Oregon Issues Arrest Warrants For Multiple GOP Senators

Thread 3
Oregon Issues Arrest Warrants For Multiple GOP Senators

'Come Heavily Armed' : Oregon Senator Threatens Violence As Governor Hunts Down Lawmakers-'Send bachelors, and come heavily armed; I’m not going to be a political prisoner in the state of Oregon, it’s just that simple,'
Up to 600 members of alleged militia groups expected to mobilize to Oregon-Idaho border in effort to protect state GOP lawmakers who fled climate change vote
GOP senators went into hiding earlier this week to block the vote on climate change legislation. While Democrats already have a majority in the chamber, 20 members must be present for a quorum.
Militia groups are allegedly threatening violence to protect the Republican senators, prompting the closure of the capitol's Saturday floor session.
Previous thread

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Continue, gentlemen.

fuck niggers

remember: fuck Portland, fuck Brown, fuck commies

>muh republicans usurping democracy

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Also, aren't getting them out of Idaho. That's a fact.

I honestly hope the queef huffers in Portland chimp out and burn their own city in anger over this.

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how's that really gonna throw down, anyway?
when don't they?

Let the civil war begin.

we lost that marxist who kept the thread jumping, didn't we?
that mean they gave up?

How the hell does one "vote on climate change"???
Climate change is real. No amount of voting can change that.

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the vote is on a cap-and-trade bill that would tax you based on the amount of carbon you generate.
republicans wanted some concessions on the bill so it wouldn't buttfuck the state's economy, and when the democrats only gave them token gestures that amounted to fuckall, they walked out.

He was obviously a leftist shill sent by that one subreddit that said they were going to "infiltrate" a few days ago.

Friendly reminder that in the last decade, the US has lowered it's total CO2 emissions MORE THAN ANY OTHER COUNTRY ON THE PLANET.

All despite not ratifying Kyoto. All despite pulling out of the Paris Accord. And all for naught as well, as ours and Europe's CO2 reductions have been more than offset by China, India, and the rest of the developing world.

But please. Tell me more about how we need to tax our citizens into oblivion in order to save the environment.

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I honestly do not know, but ID has some pretty hard-core sunsabitches on this issue. If OR gov tries unilaterally, they will lose in the most spectacularlly comical manner seen in our lifetimes. If feds have to get involved, OR gov loses hard anyways.

>that one subreddit
which one? i wanna read their salt

Just as a FYI there are no arrest warrants issues. Brownie can only ask the police to locate the missing GOP members, they haven't broken any civil laws and at worst can only be issues fines for failure to show up.
The Dems have been doing this same thing for over 2 decades now.

Oregon state police cross over into Idaho, try to detain Oregon Republicans, immediately get arrested by Idaho state police.

>create computer model to predict something
>it gets it wrong
>tweak the numbers
>it gets it right
>it gets it wrong
>tweak the numbers

Oh, OK. Same as is going to be introduced here.
They are going to charge poor people for their use of petrol and electricty, rich people get to write off those taxes for one of the bazillion reasons the government provides them with.

So in the end, the rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer, and misguided climate politics accelerates this.

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I don't know. I just saw the preview for the thread the other day. What I do remember is that it's locked down or something (you have to be approved to go there somehow). An user got in and made a thread giving information about what they're doing.

62 identical posts and you niggers replied to every single one

>republicans literally stonewalling legislation at a federal level, Pelosi calls it "Mitch's graveyard"
>Faced with losing a vote on a bill they dont like republicans flee from their jobs to prevent a vote from taking place.
What sad losers. Go do your jobs and lose the vote.

catch lead, armchair tyrant

They are doing their job. Their job is to represent people, and by disallowing such a bullshit bill to go through they are doing exactly as they were hired to do. Get over it.

