What’s society going to look like 5-10 years from now with all the depression and suicide rates spiking?

What’s society going to look like 5-10 years from now with all the depression and suicide rates spiking?

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Fuck Millennials

Literal boomer who sold and ruined the country, retard

Less sad people.

Only the strong will endure and survive. Good riddance.

What would society look like if all those trannies and furries survived into middle age?

Fuck off jew

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Fuck Millennials
t. 22 y/o gen z

gen z is going to be worse. fucking idiots think social media is all there is to life, just wait until they age and they really go fucking crazy if you think theyre crazy now. plus all that debt from trying to look "fashionable" and realizing how cucked they were and how they werent any more special compared to previous generations.

fixed it

really fucking shitty

>Literal boomer
>Everyone born between two arbitrary dates is the reason I'm an epic failure
It really makes sense when you say it like that.


no one does

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ayo zoomboii hows it make u feel that yo wymynz are sucking muh millenial dick

>Muh Gen Z
I just feel sorry for you guys. You literally never knew ANYTHING good. You were born staring at an ipad, and you will NEVER understand anything better.

millennial here, no one cares about your faggy opinion, i can kill myself if want to, or do whatever the fuck i because i didn't want to be born during this shitty timeline

Maybe once early preventable white male deaths in Western countries reach 6 million we'll get our permanent victim card just like the Jews.

I'm staying alive because the ayy lmaos are coming, and certainly this hell hole known as Clown World must be some sort of weeding out test.

Fuck off boomer

>Not just drinking copious amounts

>generation of soulless turbo consumerists killing themselves off because they lead shallow empty lives
no, please, stop

Its literally the best time in history to be alive

good, more open jobs or whats left of them anyway

Just natural selection doing its job

That’s not true gen Z is from 95 to 2015. So if you were born in the early part social media and iPhones weren’t a thing yet

only the strong survive.

soon we will become sparta 2.0

Society will be full of niggers, and look like any other nigger infested thing ever. Enjoy the ride.

Hah, I know many of those people. They do great to. Slay pussy, tons of friends, life of the party, always the fun guy.

It catches up. It always does. It could be shitting blood, broken bones from tripping/getting absolutely ravaged in a fight. Sometimes it's just popping out kids with a literal 5/10. Primo Chad of my town knocked up an uggo, and now they are LARPing as a family.

DOn't let it be you user.

They already reached that level, its called WW2 but the millions of white deaths have been completely scrubbed from existence and the whole event is about muh 6 gorrillion.

And yet unhappiness is at a all time high. The modern age is terrible for people’s mental health

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theres going to be alot less sad and depressed people, thats for sure.

Nope. Jews get a veto on anything resembling competition.

6 gorillion dead fake Jews is a tragedy. 6 million very real dead white males is a mitzvah. Ask any Rabbi or Congressman.

Well, you might have a couple of comfy memories, I'll give you that. You have to have a damn good memory though.

I mean imagine being 10 years old in 2005.......yiiiiikes. Hell even millenials don't have that great of memories. I was born in 91, and I'm blessed with an almost photographic memory. I was 8 years old in 1999, and I unironically do remember it. I remember it all lads, even before then.

It was a better time, but the seeds of corruption were already planted, and sprouting before I was born.

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Can't Wait for wide scale 5G

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This is the story of my life told in under 3 paragraphs

There's still hope! Healthcare, jobs program, a living wage, affordable housing, secure retirement, and higher education! Seriously though, Jow Forums needs to support Bernie because he is the last hope for MAJOR systematic change.

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Since when were any of those things a right?

What exactly is supporting fake socialist millionaire Bernie Auschwitz going to magically do to repair society, user?

Since the socialist Jew said so.

My God, we live in a prosperous society...why the fuck would this be happening?

Kek, well I can't imagine it's much worse than being the typical introverted shut in Jow Forumsack. There are many ways to lose in this clown world.

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wonder what the breakdown is by racial category

>culling the weak

Stupid faggot. We're a third world country. I've lived in the same county since 1997 and rent has more than doubled while wages are stagnant. I work with people who literally cohabit like a pack of beaners just because there's no way they can afford rent. This country is a fucking shithole everywhere you look.

Who cares?

Probably much better. The weak die off, the weakest eliminate themselves. All these overly emotional basedboys dying will allow society to flourish, albeit a small amount. It's not like mass suicides are occurring.

>wages are stagnant.
This is a load of bollocks. Wages are massively up form 1997 everywhere. I'd venture you are making 200% for the same work as 1997 at minimum.

The only substantial change that impacts everyone is housing costs in dense and wealthy areas. This is specifically down to immigration for most people. We did not build extra housing for 40 million illegals.

If you live "like a beaner" and make the same wage you could get in 1997, and haven't left town for somewhere better yet, unironically KYS for being a moron.

Lol. Spot on.

>culling the Whites

The despair code was real anons

Shit isnt that bad but its going to be because starting with boomers the generations are soft as fuck that shut down at the sight of minor inconveniences.

>Wages are massively up form 1997 everywhere.
What is inflation you stupid retard

The issue I see is that most people who are dissident are too rigid and autistic with their acceptance. They purity spiral too much. What I mean by this is there's no reason to reject anyone of ANY race that agrees with you, even Jews, and yet these people online literally purity spiral even about southern Europeans. I guess it makes sense because gen Z grew up on computers staring at rigid graphs all day.

