semitic?

- Italy. Well known African influences in the south which later spread North.

- Spain/Portugal. Raped by muslims.

- Ireland. Black Irish came from spain, they got their black hair from Muslims. So some serious black/semitic influence in the Irish gene pool.

- England/Wales. Studies have shown that the English are genetically most similar to populations from the Iberian peninsula, so once again, we have some semitic influences going on here.

- Germany. Asian DNA from hunnic invasions. Plus just look at Himmler.

- Russia. TONS of Muslim and Asian in there.

- Scandinavia. Asiatic DNA from Northern tribes.

- Rest of Europe. Various levels of gypsy, hun and Muslim interbreeding over the years.

Once we do the calculations, it's clear that only one truly white nation is left standing:

Scotland. It's the only nation without a trace of verifiable Asian, black, arab, or otherwise contaminated ancestry. Therefore in order to be white one must have a family tree proving at least 1000 years of unbroken Scottish ancestry.

Prove me wrong.

I'm basing the fact that I'm wite on the fact that I have pale skin, blue eyes, straight hair and normal white guy features

Many Italian children have blonde hair, and I used to... Just as it happens in average, they turn brown as one grow.

It's not a matter of religion, culture or whatever else. Simple biology

>be the only person to post his genetics
>get called a nigger by Mohamad

Top kek. At least I have no jewblood in my veins.

You're saying that having 1% African DNA somehow invalidates the other 99% European DNA? Nigger blood is that potent?

Seriously, this purity spiral shit is D&C of the highest caliber.

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>Scotland. It's the only nation without a trace of verifiable Asian, black, arab, or otherwise contaminated ancestry. Therefore in order to be white one must have a family tree proving at least 1000 years of unbroken Scottish ancestry.
Appalachia confirmed for being white ubermench.

Those 1% estimates don't even matter also. Samples that small are guess work at that point.

Too much effort in this baseless trolling

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Dude it’s copypasta.

I'm pretty sure 23andme randomly adds small amounts of African dna results to European results to 'fight racism". regardless I see no point in hiding while Eurofags refuse to post their genetic makeup.

Neither of you are white.
agree 100%

Nobody is white, the left have tried to tell you this for years

>can’t tell when people are being facetious
You sensitive faggots should just stay on reddit instead of writing paragraphs crying about someone saying you aren’t white

100% from blacks

People even in your own country vary so much in phenotypic traits, let alone people from different parts of Europe. They all become the same thing only when compared with something radically different, people from Africa.

>t. never been to Italy

Italians and other meds are white. I don't know anybody in real life who says otherwise.

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To the back of the bus with your likes.

literal fucking vermin with unevolved genes and race traitors for ancesotrs.

if you want to support the cause, at least make sure that you are fucking White yourself

you know the number of roach ancestors my Folk and I have? Zero
And history shows that muh Dixieland and Magna Southronia never really cared for racial standarts

pic related is how European DNA looks like
been to that shithole and your racial origins are rather clear, mr. kanake

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Ah, yes. The classic "It's all trolling lmao" as if some of you mongoloids don't actually consider who is and isn't white.

It's shit from outside of Jow Forums too, you ain't saving face with the "I was only pretending to be retarded excuse"

If you're talking about the Brit's copypasta, I caught on his trolling without knowing about it and I'm not the only one discussing this

imagine being an oliver twist and thinking you are any relevant in the ul. the only reason the uk became anything good was bacause of shit outside of it (brown people lands). london is still the most important part of your economy and it is brown peopple land as well for the past 50 years

Eat shit, you ugly sandnigger poopskin. All the natives of London are brown faggots.

and founded by shitalians

Change that to italy

kek nice bait

Little you know that colonialism was a burden for the average Briton, but it is nice to see the effects of anti-European brainwashing in action
For once lets check out who built the US

> Irish
Mate, almost half your ancestors have the lowest IQ in Western Europe.

The ethnostate retards never know where the line is drawn when it comes to racial stock. The amount that would fail the " one drop rule " after taking a DNA test would be astronomical.

"Guerra de Carreras"
Badly traslated from"Race car war" to "Race war"


>implying Northwestern Europeans have that problem
"deport all foreigners" motto works just fine for us

>invasion is good if it's the Europeans!!!!
Fuck off. Everybody should stay where they are. That includes YOU too.

What we need here is many niche ethnostates — one for Anglos, one for Nords, one for Spaniards, etc — that form a greater white ethnofederation.


Europeans know who they are. 23andme is for people who don't. The commercial with the guy whose entire family lived a lie about their ancestry was trying to tell you something.