And fat bourgeois college students LARPing as communist revolutionaries get to jack themselves off another night.
They're identical because while he's really passionate, he's creatively bankrupt. It's fun to pick on the retarded.
welcome back, ready to get your ass kicked for another 500 posts? :^)

The cap and trade scheme work on a system of "credits" basically a licence to release a certain amount of pollution. The only people can can afford to buy those credits (or even have the option to buy them at all) are the same people who make up the arbitrary number of credits that a given state can have in the first place.
Basically the large companies are the only ones allowed to buy these credits and continue polluting and they give the bill to the people who are using their service (i.e. the paying customer foots the bill).
It does nothing to prevent pollution and only exists as an excuse to hike up taxes based on whatever number they pull out of their asses.

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As they already explained sometimes the best thing a legislator can do is to not legislate which is the beauty of our say it with me now: Constitutional Republic which is the opposite of a democracy where 51% of people can vote to kill Plato

Everything's fair in politics
Deal with it

>we love democracy until we aren't the majority, then we hate it and literally abandon our civic duties and throw a temper tantrum.
The absolute state of rural and suburban retards.

Civil war when

Welcome back faggot.

Oh, we all took a vote and decided you should KYS. Since your so against subverting democracy and all you're obligated to do it.

Nobody loves democracy. Democracy is gay and AIDS. We want Republic.

>we love democracy until we aren't the majority, then we hate it and literally abandon our civic duties and throw a temper tantrum.

Bump for Oregon

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this. it's why it's not a democracy in the first place.
the best part is, if he really likes democracy, he'd be cool with the bill being a referendum instead; but he knows he'll lose it there

If you really want to resemble a democratic vote, put it to the people. You wouldn't argue in favor of that, though.. because that's what the republicans want.

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he literally wants it to pass the legislature now, then have to be repealed by referendum.
the fucking desperation.

Of course the Dems don't want those pathetic unwashed masses to have the right to vote.
Unless they're talking about throwing the electoral college and every votes counts.... But that's different because reasons.

>arresting your political opposition

not entirely they are bleeding out the middleclass.
the poor you talk about are the lower middleclass, the educated specialsit worker,for example, the realy lowerclass is gettin gibs and are used to provide votes to the pwoerful to be paid to them by the midleclass on gun point

Fuck china and fuck Democrats desu

It 100% is. The main difference between a Republic and a Democracy is minority protection a Republic has it and a Democracy doesn't. That's why they want "Democratic" socialism so that when 51% of people vote to kill and eat the rich it'll be ok and the 49% who get eaten will just have to take it.

Seriously tho thanks to IdahoBros for having our backs.

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inb4 the portland tranny posts xir "power to compel cloture" pasta

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Does this mean the Marshals are going to arrest them now.

They're going to eat the rich and 49% of the country is rich? What are you even talking about.

no. according to , there's no criminal charges, so the marshals can't serve a warrant.

I hope someone puts a bullet in your head.
No joke, no irony. Fucking die, faggot.

>they haven't broken any civil laws
You don't need laws where we're going

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The irony is that the ones wanting "democratic" socialism are the rich fuckers who will get lined up against a wall and shot.

There's always a kulak to blame. When people are hungry they'll go after preppers like in Germany and call them hoarders and blame them for the lack of food your politics of envy is a down ward spiral

>they'll go after preppers
That's why you don't tell anyone that you're prepping.

The Communists in Portland are pulling a Macron.
>Increase gasoline tax by $0.22
>Increase cost of Natural Gas by 50%
>Ban cars made before 2009, including commercial vehicles
>Create California "Cap and Trade" tax system
>Oy vey we must stop climate change!

And they are doing this all under the guise of the Emergency Powers Act. This prevents the public from starting a petition against the outrageous tax increases, and putting it to a public vote on a Proposition/Issue 1 vote at the ballot box.

That is why people who live outside of Portland, who own cars, and small businesses, actually showed up armed to protest on the steps of the capital building.

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What law permits police to hunt down senators boycotting a vote?

it's not outside the bounds of legality
but who cares. a happening is a happening

Death to your sham of democracy

So is it illegal for senators to just not show up?