Gen Z is 2000 and later, roughly defined as the only generation that can't remember life before 9/11

Because people born in 97,98,99 totally remember it


Absolutely based that piece of shit millenial losers are killing themselves. If there is one point of pride I take in being a millennial, it is the suicude rate of my loser peers. Fuckheads.

Leftist millenials need to go

Yeah who would have figured that without religion or a strong national identity that these people would grow up and realize how empty, bleak, and meaningless the world is when you're intelligent enough to realize it. Even the materialists, once they realize that their constant need for a new car, new toys, gadgets, etc. are just ultimately a cope towards dealing with the soul crushing emptiness....what else is there for them? The family is all but destroyed, states are on their way to being post national, your individual accomplishments mean a lot less when you're comparing yourself to billions of people, and God/religion is treated as a silly superstition in a now scientific rational world, despite having to deal with being told complete falsehoods by the people who propose the idea.

Like fuck, If I didn't believe in a God and afterlife and think that I have another purpose here, I probably would have offed myself. Honestly I'm surprised more people aren't killing themselves.

You get spared the rake, based leafbro

Fellow 91er, do you ever feel like you're trapped between two groups of people who you can only halfway relate to? For example I can relate to the 80's millenials who remember payphones and dial up internet and how much better things really were back then in many ways, but at the same time I also relate to no small degree with the zoomers who have only ever known a world where everyone around them was a different race than them and how the signs of decline were showing in public education back in the 00's. Perhaps it's because I was raised in California which was no doubt ground zero for (((their))) plans for the rest of us, but I think my age also has to do with it because the only other people who get it are 88-93ers.

niggers need to go?

That sounds about right. I haven't related to many people in meat space for a long time though. The people who used to be my ((((friends))) never seemed to give a fuck about nostalgia. They just buy into every fad as it comes out, which was part of why I gave em the boot in the end.

happier, all the debbie downers will be dead
this is fucking great !~

>killing yourself instead of stay alive for off-chance you may get to kill a nigger one day
If only they came here

Jesus H I've been making fucking typos all night

How is he going to do 'affordable housing' without deportations?

Anyone here know people who killed themselves? Just in the last 6 months or so a guy who was a good friend of friends of mine shot himself dead. I worked for his dad before. It's pretty shocking when it happens. I wasn't in contact with him at all, but no one saw it coming. He took trips, made good money, had a girl friend.......it was totally unexpected.

Completely forgot about WWII, global population in 1945 was 2.5 billion, 50% white, in 2016 it was 7.5 billion, 14% white.

What have we done?

yeah this is like 1 in a million to 2 in a million is "spiking"

>If I didn't believe in a God and afterlife and think that I have another purpose here, I probably would have offed myself. Honestly I'm surprised more people aren't killing themselves.
This desu

The proper solution is to not take (((college))) or (((school's))) advice or "lessons" on mental health. Obviously more of these (((mental health))) propaganda gets tossed out to the kids more often, and they start believing this shit. Even I thought ADHD was a disorder, until kids got pilled and in their later years, they started suffering from low dopomine level.


> "Oh shut up white supremacist you don't know jackshit"

This is a precursor to child transitioning and children dragging out. Homeschool your kids. This generation is already doomed.

Old enough to hold Wealth and power

larping trad is worse than jelking incel.

progressively stronger as weak genetic dead ends opt out

Minimum wage in 97 was like $5 and it's now $9 something. 200% That would be 15$ their jackass. Do your fucking mafs better cunt. We're getting fucked and brainlets like you are why were getting fucked.

>You literally never knew ANYTHING good.

Anime is all i need

america isnt a white country so who cares about this nonsense

>muh based Gen Z
You guys are worse than millennials in just about every attribute that makes millennials suck so much.

They couldn't handle the truth and preferred to be a slave to the entertainment empire

Sorry faggot you're still a millennial 1983-2000

BLACKED.COM (and browned, and yellowed)

Remember that all Muttbots that malfunction and get junked regardless of hue will be replaced by overseas replacements, mostly from Asia, Africa and Latin America

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>Quality healthcare
Multiple billion dollar expense
>Good education
Multiple billion dollar expense
>Guaranteed jobs regardless of competences
Multiple billion dollar expense
>Secure retirement
Multiple billion dollar expense
>Environmental measures
Slowing down all industries and reducing profits

Sure sounds like a great plan, I absolutely can't see what could go wrong

Only white millennials are killing themselves.
Demography is destiny.
It will only accelerate the end-of-times, where the lesser races walk this earth and completely destroy everything.

The oldest people in Gen z are like 18 or 19 though

Not true. But it doesn’t matter either way because .

That’s why I laugh when right wingers make a show of sarcastically supporting abortion ‘but only for negresses and spics’.

Just as in the case of suicide, ALL American abortions will be made up for by foreign imports, mostly from Africa, Asia, and Latin America that are invariably at least if not more foreign than nonwhite Americans


If only.
Kikes will probably bring em back, with genetics or some shit.

Like bankrupting the government.

We're are sad. We fucking get it. You can stop making threads anyday now.

Funeral Services and clean up crews are gonna be loaded with jobs. $$$$$$$$$

Why doesn't Bernie just cut to the chase and outlaw everything bad? He can legislate us into a post-scarcity society if only we'd donate more student loan monies to him. No refunds, though.


I don't think they do that, user.
At least none of my friends have started dating yet, and we're 30.

This thread as a whole is proof that summerfags won't do their goddamned homework.

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I'm killing myself at 30 after smashing as many girls as I can

No one survives

To be fair everyone actually bitches at millennials for not being consumers enough.