I'm going to go to this just to heckle him and be a general asshole...

I'm going to go to this just to heckle him and be a general asshole. Any suggestions on things I can scream at him to get a reaction? I know I'm going to trigger a ton of snowflakes. I also know it's tool behavior but I don't give a shit. I live in Boston and am sick and fucking tired of commies. I'm a Marine vet so I'm not worried about snowflakes getting violent, nor am I trying to get arrested. My only aim is to maybe put him on the spot and get a reaction.

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Make a sign that says "no refunds."

No you fucking aren't going anywhere you dumbass, you're going to post about it online and then not do shit in real life because you're a coward and a cuckold. Have sex.


Ok buddy whatever you say. I'm not trying to get into a faggot argument I was wondering what to shout. I'm not showing you a timestamp of my wife sleeping next to me so just fuck off if you have no suggestions.

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>implying you have a wife
You post on Jow Forums. Have sex.

I have a kid that's probably older than you, do you have a suggestion or not?

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>do you have a suggestion or not?
My suggestion is that you have sex, you dumbshit virgin, pretending to be romantically successful online doesn't work when you're the kind of sexless idiot who LARPs about going to liberal events to troll them.

Why are you offended that I want to troll a commie on my day off?

>I'm not mad! You're mad!
Have sex.

Shut up, faggot.

What is the have sex meme all about? Have you not gotten laid in a while? It's ok if you haven't, sex isn't everything. Should I shout "have sex" at Bernie?

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Thanks my southern cross bearing homie, now do you have any suggestions for what to shout at Bernie?

>Sex isn't everything! It's okay!
Cope harder. I'm telling you to stop pretending you'll ever willingly expose yourself to opposing opinions and instead have sex.

do this
bernie took their donations in 2016 and dropped out of the race making them all look like fucking idiots

Listen troll faggot, I've been getting my dick wet since the Bush administration, but thanks for bumping my thread I appreciate it.

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But the DNC rigged against him right? I think "no refunds" is too subtle. I also cant shout faggot things at him because I'm going with a lesbian friend.

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You love yourself too much

Get him to make an ass out of himself by yelling an idiotic commie suggestion after he talks about student loans. “I need my felony record expunged.” “Rent control for common folks.” Something like that. He’ll take the bait and blather on about that crap for an hour.

Nice. Is the have sex thing a new thing? I've been gone a while.

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>I'm going to go to this just to heckle him and be a general asshole.
Why do you think being an asshole is a good idea?