So have you guys done any meetups through Jow Forums?
I've heard about some other /chan/ that went down. Other than that, I don't know any other platforms.
I've met 3 times and all were great guys.
My only regret about Jow Forums is that Jow Forumsbooks end up ignoring peculiarities of our local culture.
IRL Meetups
Jow Forums meets are impossible since this is the doormat to Jow Forums now. Jow Forums is fucking full of teenagers and edgelords and kekistani-esque retards.
A Jow Forums meetup wouldn't be the epic meeting of minds and fun/witty political banter you're imagining, it'd be a load of sweaty faggots and normal teens who awkwardly chatter while showing each other memes before going home.
>A Jow Forums meetup wouldn't be the epic meeting of minds and fun/witty political banter
I met zoomer son of a politican and it was exactly what you just said wouldn't happen. We drank, talked and joked about politics for 2 hours straight.
Most of the Jow Forums guys I meet are upper-middle class.
why did you go and meet up with someone much younger than you from the internet, user?
I am not that old and ugly myself, mate!
Meeting up with online strangers which you post cartoon frogs with seems about the clingiest thing someone can do. How about you use this site as a means of discussion and news, not a personal secret club you imagine it to be.
Then why'd you call him a zoomer, user? Or do you just spew popular words
>So have you guys done any meetups through Jow Forums?
you mean like a briefing at cia hq?
Zoomer = Born after 2000
I assume in USA it's different than Europe, but you don't have to meet 10-20 people at once. You meet 1on1 with multiple people and vet weirdos out.
>Mutt e-celebs that used the opportunity to hook payslaves to her platform
>Asian with inferiority complex
>40 year old virgin
>patriotic boomer that hides his face
>couple trannies
>A saudi literal sand nigger wrestler
kek, what a shitshow
Why do you feel the need to differentiate between someone born in December of 1999 and January of 2000, user?
for meeting with person?
it's too late, I don't give a fuck. I got over paranoia, things are ramping up and my life is ruined anyway, so I have nothing to lose. If you are studying PhD with excellent social reputation to keep, obviously you wouldn't do it, but for us depressed, lonely, demoralized losers it's a lifeline.
Age doesn't matter. The point is, I didn't meet sweaty fedora-wearing edgelords.
It's just that if you're the sort of person that's peer pressured into using these retarded buzzwords every single time one of them comes up whilst admitting to going and meeting people younger than you by likely a few years, you seem like the typical person found in these meet ups.
Every single meet-up has a sweaty weirdo in denial about how weird it is that they're there. If you haven't met him yet, than I have bad news for you.
>using a New York meetup as proof of anything
Good joke nigger. If there was a London meetup it'd be Pakis, wogs and chinks.
See if you can spot the fed in each.
Trick question bitches. There were two feds.
>Every single meet-up has a sweaty weirdo in denial about how weird it is that they're there. If you haven't met him yet, than I have bad news for you.
I believe you, fren!
>if you're the sort of person that's peer pressured into using these retarded buzzwords every single time one of them comes up whilst admitting to going and meeting people younger than you by likely a few years, you seem like the typical person found in these meet ups.
sorry, I am retarded. What does this mean:
>peer pressured into using these retarded buzzwords
All these stupid words. Boomer, cringe, based, redpilled, zoomer, kekistani, etc. They're all the same in a way, they're dumb words that get spammed here in a big hugbox.
Jow Forums isn't really edgy or out there or for political discussion anymore, it's just a circlejerk of self fellating faggots who think they're in on some big conspiracy that the rest of the world is too blind to see.
If you're here for any reason than light political banter or just shitposting then you're doing it wrong, user. There's nothing of value here, stop trying to fit in.
thanks for explaining.
>it's just a circlejerk of self fellating faggots who think they're in on some big conspiracy that the rest of the world is too blind to see.
lol, I went through this phase.
thanks for explaining.
>it's just a circlejerk of self fellating faggots who think they're in on some big conspiracy that the rest of the world is too blind to see.
lol, I went through this phase.
>Jow Forums isn't really edgy or out there or for political discussion anymore
why does it double-post? wtf
pol meetups are full of glowniggers
IRC back in the day.
Yet, it was filled with Feds, which they used to get trolled a lot.
Lots of faggotry.
>it was filled with Feds
>full of glowniggers
how do you know this stuff? so what? don't you have free speech?
or a dumb retard
join discord if you wanna be doxed tranny romanian faggot
you afraid of village finding out you sit in the internet all day?
>you afraid of village finding out you sit in the internet all day?
That's exactly what a fed would say.
>That's exactly what a fed would say.
fear mongering to stop people from organizing and protecting profits of corporations
now, THAT'S what a fed would say.
...Aaand, the thread is dead.
Feds aren’t smart enough to do that kind of shit. Remember when feds were caught on 8ch? They literally just go “hey guys anyone wanna commit some NAZI CRIMES together?”
Zoomers are born after 95 mate, 97 at the latest
exactly! It's impossible to track all the people in the world.
It's fine dude. I am not ageist, it's all good, fren :)
Never have never will. It's useless.
what's valuable way to spend time?
Going out, playing soccer with the boys, making out with girls and going to partys. Just living my life.
>Going out, playing soccer with the boys, making out with girls and going to partys. Just living my life.
what are you doing on this website?
I might add study. On my last year at school and I'm more interested in studying than ever.
It's nice
I don't come much really. But it was the anons who inspired me to go out, and stop porn, and socialize again. Got lucky and I did make out with 2 girls (this year) that the boys (y´know how it works) got for me.
So, I go to Jow Forums sometimes. And, of course, Jow Forums
>anons who inspired me to go out, and stop porn, and socialize again
glad to hear
At my prime, 18y. Thanks to you,anons. Otherwise I'd still be in my bed watching Idk want, and dying of an existential crisis
Can't believe, I practically wasted my 15-17 (I started to be get better when 17) .