Jow Forums webm thread

Post em

Attached: 1557435476247 2.webm (640x640, 3M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: pol goes to heaven 2.webm (1280x720, 2.46M)


Attached: captcha.webm (1200x800, 2.26M)

Attached: 1556977134931.webm (406x360, 994K)

Anyone else?

Attached: typical african village.webm (636x360, 2.91M)

Attached: itshappening.webm (720x1280, 2.8M)

Attached: Molymeme Cries.webm (1920x1080, 2.43M)

Attached: Sheboon.webm (1280x720, 1.38M)

Attached: shareblue.webm (1280x720, 2.02M)

oyy veyy

Attached: Don't sniff petrol from a can (360p_25fps_H264-128kbit_AAC)_1.webm (640x360, 2.86M)

Attached: killdozer.webm (720x404, 1.52M)

>Don't be rama rama

Attached: laundry commercials.webm (720x780, 3M)

Attached: sheboon cuisine.webm (720x1280, 1.12M)

Attached: Western civilization.webm (720x720, 821K)

Attached: GamersRiseUp.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

Attached: John McCain redpill.webm (720x480, 2.37M)

need the sauce on this

Attached: 1548911453712.jpg (1000x631, 557K)

Man in the High Castle season 2 I think

Attached: You have to eat them all.webm (960x540, 2.97M)

Is this footage from a movie? If so, which one?



Attached: pol goes to heaven.webm (1280x720, 2.24M)

Man in the High Castle
Fucken great show

should have been remotely controlled.

Man In The High Castle.

tl;dr - Hollywood Jews tried to make a series about a "dystopian" America where the Nazis won WWII, but then inadvertently made all the Nazis the only characters interesting, complex, or compelling characters in the show and made all the "heroes" either incompetent retards or unrepentant sociopaths.

I need to know the sauce for this

Attached: wtf is going on here.webm (720x1280, 2.93M)

Attached: Aliens2.webm (1280x720, 1.62M)

I'm thinking the last season is going to be extra pozzed to make up for the fact that it made Nazi New York look so much better than actual NY.

Attached: kikenwald.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

Attached: Enlightened by the Holy Spirit.webm (448x340, 1.06M)

thanks anons!

they're filmin' midgets!

Attached: batboy.jpg (500x574, 60K)

Attached: SNAKEBITE.webm (240x240, 94K)


Nerve Gas is potent

holy shit was this the rapture? did only they make the cut?

Fucking chinks

The metal scaffolding created a short circuit from what I'm seeing. Everybody was instantly electrocuted.

Unfortunately let that be a lesson when handling metal around heavy cabling.

What's the story on this?

Guy in Granby, CO spent three years fighting with town officials over the construction of a concrete factory across from his shop that blocked access and damaged his property, after years of dealing with shit from the zoning board and having thousands of dollars in fines lobbied against him. Facing financial ruin, he sold his shop, bought a bulldozer, modified it with armor plating, and then demolished his former business, the concrete factory, the city hall building, and even the office of a newspaper that had written some negative articles about him. He got stuck in some rubble and shot himself.

Fucking newfag

> What is conductivity


Attached: total degeneracy.webm (320x180, 2.13M)

Looks like a Jim Henson puppet from the dark crystal lmao

Fuck that looked like some ayyy lmao shit

Average day in England tbqhwu desu

Attached: Fried chicken 2.webm (720x540, 2.94M)

scaffolding must've scraped and exposed the cables on the side. Why is china so littered in cabling I've noticed that. Fucking wires EVERYWHERE man.

Attached: blackst as lemons km n.webm (640x360, 2.98M)

.. damned if he had kept going until it was syicide by cop I woulda called him fucken based

Major transformer complex exploded.


Attached: 1522780225224.jpg (1024x962, 67K)

this may be true in a material sense but in a spiritual sense i still think that was the rapture and nobody else was holy enough to get unceremoniously summoned to the pearly gates

Chinks really don’t give a fuck about doing stuff properly do they. Explains why foxcon employees want to off themselves.


