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For an action Obama did? Lmao

It’s even funnier when you think dialogue like this is only going to get the madman re-elected

Damn, what an original take. I haven't ever heard it put that way before.

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Who else is ready to kill minecraft politicians in minecraft?

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fuck this kike puppet
literally zero accomplishments

If she says because MIGA then I'm onboard

Do leftists hate AOC? One of my lefty professors at Uni bitches about her almost daily and I'm not even American. Pretty sure nobody else in class even knows who she is and he still complains about her

Why do these retards constantly virtue signal about impeaching trump will it will clearly never happen?

She needs to have sex

I want RDS under pence

AOC needs to get fucked

With me.

are those likes and retweets real? this fucking scares me

powerful words, very thoughtful and well approached tweet.
I believe in her and she should run for president after the racist rapist gets impeached.

That's it boys. The twitter community has spoken!

only far left people like her
normal liberals and center leftists don't

I want to fap using her hair, while she talks about death camps, then cum in her hair.

There's a huge, COLOSSAL, point of irony here — the Dems could, right this second, draft up charges of impeachment that would be incontrovertible... however, in so doing, would reveal themselves as Traitors.

>US Constitution, Article 4, Section 4
>The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened), against domestic Violence.

Note that the obligation to defend the States from invasion is non-optional.

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I guess the dems are waiting until the elections get closer for maximum impact. The GOP is gonna drop Trump like a used diaper once they are done explointing him, so I am somewhat hopeful. Luckily, despite the flood of meme generating retards of this election the younger generations seem to have pegged the GOP for what it is, so I have some cautious hope for the future.

This bitch is younger than me but looks like shit

>I guess the dems are waiting until the elections get closer for maximum impact
Attempting impeachment is political suicide for them. That's why plastered Pelosi is trying to wrangle her children and move the House beyond that meme. It's not going so well for her.