Christianity is the reason why we are in this madness in the first place

Christianity is a Jewish religion. Christianity was originally a Jewish sect. Baptism is all about the ritual murder of the gentile, and the destruction of the pagan soul.

Christians MURDERED to convert people, and what transcripts they did keep of other cultures they burned altogether. Christianity is the cause of all modern problems.

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Other urls found in this thread:ßler's_Witnesses_in_Nazi_Germany

Show flag

>Pagan Animal fucker
also christcucks

Here you go christkike

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I hate my country which loves to suck Israel's cock. I'm ashamed to use real flag and using real flag doesn't mean shit as there are more Jews in this mixed race christian shit hole than say third world countries. I'm tired of being called a mutt, burger and that American education meme.

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the aeon of aquarius, who crowley called "the crowned and conquering child" is antichrist.

these new age followers of varying kinds largely believe we Christians are retrograde followers of the aeon of pisces and that we will not "evolve", some believing we will suffer for it.

for fellow Christbros out there be weary of the aquarian stuff. be weary of the new age, as it's core is gnostic, which is the center of luciferianism through the ages

kill yourself

Now that you have mentioned Torah here's some redpill. Torah is the most racist book ever written. It is the origin of Jewish supremacy and guess what it is protected by the neo judaic cult Christianity.

Bible is Jewish subversion for the goy. Torah the racist exclusive book is for Jews only.

The only book that even comes close to Torah in terms of ethno nationalism is the Norse Havamal which christians tried to destroy but were un successful. But Jew worshipping faggots did succeed in burning the library of Alexandria. Great amount of goyim knowledge was lost.

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btw OP your image is antithetical to reality. holy fuck

>cAtHoLiCs ArE cHrIsTiAn
Stfu kike

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Maybe the jews subverted Christianity?

>we took over a Jewish cult therefore it's not Jewish anymore

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You sure showed him. 6 million kikes live in USA

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>btw OP your image is antithetical to reality. holy fuck
Translation: I'm a Jew worshiping faggot and I'm heavily triggered by this dank meme.

Memes are our stab at the establishment. With truth on our side we can make do with short statements which can be accompanied with amusing pictures. The christians in contrast requires lengthy explanations, platitudes, and so on to convince the audience.

Memes as a communication tool to spread pro-White/anti-Christian propaganda is definitely perceived as a threat to ZOG.

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In Pagan rome Jews were a pariah class. But then Jews started Christianity, which made it such that the non jews were forbidden to make money by charging interest. This allowed Jews to corner the market on money lending as is commanded in Torah
Devarim 23 "use money lending to possess people's |ands wherever you go."

Then came christian Europe where
A protected class. Jews are allowed their own laws, to participate in government, are exempt from public service (military), “insulting” Jews is forbidden by law, etc.

A pariah class, Pagan temples, shrines and idols are to be totally destroyed, practicing Paganism is punishable by death, Pagans are to be exiled or executed, have their possession confiscated, etc.

Why would Christian emperors protect Jews but genocide followers of European spirituality? Because Christian laws with regards to Paganism exactly match the commands and instructions in the Torah for the Jews to completely eradicate any native religions in lands that they conquest and occupy.

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I know fully well.
They are waiting for the antichrist a.k.a. maitreya

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>the west abandons christianity in favour of feel good one liners
>turns into a haven for lgbt freaks, islam, and white guilt

Kill yourself

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>pro-White/anti-Christian propaganda

eh? only people spouting antichristian shit are godless commies and materialists that created the high strangeness and evil we are in today.

yeah bro. i have a feeling things are going to get even weirder in the not too distant future.

>1 post by this ID
Saged and hidden


Yeah they did but christianity was itself a Jewish subversion to begin with. It’s sad how the filthy Jew can tell people to their face exactly how he subverted their ancestors’ religion and culture and replaced it with his own - an obvious truth you should be able to figure out by yourself anyway - and people will still deny it. That’s the level of brainwash we’re at.

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Thank you
Regardless of the cause you support youre a flying fucking faggot for using a memeflag
If you want to be taken seriously here dont use them
We shit on memeflags for good reasons, the fact that you sound unaware of this makes it too late tho, I already suspect you of being a glownigger
You talk our lingo but are unfamiliar with the way we do things, lurk moar newfag

fucking based

Nazi flag ain't a memeflag, dumbass.
Also, you sound pathetic, retard, stop acting like you're not a newfag yourself let alone old enough to buy a drink

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>Christians MURDERED to convert people

The pro white movement needs to do everything in it's power to separate itself from Christianity. All Europe's current problems come from there. It's a race-blind, egalitarian, communist, ascetic and superstitious religion. It pedestalises Jews as the 'chosen people', it weakens European resolve with its pacifist doctrine and anti-nationalist rhetoric, its social values can't even resist the rot of modern permissive liberal culture due to its obsession with inclusivity.

Most importantly though, Christianity's problem is its indifference of the material in favour of the spiritual. It's an inertial religion, it puts up with the status quo that destroys peoples lives because the 'life hereafter' is so much better. Well there is no 'life hereafter'. There's just here and there's just now.

