Holy shit. So many replies were all like,
>tfw my little brother is the same

How do you deal with it?

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Nah don't have one but he complains about being on carnivore diet. Basically the reverse vegan.

>tfw you’re that little brother
Where the hot Nazi daddies at? :3

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I have six brothers, five of them are transgender. Damn you Obama!

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You love and support them? It likely took years of inner conflict to come out, so they may have depression and other mental issues now.

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>meme flag

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No u

I know a jew that had a sister who went transgender. Also know a Chinese family who had two daughters. The older daughter when trans and the younger daughter wrote these cynical anti transgender books that are apparently on amazon

Sodom and Gomorrah anons. Read your KGV bible

>they may have depression and other mental issues now.
>other mental issues now
Being a fag or a tranny is a mental issue. The jews just want to destroy the world so they promote fags and queers, and have tricked many into accepting the degenerates as 'normal'

IM just gonna come out and say it,anonymously of course, but the average mtf is porn addicted and depressed, similar to blackpilled but with messed up porn. Of course there are exceptions but for the majority they literally brainwashed themselves. And also the reason it spiked so much I believe is because of social media echo chambers encouraging each other and feeding a confirmation bias.

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Transgenderism is just a commodity. A consumer product. A feminine identity, commodified via synthetic hormones and surgery, available for purchase. That’s the true black pill here. Transgender people aren’t “finding their true selves,” they’re literally just purchasing the social advantages/disadvantages of the opposite gender, as if it were a change of clothes. Even the media advertisers pushing this ideology don’t care about men becoming effeminate, they just want to sell more make up.

Not the point of the thread. Got any trannies in your family? Know any IRL transes?

No way. What are the books?

My little brother’s pretty based, other than having a mestiza girlfriend.

Don't think that's real desu
Looks like shills making gen z appear cringe and bluepilled instead of based and redpilled
I have a younger brother and he's more radical than me, probably because he grew up under my supervision

He’s asking you to hook him up with a sissy pussy user.

Icky Flied Lice

Became a Daily weed smoker for about 6 months and then girlfriend talked me into going to church and that worked.

I do

>tfw tranny sister
I'm gonna kill them all for what they did to her.

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imagine being this shit of a brother

I have a tranny sister (ftm, bio female). She's also an anarchist. And asexual. And long-distance-dating a Portland jew.

you could have just said she's ugly af

Lol jews have destroyed society, permanently destroyed your white sisters bodies, and stole your dicks from you as a baby and yet white guys do nothing but bitch and post cartoon pictures online. Fucking pussies.

I don't have a jewed dick, nice try
she was kinda cute as a kid, but then the testosterone gave her a shitty pube mustache, constantly greasy hair, and the most annoying smug voice of all time

I don't know any trannies irl. Feels good. I've seen a couple at uni but I've never spoken to one. Sucks that it's impossible to give them proper treatment for their condition. I wonder how long it will take until psychologists wake up and realise they're only doing harm.

my family isnt white so none of them will amputate themselves for faceberg likes

Happened before in the world of clinical psychology. It took lobotomists a while.

That sucks desu. I love that my sisters are based or don't care about shit.

worst bait I've seen in a while burger

I have another sister who turned out just fine. I really don't know what causes this sort of shit, if it isn't just genetic bad luck. Although, to be honest, I've hated my tranny sister since long before any of this started, so I'm kind of enjoying being able to witness her downfall.

Gender Dysphoria, yes. Homosexuality, no.

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