I'm not going anywhere.

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>living in the UK, when you have semi ethnic state of your own
Well done, Janucz. Well done

You Slavs don't really bother local nationalists, so I don't think there are reasons to worry, but a good load of Pole-shop running Polish-speaking migrants will eventually be deported


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>polish speaking
I don't mind them, if they don't assimilate...
I even managed to get citizenship (like 7 years ago) such bastard I am.

You can't even deport 1/10th of all the foreigners in London.
There's Thought Police.
You need a license for knives
Your next Prime Minister is not even born in England...

And you talk about deportations? lol
Tell to your mayor "Diversity is our greatest strength" challenging Merkel, Macron and Sweden for the most cucked countries

Remember when this happened?


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Have not seen that meme In a while, still a good one, USA USA USA

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you need blonde hair and blue eyes to be white.

anything else is just peple thinking they are whte

el atrocidad...

Not for nothing but half your country is ignoring your message.

canada is liberal? LOL
Literal christian monarchy

Pretty sure every single one who posts X is not white is a Jew, a nigger or an Amerimutt.

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It is very liberal, leaf user. Way too liberal.
Your PM Is a joke in every country for how much of a manlet cuck he is.
You got hordes of whites with the "Refugees Welcome" sign but you're unhappy that they gotta go through the US first
Random pedestrians say they want a refugee (but chicken out when one actually arrives) video link:

Be honest, you guys are very fucking liberal

Thread designed to create conflict between whites.

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>if they don't assimilate.
which is good for the Poles you moron. the last thing we need is racial Europeans losing their identity while wagecucking in richer states
>I even managed to get citizenship
getting the British passport? fucking impressive tell us about your faggot navy that been fishing out niggers for decades.

British uprising is coming

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Out uprising already came. The majority doesn't want any more niggers. We stop NGOs and deport the ones on soil.

You can only DREAM that the UK will have someone like Salvini in its future.

By the way, will you ever get out of the EU or are you gonna delay Brexit for another year?


You sure about that Juan?

Well, my sweet homeland isn't white, but you can call it "white" compared to the rest of Latin America. Cheers.

Cheers, fella. A lot of people of Italian descendants are part of Argentina's demographic population.
As I look through the Internet for images about Argentinians, I noticed that pretty much all of them look white. Dare I say whiter than us lol

I look at street videos, and there's basically only whites.
According to Shlomopedia, 97% of Argentina is of European descent.

Please don't leave us here. You're the only white country with birthrates above replacement level

>salvini changed his race

So are you implying that Northern Italians, the FRENCH and Iberians are Huwhite?

>Asians are Asians, but of course whites are always a debate...
Japanese rightfully separate themselves from jungle Asians and see themselves as superior though.

Stop teasing us with this pic, you win ok, bring in all of South America here now

Time to learn Spanish

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I wouldn't want to have white dna too much mental illness and they look sick

>racial Europeans losing identity by assimilating into European country other than they were born
bong, think for a moment


Japanese are based.
But still, Jungle Asians are still Asians.
Filipinos are still Asians, Chinamen are still Asians.
Different ethnic group, but same race

By the way, (pic related)
>"my home isn't white"
Come on

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el goblino is proud to be a literally mutt, mongrel of ethnicities Disgusting

You know after reading all that, it does sound pretty Jew.

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>is because we experienced none of the raping

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Should Americans be considered fully sentient? Because I’m doubting they have full mental development.

poor people nad low class are always present. the point is that the bar for what poor meant was raised because of it. dont lie

Come on, don't call me a kike only because I'm looking for an excuse to have a cute Asian gf

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The thing is americans have no identity. While you can be proud of being an Italian and can call upon centuries of history and who knows how many wars and I can say the same in a completely different way, an american has nothing going on. When you see americans talking about history they're going off about their civil war or whatever average crap. Their biggest happenings were Pearl Harbor and 9/11, they have no idea what it means to struggle so they have no identity. Then they have this complex inferiority complex even though they are supposedly the world leading economy and military they know they are nothing more than slaves to the jew, they are forced to face this reality every time they go take a leak. Really the only thing they got going for them is to come on Jow Forums and say others aren't "white" and you know what's sadder? They are unable to even comprehend what it means to be white they don't know how to distinguish the good from the bad.


Well said

This is true, but when I take a leak I look at my penis and say thank God my dad is Catholic cause i got to keep my foreskin

So the jew may take my life but they will never take my foreskin

Traditional Catholics for the win

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I would never Sir.