Its philosophy is bloodless, limp and impotent in the face of modern society. Its practitioners are old, its reputation is bankrupt and its bible is fatally compromised with historical evidence.

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The main diffrence between communism and christkikenity is that christkikenity promises you a heaven after life, and communism a heaven on earth, both don't work.

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>reality is whatever I want it to be

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Why do you say that nazi Germany was christian when it persecuted christianity and wanted to go back to the pagan world? When Hitler spoke well of it, it was because he spoke to christians, context matters. The Christian Hitler myth is so easily dispelled but no matter what christkike natsocs always scream and shout "muh table talks is FAAAAAAAAAAKE" as though table talks is the only source that mentions Hitler's views on religion.

Fucking EVERY source that's written by close associates and friends of Hitler corroborates with table talks, table talks is far from the only reliable source that mentions Hitler's beliefs and his views on Christianity.

This video is the end of the fucking discussion. Adolf Hitler definitely was not a Christian.

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Why are you such a pathetic faggot? Table Talks is a Post-War book that goes against every quote Hitler said in public. You are a kike or a complete brainlet.

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Also, see here, you pathetic kike

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I use memeflags as asshole-repellent. If you're an asshole, all you want to do is attack other people and memeflags provide an excuse for you to do that. You're not interested in honest discussion about anything, you just want to display your shitheaded self for all the world to see. So that's why I put on any and every flag except "geographic location." I'm not interested in the oral farting of fuckwads.

too obvious. kill yourself, smelly faggot incel.

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Hitler on christianity "Repudiates pagans" to gain face at first, while later enacting "Kirchenkampf"

Executed and "christian martyrs of the Third Reich" (reminder that the Third Reich barely executed even most kikes in the Holohoax)ßler

Honestly there were countless people, I will just drop categories so you get my point. This is a fucking statistic's_Witnesses_in_Nazi_Germany

Attached: images(2).jpg (739x415, 29K) (done by catholics primarily, not even actual jews)

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Jidf is in full force today I see. Obvious kike is obvious. No wonder there are hiding behind meme flag.

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>everything that triggers me is jews

cringe. what's it like being obsessed with shlomo's dick, retard?

>Nature is cruel
>There is no charity and no mercy
>The strong eats the weak
>Christian are bad because they murdered pagans
On how many levels of autism are you?

top kek

> If you don't want to worship the king of the Jews and don't want a Jew to be the lord and savior of your people you are a jew
Now that's what I call CRINGE.

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Hey anybody in this thread that's not a fedposter, how does it feel to be a dog on the kikes? Reach for that doggy treat, shake, roll over, now D&C for Israel!

> Western civilization and The White Man was doing fine until like the 1960s


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You know, I used to think people screaming about shills and glowniggers were schizos, but holy shit do you look like someone just spouting off memes he doesn’t know to try and fit in.
Tell your FBI handlers that the meme academy ought to be bettered, because as of now you are transparent.

>steal an entire ideology, nation's name and culture.
>god slaps the shit out of you eventually
>"whaaa it was a trap, I dont want this anymore"
I wish I could see your faces when you wake up to eternal torment, everlasting torture. To see that half second "oh shit" expression will be glorious.

your limp dick strawman is not an argument, incel. try again so your superior can laugh at you some more.

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>> Western civilization and The White Man was doing fine until like the 1960s
Only a boomerfaggot + christcuck believes this. Western degeneracy started with christianity infecting the roman empire. European civilazation has been struggling with degeneracy and weakness ever since.

Did you know that Aaron of Lincoln, a Jewish money lender in England in 1100 was literally richer than the KING? Seriously look it up.

>"Aaron of Lincoln was a Jewish money lender. He is believed to have been the wealthiest man in Norman England; it is estimated that his wealth exceeded that of the King."

All this because traitorous christcucks banned white men from doing business. Christcucks tell you that medieval christian societies were perfect, they weren't. They were anti Pagan, Jew owned shit holes, very unhealthy society for sane people.

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We have to understand that the protestant reformation was firstly a nordic/germanic movement and secondly a christian one. It could have succeded in fully ridding germany of foreign rule from rome, sadly only scandinavia and northern germany could make it. Why, of all places, these regions? Because they are the most nordic in blood and spirit.

In southern germany and austria these foreign influences remained, always trying to undermine and weaken the hated protestant north. They were the primary reason for Bismarck's Kulturkampf (cultural struggle) and Hitler's Kirchenkampf (struggle with the churches). Bismarck had to defend the new german Reich from them and Hitler encountered the same problems.
Enter the german Zentrumspartei (center party). Ever since the german unification in 1871. The center was an all-catholic party and known for detesting prussia, protestantism and the german Kaiserreich, as well as working against them together with germany's enemies: France, Poland and foreign jews, later also with the reds! During, beford and after the the two world wars they worked against germany, spying for her enemies and demoralizing the population.
They were a party of nothing but traitorous scum. Were? They still exist today! In the time after 1945 they formed a new party, the CDU (christian-democratic union) and its bavarian sister party the CSU, together known as the 'christian union'. Now that a huge portion of protestantism is corrupted as well they are a general christian party, catholics being the dominant force.

