>USA lost the Vietnam wa-
USA lost the Vietnam wa-
"You see user, America won for the sole fact it knew communism would eventually fail. No communist society can withstand the test of time, so in the end they desperately come and suck from the nips of capitalist countries, until they are capitalist themselves."
-Idubbbz 2024 (When he's running for Presidency)
you lost, you are part of the "war loser" club.
I, on the other hand, come from an undefeated country when it comes to war
keep seething you weakling.
We didn't lose, the war flat lined and it became obvious there was no point in fighting it. Also didnt we kill like millions of them?
can't lose a war if you have no objectives
you lost the bleachkreig
>we leave
>the south is left to fight by themselves
>5 years later south vietnam collapses
>murigga lostt lololol xDDDddddDDD!!111
Still gets schlonged by the BCC (big capitalist cock) at the end.
Hahaha roasted and toasted
You certainly did lose the Vietnam War. The Vietnamese people kicked your fucking yankie ass back to the states, and gained their freedom. The only thing you got in return was star draped body bags, and wall chiseled with the fucking losers that got owned by Vietnamese AKS.
you retard we just got tired of fighting them and didn't allocate the budget towards them, they fucking starved 2 million of their people in the process because all they would think about was killing their own natives, dumb shit
Brilliant. Also worth noting they have a stock exchange too.
It wasn't a war it was a conflict. Congress never declared.
>Vietnam ruled by communist party
>U.S. president Trump kissing communist Vietnams butt
there there fatso, you lost. LMAO. The Vietnamese population has recovered significantly and you also got BTFO by the chinks who were endlessly supplying them. Imagine being so dumb that you attacked the puppet and the puppet master.
so you quit just like the french? a loss is a loss kike faggot
>terrorists lost the wa-
The left cant meme
>Vietnam los-
>MAGA I will bring your jobs back!!!
>by moving them to our new greatest ally Communist Vietnam
>Muslims did Ni-
don't know too many people in the US government do you? if you did you would know that no way would they all cover it up for Israel.