Was Napoleon based? Or a faggot?

What dose Jow Forums think?

Attached: 256274-1330622495.jpg (1124x1500, 167K)

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>not a faggot
Das a hard one

He was certainly dishonourable - he repeatedly oversaw the butchering of units that had surrendered, and during failed sieges he often ordered his guns to fire on civliain targets in what can only be interpreted as spite

He was a phenomenal artillery commander but by all measure a loathsome human being

he was italian though

>Ending serfdom
>Letting the Jews have rights
Not based.

Bit of a faggot who realised WW1 tactics early and used them to conquer most of Europe.

>>Ending serfdom
Possibly the most purile post I've ever seen in a military history thread

Are you a Wellingtonfag or a Nelsonfag?

You are a Blücherfag, aren't you?

Attached: 1200px-Sir_Arthur_Wellesley,_1st_Duke_of_Wellington.png (1200x1640, 3.42M)

> (((Hidden hand)))
100% gay prostitute for kikes.

He was used by the Jews which led to the current situation so he was a faggot.
He was the hitter of his time, controlled opposition that achieves nothing but death of good white men.

>It's okay for the wealthy to rule and treat us like cattle so long as they're not Jewish

He was a based faggot

Did he nationalize the Fench bank? Literally every great leader who failed was because they underestimated the Jew.

His soldiers raped their way across Europe multiple times and he smashed every army they sent against him. His Napoleonic code is the basis for dozens of systems of law and government across the world. He ended the holy Roman empire, tore down the old regimes of Europe and established a meritocratic dictatorship over the whole continent. He patronised the arts and philosophy and curtailed the power of the church and brought about the age of reason. Everyone basically shit their pants when he walked in the room.

He was based as fuck and that's coming from a brit bong.

He was pretty cool

Attached: 1557158337384.jpg (680x1020, 67K)

He created the Banque de France, but it was private at the time. De Gaulle nationalized it.


He destroyed much of the ancien regime and helped paved the way for the Jew World Order.

>Legalized same-sex marrige in France
>Destroyed the christian tradition on Europe.
>Abolished the HRE
>Destroyed thousands of based kingdoms in Europe
>Gave jews goodies and privileges.
Piece of shit. Garbage human.

>WWI tactics
>Good for conquering Europe
Go back to your coffin Field Marshall Hague.
No one liked you when you were alive.

Correction: Same sex relationship, not marrige.

butthurt coalitionist supporter found
>"it will work this time!"
yeah, after eight failures...


Nice try black guy

No idea what you're talking about Leaf.
I maintain that every American war since the War of 1812 was a mistake.

Raiding cities after a prolong siege was common practice for all of human history.
>wait 8/9 months sitting around waiting for the city to run out of food.
>finally get in after a year some cases 3+years
>dont wanna do that shit again. Kill everyone to send a message to the next city that wants to pull this shit.
>next city gets word and surrenders
>only the leader is killed or replaced.

this but unironically

Don’t support Jew conspiracy theories but Wellington’s army at Waterloo was mostly funded by the Rothschilds

Incel who invaded Russia because Tsar Alexander wouldn’t give him his sister to breed