The communist democrats on the west coast I do believe are legitimately working for the Chinese state and doing their absolute most to destroy the economies and societies of the western coast of the USA to soften it up for chink invasion.
We know that Feinstein was working for the Chinese regime for decades, for example. There's no other real explanation for how utterly fucking moronic and outright obviously and intentionally hell-set ((they)) are on crashing the whole west coast.
West coast democrats are all working for China and against the people of the USA.
except Yang, that is. Yang is a good boy he promised me $1000/month

Any ideas how to make this story more sensationalist? I want to maneuver this into a identity politics issue and get Portland antifa all pissy, their threats and actions could be what turn this into an actual happening

The idea that right wing militias are a symbol of white supremacy is a staple of leftist propaganda.

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many states can legally use police to "compel" senators to be present for a vote
Of course what compel means is open to interpretation

it isn't, but when you're a democratic communist, laws don't apply to you

it's commonly the children of the rich fuckers, the arseholes who didn't have to work for their riches, and have ZERO fucking idea what hard work is

No. The governor is sabre rattling.

Ironic, isn't it?
I hope I live long enough to see this play out.
Can you imagine the look on their faces when they realize what they've done?
When the people turn on them and they realize they are exactly what they told everybody to hate?
The terror in their eyes. I must see it.

Not its not, NO amount of cultist ranting about your bullshit "science" will make your false religion any more real

It's not a religion. You just have to go outside and be old enough to remember that when you were young, there were four seasons in a year (not anymore), and the top temperature reached in summer was 27 and not 40.


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They don't want to make America Great again.

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do you think the planet is dying every time the leaves fall off the trees in autumn?

the planet has cycles
some are short and some are not
your life span is insignificant

The governor belongs in supermax

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Antifa here are massive pussys.

The better question is why is it okay for CommunistLEFT Democrats to break their oath?

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Democrat History...

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ah, so weather IS climate when it suits global wafflers

Dude have sex seriously

The problem rests in the absurd population booms of Asia and Africa. No amount of economic castration from the West will fix that.
The best solution is finding a way to commodify atmospheric carbon by rendering it into a value-added product.

Don't you even care about the squirrel

Are you kidding me


Imagine being this retarded

Do you think your moms not a whore


Rural Retard

> goldman sachs (and other early backers of carbon trading schemes) approve of this message

What's up with the infinity logo?
>To infinity and beyond

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>grow algae en masse
>cook biomass in high-pressure kettle
>green crude oil
exxon was even on ge projects to maximize the oil yield

So tell me if I've got this right-
>Oregon Dems propose a carbon tax bill
>said bill will make everyone pay out the ass except that one asshole that rides a bike
>Oregon has a Dem majority
>Thus, in typical Dem fashion, you only need a simple majority to win
>Oregon law requires that every senator be present to cast their vote
>a benefit of this law means that the senate can literally bust down your door to drag you to the floor to vote
>to avoid this and to attempt to delay the bill into oblivion, a handful of Rep Senators run off to the land of Potatoes where the only lawmen that can be ordered after them have no jurisdiction
>to try to ensure this doesn't come to pass, they've managed to raise a small militia of the fucking Oathkeepers
>if they can hide out long enough, the bill will be canceled
>the governor can also extend the voting window, so they're going to have to hunker down for a while

What am I missing here?

Not funny dude, you even consider how that effects people's feelings that may struggle with socializing with people and feeling inadequacy. Thanks for ruining my day.

Seriously why would you do that, I care about the earth is that so wrong

My mom said sticks and stones can break your bones but words can't hurt me, so I'm not even worried



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What is your problem

>vote for what we want or we will arrest you
fucking hell

There's a couple things wrong: they only need one republican to make quorum and the dems have a supermajority. The rest sounds right.
Shut up, you sperg. You're not even 3/5ths of a person.

Reminder that nothing ever happens.

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single men without wives or children, i.e. no dependents (because he’s just gonna kill ‘em)