Genuine question to racemixers:

Genuine question to racemixers:

What drove you to do it?
Do you hate your own people?
Were you raised without a proper father figure?

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>What drove you to do it?

KYS mutt, I'll fuck who and what I want.

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No, I love my Columbian girlfriend.

Based esti

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Yellow fever wins

do they not realize the shame it brings to the family?

I’m an amerimutt of mixed euro ancestry. Mom is alcoholic and dad was always emotionally unavailable and just unwise with money. Older sister married white trash who later OD’d. Once saw my white obese neighbor run naked down the street.

I don’t hate white people, but if I want a good future I need to race mix with an Arab or East Asian man.

(Levantine Arabs in my city are usually wealthy and intelligent)

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Same. I love my black gf

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I guess lack of alternatives.

I liked a Jew girl when I was 10. She was kinda pretty and seemed pretty cool and smart. I've liked a lot of smart asian girls too. I think I just like smart girls. My first redpill, however, is that I wanted my children to be white so I've been off that chinky rice for 5 years now.

White males who date gooks ONLY do so because they are too beta to land a white woman. Period.

>genuine question
>proceeds to insult
Eat shit, OP

In this case it's a 'what' then

I'm white. Its in my blood to conquer lesser beings. We must eradicate all races by bleaching them. The more whites there are the better. Conquer women like spoils of war.

People who race mix both see the other races as equal and only superficially different and think that the individual they mix with as attractive. Some of theses cases the racemixer dislikes thier own race more than their own such that they're willing to mix for the purposes of erasing the lineage of thier race.

You're not my people. I have nothing to do with you. I hate you in fact. I don't give a shit about your feelings. I care about my feelings. I don't prefer other races but if one makes me happy you can be damned sure I'll be happy.
Fuck you faggot

Argentina is white

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No shame, I love my white hungarian girlfriend

2bh I'm an incel and settling for a non-white low SMV woman means I get pussy and my anxieties are assuaged

When I realized that "have sex" is the most profound redpill. It's literally why we were put on this earth in the first place.


the braps...

I don't mind people doing it. The original Indo-Europeans were already slightly mixed with Mongoloid type East/North Asian populations, anyhow. Also, the Neolithic Farmers that lived in Europe before the arrival of the eponymous Europeans from the east, were of Middle Eastern stock, probably Semites themselves. Many Europeans today are also very slightly part Jewish, from the original Jewish early Christians of Jesus' lifetime and throughout the first couple of centuries of the Christian faith. Iberia and Italy also have some further Middle Eastern descent, and Scandinavians may have some Saami or otherwise Finno-Ugric ancestry, even if only partial. The One-Drop Rule doesn't mean anything, except that two very different looking races will almost certainly produce mixed looking children, or even children that look mostly like one of the races, yet not quite the whole way through.