Now, how could this be relevant today? They, together with the social democrats are the current ruling party of germany, Angela Merkel herself being in the CDU.

Anyone who isn't 100% brainwashed and has actually read the Bible will instantly recognize Christianity is a direct product of Jewish culture, theology and morality.
Now, it's perfectly fine and coherent to be a Christian if you also support Jews, but hating them, yet worshipping their god, who chose them and living your life by Jewish morality is contradictory.
No matter how you try to spin it, despite having been prevalent in Europe for a long time, Christianity is a religion of foreign origins promoting a foreign worldview and foreign values.

No thanks rabbi

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>i am too much of a jew obsessed, chicken shit retard to refute your claim, sir

i accept your admission of defeat, incel. no more (you)s for the little shit troll. cope or kys, subhuman mongrel.

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I just looked it up, the party was actually founded december 1870.

>desert book
>expecting it to be nice to nondesert people
gee i wonder why

Christianity is a counter-Jewish religion.

>bible basics for absolute retards:
God came down and gave the people simple instructions on how to make it to heaven. It soon became a dick-waving contest about who was "most holy", i.e. basically virtue signalling but with prayer, and they were abusing commen men and women and treating them like trash. Jesus shows up and tells the Jews "hey guys, quit acting like degenerates and trying to one-up each other, just follow the fucking instructions and you'll make it to heaven, no need to do extra stuff, and you better stop enslaving your neighbors and using lame tricks to take money from them for fucks sake". The Jews told him to fuck off. God retaliated and told them "well then, looks like you aren't my chosen people anymore, the Christians are now", and Jesus literally whipped their asses and kicked them out of a temple and formed a massive following of random mostly poor men and women that the Jews had looked down on and enslaved and treated like shit.The Jews got mad and had Jesus executed because of this. To this very day the jews do the exact same shit, made up thousands of rules they try to follow to dickwave who is the holiest jew, making gay ass social credit systems, acting like degenerates, trying to enslave non-Jews into doing their bidding and tricking them into giving them all their money. God is still mad at the Jews so they have been continuously punished by being thrown out of every country they have ever been in and of course the whole holocaust thing.

citation on that quote?

go back to re.ddit kike larper

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>Christianity is a counter-Jewish religion

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People are only christian because they want to make their weaknesses into virtues

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Jesus was not Jewish. This fact destroys fuckwits who think Jews are responsible for everything.

Arent there literally hundreds of quotes in the bible saying how hippocratical, and evil the Jews are? If you read many of the apostles take on the Jews and how they act, it is anything but positive. Modern Christians can be kinda gay I'll admit, but if we really follow the bible we find that its pretty based

>not posting the original

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the whole reason we are here is because young men dont have an ideal to strive for

in the 1920s young men were sad cause they missed out on the draft and so they joined the bolsheviks or nazis and now yoing men have no real ideology so they join antifa or proud boys

shit is about to get real bros. hold on to your butts and protect your families

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sounds like there are great times ahead

Thanks for the tip Mohammed Goldberg.

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Jesus's daddy yahweh sure was :^)

OP confesses to what we all know...,

The pope is the antichrist and catholicism is full of pagan stuff

Which one?

>Hitler's Kirchenkampf (struggle with the churches)

Hitler and Mussolini where puppets of the vatican and the Catholic church helped them.

kys kike shill

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Like it or not Hitler was Christian.So was the N/S Germany

Feel free to neck yourself already

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Hitler was catholic not christian and catholics aren't christians.

I see you retarded monkies fell for another D&C thread
good job
nu-Jow Forums is so shit

Christianity is the only thing stopping the world to go full degenerate.
Atheism is the main reason for moral relativism and it fuel the weak human nature to steal, rape children, murder, sodomite, lie, cheat.

In this context, you're actually mixing up the god that is properly called Yahweh, the Asian god of the Judeo-Christians with God, the contracted form of Godan which is Lombardic spelling of Wodan of Germanic paganism. Godan's name was often shortend to God, but remains the exclusive god of the Aryans. Judeo-Christians can shorten Yahweh's name to Yah, but they may not use the word God. It would seem that Judeo-Christians would want to use the word Yahweh given their obsession with Jews and Rabbi Jesus . They do though say Hallelujah, which does include Yah, the shortend form of their Jew god.

It's not the Jews goiym

I see nothing in that quote advocating for Christianity.

>D&C shills on christianity
I guess all white nations should give up their guns too, since black powder on which the first guns were based on was chinese rather than european too, huh?
Churches have been subverted, yes, but that's like blaming a gun for falling into enemy hands.

yes they are, Nazis are retards and the worst right wing ideology

Except it's a religion from Asia

you faggots all fight
jesus this , odin this allah this

meanwhile it's time to renounce all those old dead religions and make place for the new gods

No, sorry kike.

fuck off kike