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What the fuck

>lying on the internet

i'd run away from that too, what an ugly mug

So, she made herself the example of why not to get fat. Okay.

Never happened.

Makes me wonder how fat white women meat tastes like.


Did everybody clap?


Look at the insanity in those eyes, it's unreal

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I dunno man, I would leave too. Imagine the smell

>and everyone clapped
Nice slide.
Remember our favorite herb

>not making a face back at her

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Slaughter this porker

She's kind of cute

he said: "out of my way, fatso"

she is a brave woman

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Would be scared too if I saw a pig walking on two legs

>not realizing he made that comment because he felt your gravitational pull from his back side

He called you fat, ya' tard. Glad you smiled about it though.

Would’ve laughed harder

If only you knew how bad things really are.

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You just had to remind me of Zucc's surrogate sister didn't you?

Would still fuck the Zucc out of her.

>I got to the woman behind the counter and ordered 5 bid macs with fries and 2 dozen donuts, and the woman fat-shamed me by saying, "ma'am, this is CVS, not mcdonald's or dunkin donuts."

This type of humor belongs on fucking facebook

Another liar for you. One of her "friends" probably sent this.

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is that andy milonakis ?

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Thank you for vortexing my cortex with that pic, ding dong ping Lao

>nobody clapped

Although to be honest, women are probably into that.

Let’s not kid ourselves, Anons if she was posting this herself some BBW fetish user would still post Tits or gtfo.

Hahahaha he got destroyed!

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>unable to tell if shitposting or serious
Never change.

I bet he glanced in her direction as he was leaving, unless he had to walk around her

Andy Milanakis bullying memelogy again?

I would make her Zucc me off

If I ever encountered someone that looked like that thing I'd GTFO too

Holy shit that was me!!!! I had to rush home to get my proton pack because I thought the stay puft marshmallow man had gotten loose.


Did everybody clap?

we should outlaw fatness

>Then everyone else in line clapped.

I'd leave too. I saw the movie Misery.

thanks user, now Im going to have nightmares

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She forgot to mention he left with the girl.

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you're allowed to be fat if you're 70+

>"Be careful or you will get fat like this fucking heffer!" They both roared with laughter as I waddled out of the shop, struggling to contain my heaving upset

Fixed it

then he pointed at that fat ugly face, turned to cashier and exclaimed; LIKE THAT!
Cashier shit herself laughing, then they went to the bathroom and sucked him off

Or amazed at the marvels of the animal kingdom.

Jow Forums BTFOl

And then he returned a few minutes later with a group of Gestapo who rolled me out of the store and into their truck to be taken to the docks and released back into the ocean.

Yeah this is just reinforcement. I bet the bitch behind the counter held back a reaction of being repulsed by this piece of shit behind him.

That face that looks like it could gobble down a nigger dick.

>and everyone clapped

>and then she rolled away

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She ate what was going to make the other lady fat and thus saves the other lady from eating it. A tru ero

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I will have nightmares about this tonight user

I don't understand why fatties want to downplay the health risks of being fat, it's like smokers getting together to protest those health warnings on smokes

you know it's unhealthy, that's why docs are against it

Salty coins and milk

cannibal nip

I want to fuck Sofie Hagen.

This dumb cunt has one of these encounters every month or so. Either they don't happen, likely or she is seeking to turn little things into big things I just dont think she is that smart

I doubt she made that face. I bet she felt like her soul was being ripped into two and felt an immense amount of shame, hearing what she suspected, but denied, that people generally dislike and make fun of fat people.

Then she went home, went to the HAES site, and after mourning the death of their obese spokeswoman, read an article about how it's ok to be fat and how she should be proud. Then thought about what she wished she had done, went on twitter, and made a post about how she totally did that thing that she wished she did.

So everyone laughed, including fatty? But her feelings were actually fat? This is some ABC After School Special tier material.

>I don't understand why fatties want to downplay the health risks of being fat
Most women are both incapable of taking responsibility for their decisions and having the agency to change themselves. Fat women literally see it as easier to nag society into accepting them than it is for them to control their eating. Thots see it as easier to get society to stop "slut shaming" them than to get off the cock carousel. And in a way they're right.

Sorry anons

One time I sold a car to a Japanese guy who just moved to America. He had an international drivers license so I let him test drive the car.

He's driving, kind of slow but fine and then turns to look at me and says, "You know in Japan we drive on the opposite side."

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>He left...
...with the words " her".

'Morning everyone
Same with any other medical issue: They either think their invincible or do not care about their health or didn't in the past


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>beep at person in front of you
>see them in mirror that shows stuff behind the front of the car

Wow. You are retarded.

Came here for this

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You know i've started to notice that these fat cunts are some of the most superficial people around. This constant crusade of "we need to stop judging people by their looks" and "It's what's on the inside that counts". And yet every movie or sitcom, novel or personal story with some fat or ugly woman that just wants to be recognised for the true beauty she really is, she's always pursuing a chad, definitely a male in the top 20%. I've come to realise that they don't want the world to stop judging them on their looks, they just want to be judged and declared a Stacy with literally no work at it. They don't extend the "don't judge on looks" standard to the men they pursue. They never recognise the beauty in an ugly or low status male. There's a fucking trope in romantic comedies where the less than 10/10 male friend doesn't get considered a mate because he's just average, or on the same level as her. These women aren't against superficiality, they're just dismayed they're not top shelf females, so their only recourse is to promote ugliness as a value in the hopes that the sea of shitskins and fat fucks elevates their SMV.

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>Blah blah blah here's a story I made up to shoehorn posting a selfie without looking shallow
Women are all the fucking same

Make up story as an excuse to tweet a stupid face

yeah dude thats not a new concept

My biggest problem with leftism. The people low on the ladder don't want to work to raise themselves up; they want the standard to be brought down to their level.

Leftism is just extreme narcissism.

All women are superficial. Make peace with that so you dont become a mgtow homo

he didn't merely leave, he managed to finally escape your gravitational pull.

>he thinks he'll escape the divorce rape

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based. you can have this one.


>Sophie Hagen Daz

>what is suicide
Make sure you donate every single possession in your name to a children’s hospital before you go through with it though

That was the sound of her ass cheeks making contact.

I hope she is nominated for a social media award.

>The people low on the ladder don't want to work to raise themselves up; they want the standard to be brought down to their level.
That's the best description of communism. They never elevate the poor but create equality by making most of the population equally impoverished.
Is being a whorecel considered mgtow?

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>who is taking action, because i am too lazy to do anything but click a button
she needs to be the change she wants

>he left
no way , i usually stay in shop once im done at the cashier, brave.

She should take his advice

and then her fat rolls stood up and started flapping

I would've pointed at the disgusting fat body and said "you don't want to end up like this do you?"

Fatties need to be shamed.

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>I don't understand why people who make bad decisions want to reduce the stigma of making bad decisions

>amy schumer

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My niece stood up on a table and applauded her hands raw, thank you very much. And she's 8!