Attached: image.jpg (300x315, 59K)

I love how white people have no nationality to these fucking people. Do all black people come from fucking africa ? Uneducated 3rd world fucking trash.


It's all in that webm

We are in hell

Why does Jazz look like a puerto rican?

Attached: sexy chicken.webm (480x270, 2.94M)

Nick Rochefort retarded brother

Fucking (((Decepticons))), every time

Transformed blew.. I remember this crap during the winter. I google earthed the location and there's an electrical tower on that hill.

El nothing taco. Sigh long gone are the days of BBSes where you'd find the good stuff. I miss my dialup.

Attached: 1550462478027.gif (500x281, 985K)

Remember that time Joan Rivers faked her own death?

Yeah if you guys can get me the location I forgot where it was. Somewhere in IL I think I can't remember I'm sure someone here will we can google earth it again.

kek the slow mo scene

Man he had some really neat shit built into that killdozer. There were multiple buttresses to fire the hk g3 type rifle and cameras wired into a close circuit system so that he had a wider field of view. Unfortunately a coolant leak doomed the fella, I thought the police shot him? I remember one officer climbing up the rubble and firing shots into the cab. The funniest thing I remember was when they tried to use a single scraper to stop him.

Attached: funwblacks194-there-goes-the-neighborhood.webm (1024x576, 1.11M)

Attached: dancing chicken.webm (569x320, 2.62M)

Attached: UFXGWT6.jpg (502x466, 34K)

>I'm ready to settle down now.webm

Attached: 1495550956553.jpg (641x530, 41K)


Attached: 6ed.jpg (970x1139, 210K)

What is this?

literally a foreign invasion. this should be considered an act of war.

Someone took the time and effort to make that...

Attached: the_drumphening.png (446x460, 202K)

White people have no culture anyway.

Quick rundown on a Bog Rivers?

Attached: rake.webm (800x450, 2.83M)

I am seriously torn between wanting to rip off the scooby doo mask and see who is really behind killing crazy aunt Edna, and making a wooden steak out of a shelf and stabbing that thing in the heart.

holy shit this show still exists?

The fuck, since when did they start allowing flying bots?


I don't know why people keep posting this excellent horror makeup as if it's somehow the equivalent of drag queens. She is literally made up as a vampire, in a shop trying on clothes to complete her costume, dancing as a joke at how inappropriate these sexy clothes are with that horror face. That's a normal person being funny.


police tried to shoot him and failed. they couldn't get past the concrete and steel based armor plating, even after three bombs were detonated.
We unironically need something like this to happen again, except this time the killdozer would have to wipe out all the faggots and commies.

Why hasn't anybody designed a MetalGear yet ? Fucking people have no imagination. Flashing lights and rakes. They take a fucking rumba and stick a kitchen knife on it. That's what you people call robotics in the 21st century ?

The Nosferatu has violated the Masquerade!

>it was all mccains fault

People don't know what liquid latex is.

My sis was in cinema when in college so I borrowed this bottle of liquid latex, poured some on my hand and let it dry then in class in front of this girl I pretended I was picking apart the skin on my hand lol.

LL is awesome stuff you can do so much with it. Lt Worf is another fine example.

We have Killdozer and Sky King, who are the other Elemental Lords of Freedom?

This is the coal that keeps the fire inside me burning

no shit

Attached: 2aD3GCv.gif (500x281, 998K)

Is this just make up and prosthetics or did someone really do this to their own body.

no I mean in the robo arena thing there I forgot the name of the show. Obviously in real life they have similar shit by now.

Liquid latex

Cliven Bundy is one

Attached: cliven-bundy-bunkerville-nevada.jpg (1500x1000, 525K)

Battlebots. I think the last new one I saw was 3 or 4 years ago. I think it made its way to Spike or some channel like that.

Open up, lets discuss this like gentlemen.