>killing is forbidden by the Law
>user kills
>the Law kills user
Refute this contradiction.
>killing is forbidden by the Law
>user kills
>the Law kills user
Refute this contradiction.
Murder is forbidden by the Law
What contradiction?
States have the monopoly on force for practical reasons
And the state is not an individual
What is lawful killing
You're probably retarded enough to believe abortion is moral kek
Kys OP
That looks like it would hurt
>Murder and killing is the same thing
Spanish education everyone.
They take the same actions, so they must be the same right?
By that logic.
>Picking up food from your fridge
the same as
>picking up food from your neighbor's fridge at 2am
>thinks killing and murder are the same thing
It's all about even the scale, hermano.
>Imprison someone I don't like.
>Police imprison me.
The police don't follow the law retard.
It’s not that bad. I keep a garrote in my basement for playing around
i think it's designed to force out a metal rod, as you crank it, into the upper spine. it only takes a few cranks when its finally up against the tissue to basically snap the bone and kill you. could be wrong, but i think it's fairly quick and painless.
Murder isn't forbidden per say. You can do what ever the fuck you want, but just don't expect to not be punished accordingly to what the laws say if you do murder someone.
You can't 'forbid' actions that humans do or commit.
either that, or JUST add me to the "american education" collage
Putting a murderer to death is barbaric, but murdering babies is a-ok!
I don't care if a murderer is put to death, but I don't trust in the competency of my fellow man or in any criminal justice system to prevent innocent people for being wrongfully put to death.
It's better that a dozen criminals walk free than for a single innocent man be wrongfully deprived of his life.
Punishment should be based on direct reciprocity.
If you're Casey Anthony or OJ Simpson you're cleared and good to go!
Violence is the supreme authority from which all other authority is derived
The Bible does say "Thou shalt not kill," but most people don't read the footnotes. That's where it says that it's okay to kill if the government tells you it's okay.
Most people are surprised when they learn that the government is more powerful than God, but it's true.
>kidnapping and imprisonment is against the law
>if I kidnap and imprison a girl in my basement, the government will do the same to me
WTF bros, how could they do that? If it's OK for them, it's OK for me.
>the same as
That's specious and kind of stupid. But thanks for playing!
>States have the monopoly on force for practical reasons
That's pretty much retarded.
With force you can get your will all the time.
It's all about that,
Fuck pussy shit law, that isn't valid for all people anyway.
Fuck pussy shit protestors
Use force and you will get what you want.
Everyone should have the right to kill other people.
That's how it was intended by nature.
How the fuck is survival of the fittest supposed to work otherwise?
does dying this way hurt?
People also have the right to submit and not get killed. You're one of the people who has submitted. Clearly you don't dare to actually challenge your superiors because you're not in jail and have time to shitpost online.
You're one of the weak. Get over it. A policeman could have you lickclean his boots and the only person he might have to answer to is his boss who is likely to give your tongue a second round.
No, it's the most peaceful death you can ever experience.
>You're one of the people who has submitted.
That's what people said right before we elected Hitler.
The death penalty is a terrible idea either way. It's a quick and easy death and there's plenty of people that are looking exactly for that. Instead of giving some madman the death penalty, throw him in a small cell at the basics only tier and leave him to rot there for his entire life. If you come from a high trust, homogeneous society, you won't have to worry about the costs of upkeep much either since you won't be seeing many people like that. Their suffering will equal out to the pain inflicted on others in due time.
Then elect Hitler and have the beta uprising again. You'll be put in your place (or your grave) in a few years but at least you tried right?
This time America is with us.
They elected Orange Hitler 2.5 years ago.
We will win.
based and citizen pilled
This is why I'm against the death penalty now. There's too much of a chance of someone being killed that's innocent.
it's not illegal for the government to kill people
how is this hard to understand?
But where is the beta uprising? Clearly Trump is just another form of the elite.
the only reason it is right to kill a murderer is because it is wrong to kill
criminals on death row in this country have like 20 years worth of appeals while they wait for the death penalty at the low low cost of $250,000 per year
Yeah, we should just torture killers and break their spirit, so that they will feel death even if they are still alive
Make Hitler Great Again.
>Trump is just another form of the elite
Then why is there not war in Syria anymore?
And why is there no war in Iran yet?
I will tell you - Trump and us, we will take over Israel.
And then we will take over the world.
hahahahahahahahaa hahahaaa
Kill all jews
>Refute this contradiction.
Learn the difference between society and individuals.
It would be awesome to put Pelosi in that machine.
I bet it would fbi
This isn't practical in the world we've created. Prisons are like castles and the cost of keeping an inmate alive far exceeds the cost of killing them.
Not only are we talking about the facilities and food, but they recieve entertainment, and endless healthcare, which they abuse to get out of their cell and cost us thousands. Dental too.
The prisons are over staffed, because of this ridiculous idea that these guys should all hang out together like some sort of trap house, instead of just leaving them in a tiny cell with a roommate.
The way things are now, you cannot convince me that prisons don't make people worse.
There needs to be a restructuring. There should be nothing close to a 20 year sentence. If you fuck up that bad, it should be life.
Low level crimes should be housed in an entirely different facility than violent offenders. And any gang activity within the prisons should be punishable by death. We are actively perpetuating gang life and culture, by letting these retards congregate. Prison should be a bare bones experience, where the only comfort you are afforded is climate control, and meals. If you are in a facility for nonviolent low level crimes, you should be able to work off your sentence making charitable goods so the prison sees no extra profit. Prisons should not make money. They should be a zero sum institution.
Wtf is that picture. Source?
the LAW I am supposing is the "Thou Shalt Not Kill" law?
Meh, mistranslated. It is Thou shalt not murder., which is different than killing. Killing is OK, especially when you kill people who need killing.
Heck in the OT alone god told his chosen to kill an estimated 28 million people--who knows what the present day tally is.
Murder is always wrong, killing? not so much, especially when god tells you to.
When you commit a crime, you feign your constitutional rights
t. case law lawyer
It says not to murder. And nowhere in the Bible is military service condemned, in fact Christ saves a Roman gentile centurio.
This is some big brained nibba shit
>>killing is forbidden by the Law
>>user kills
>>the Law kills user
>Refute this contradiction.
Elites only get rid of the death penalty because if they really want someone dead they can assassinate them easily.
I imagine people on life sentences may be being saved up for transhumanism experiments.
How’s that working out for you, Dieter?
Sorry to inform you, brainlet, but the word in the masoretic is murder, not kill. Killing is justified under many circumstances, murder, however is not.
Isnt law just a collective imagination over proposed behavior?
garrot in french means cutting the flow of blood, so its more likely designed the strangle you