>vote for trump
>crashes the world economy
Vote for trump
I hope so, we need a reset.
>crash the entire world economy
Yeah, no, that's not how it works.
zerohedge is russian fake news or something
I thought they said Trump would start a war day one. Not to mention saying Bolton and Netanyahoo have him on a leash
>poking at this group could literally destroy the universe. Is there any more proof needed that blimpf is literally cheeto Hitler???
Getting real tired, schlomo. Yawning
If global depression hits, it needs to hit hard enough to put the people responsible into poverty as well.
50 years from now they will. Still blame trump
wtf i love war with iran now #accelerationism
Good. Fuck You boomers.
I'm about to voice a pretty unpopular opinion here on the chanz but fuck the world economy
Posts using his Iphone from wifi while enjoying A/C
The world is doomed
2933D chess
Good, can we please get it done, and can some burger please send me a shotgun, only one bullet will be fine
This. It has never worked like that, ever.
And anyway like reverse psychology won’t work here.
>with no survivors
this but unironically
Unironically this. Not to say that it can't be interesting or insightful sometimes, but it should be read with the knowledge in mind that it is covertly an antiAmerican Russian propaganda website.
I hope the world (((economy))) crashes. We need a reset (revolution).
maybe the jews can help us out start the end of days
If anything it would help the economy.
>selling arms to kill more civilians
It's all just a massive market fueled by misery.
>bad for economy
The great depression would take umbrige with that
>reading opinion pieces not from Tyler1 or Tyler2 on ZH