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What is causing the collapse?
Henry Gray
Other urls found in this thread:
Chase Peterson
Christopher Foster
humans pride, god hates when humans trust in themselves
Benjamin Collins
Joshua Rogers
Nothing. If you haven’t worked out that this is all a simulation yet, you’re beyond help
Leo Sanders
Lazy millennials
Dylan Ward
Collapse of what?
Isaac Thompson
OP’s rectal walls
Adam Harris
This but unironically. But we cannot forget the gentiles that go along with their cunning plans.
Matthew Bailey
> simulation
fuck off with your nihilism. simulation theory is fake and gay
Camden Thompson
simulation running out of resources
Aiden Allen
decadence and complacency
the people have come to believe that the machine simply works and dont realize they have to maintain it
Logan Allen
With collapse comes rebirth
With rebirth comes paradise.
Be patient my brother
Benjamin Carter
The collapse isn’t real, it’s natural selection. The smartest will survive and the stars will be waiting for them.
Jayden Jenkins
Fucking ID: FaG
Robert Rivera
Overpopulation leading to behavioural sink
Dylan Collins
Shitty threads like this one.
Jaxon Gutierrez
Basically freedom, hedonism, and victim complexes gone out of control.
Wyatt Brooks
>What is causing the collapse?
The system was designed to fail. People with wealth use their wealth to generate more wealth which just concentrates it in a few hands. The saying the rich get richer while the poor get poorer is true. Any time you have a system like this it will fail eventually. When you see like mass immigration they are not the cause of the problem they are just symptoms of a fundamental design flaw. They are importing more people to try to keep the scam going.
Joseph Adams
debt based economy, unfettered capitalism, people being socially programed by media, jews.
Ryder Rivera
Camden Allen
This. The synagogue of satan rules this world. For now.
John Turner
my church never says anything about the book of revelation
I guess it's a test to find out who will read books.
William Ortiz
You're attitude issues
Christian Fisher
bummer of an ID, time to log off Jow Forums ?
Carson Ortiz
While the church of Christ stands in their defense.
"Love your enemies"
Matthew 5:43-44 (NKJV)
David Ward
>thread about the collapse
Earlier today:
>the hell that will be unleashed next week
It was nice knowing all of you
Eli Adams
Logan Evans
Julian Martinez
Varg btfo
Wyatt Hernandez
Blake Lee
it's great that these numbers are here for me myself
Hudson Jenkins
Hudson Ward
jews are just the messangers
Nolan Bell
unironically this sempai
Dylan Jackson
I'm glad someone appreciates my simple answer.
God bless and goodnight, user.
Chase Hill
Owen Adams
simple is best
Anthony Hughes
Your lack of Yuri is disturbing.
Gabriel Jones
Robert Johnson
Hudson Gray
ur mom
Parker Reyes
Oliver Wood
Earning less purchasing power for the same job and paying more taxes for the same services is not "lazy".
Its the opposite.
Leo Butler
The collapse is caused by the failing of our value system - by which I mean money.
If you print 100s of Billions of currency in one go you destroy its purchasing power. This makes work pay less and the cost of items more. The ability to afford anything is diverging.
A collapse is inevitable
Kevin Sullivan
Joseph Carter
Fucken sick sunnies Robbo mate, nice pike too
Sebastian Ward
The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics.
Daniel Cooper
nigger fags
Jack Cruz
>What is causing the collapse?
the invention of modern medicine and certain other technologies that halted natural selection. it allowed unfit, defective specimens to survive and procreate thus driving down the quality of the genetic pool
Jaxon Wood
>The death of God.
>Nothing is sacred.
>An unsustainable debt-based fiat currency system.
>An unsustainable fossil fuel economy.
>An unsustainable amount of carbon emissions, air pollution, plastic, and other pollutants in the environment.
>An unsustainable system of mass immigration into the West from regions that hate the West and the West hates back.
>High levels of technological innovation being used purely for profit without any sort of ethical or philosophical consideration undertaken.
>Fake news, propaganda, and the sorts of thing discussed in HyperNormalisation rampant.
>Resources are running out, making major wars more likely.
>The oceans, necessary to sustain all life on earth, are getting too warm, too acidic, and too full of plastic.
>The fish are dying out.
>The insects are dying.
>Land vertebrates are dying.
>World governments that are more likely to just nuke us all than try to actually solve any of these problems.
I've probably forgotten a few important details, but the gist is that this world is fucked.
Lincoln Diaz
Elmo rules the world, through puppets.
Lincoln Turner
You know what the problem is, user.
Sebastian Williams
Value system
>Money never existed or had any value to begin with.
The idea was to get you to believe it had value then crash the system to offer a solution which was satanic in nature.
Daniel Flores
Henry Peterson
Isaiah Carter
see pic
William Garcia
Thomas Peterson
How do you take one look at the shitshow we live in now, and come to the conclusion 'natural selection'? I'm genuinely staggered