Notice ancient Egyptian statues. All the Egyptian statues are left leg forward.
Its become some masonic thing. In Masonic rituals the always start walking with their left leg first.

Start at 2:00 : youtube.com/watch?v=E0UcjSHd7mo
You can see the guy stops and starts always on his left foot first. Everything happening here is the modern development of ancient rituals. Black rod and the mace are consecrated tools that also hold some kind of power. This is how they can wield political power despite coming across as a bunch of incompetent twats.

This is a minor example of the rituals they have to do to maintain control over the world. Its known a the "Wisdom Of Solomon" to us. (((They))) got this information from Egypt when they were slaves and Moses took that information from Egypt when they left. Egypt got the information from Babylon. Babylon gt the information from the fallen angels as described in the book of Enoch.

Attached: occult money.jpg (1000x1000, 388K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Actually woke and based pilled
>5pent and 6hex dualism
But there is one thing you are wrong about op they are retarded faggets.

Attached: AFA64958-FA90-49B7-8051-D6C6DF8FF84E.png (800x648, 145K)

Your civilization is teeming with occultists. Your country is basically one giant secret society.

heres another

Attached: 4C77D56A-6971-4070-9578-FAA36FABDBB5.jpg (1225x523, 402K)

why is it called occultism?
anyone that calls themselves one must know the FIRST thing that was occulted right?

Correct. Occultists are not seekers and disseminators of truth but are hiders and deceivers.

Because muh 444

This is Ukrainian currency

Attached: ukrainian-currency-500-hryvnia-back.jpg (550x265, 97K)

It's a joke?
Rightfully sons of Satan

Could we replicate these rituals with the same effects?

Attached: 1507080044049.jpg (1024x904, 115K)

>It's a joke?


I believe so.
But you just need the right "recipe". and any information out there regarding this topic would be false. Like you can buy "spiritual" ascension books but the actions while having some reflection of what you have to do, they would have no effect.

Unread retard confirmed.
Read a book

Attached: 1--Ht1HvXvm083fuV3dLJZYw.jpg (650x340, 81K)

It takes millions of infant deaths and millions of tortured infant boys in blood rituals.
Child sacrifice and torture creates their power, and it always has.

All ancient and modern Semite powers do pic related.

Attached: infanticide.jpg (600x432, 108K)

mental retardism, hate and depravity are the energies that control this board. I hope this board will get shut down by authorities asap. friendly reminder that your shitposting created such monsters like breivik and tarrant. fuck your memes. burn in hell. all of you. you are no different than the jihadi cult of death.

But you're going to put yourself under the same satanic lordship.

Why are they always from Germany?

We have our own, which when ehanced by the the quartz in our electronic devices are even more powerful.

You spergs just don't realise it yet.

Obviously I'm talking about Abortion and Circumcision. Ban these and jail the semites who push them and they will lose their power and leave the nation (also they'll try to commit war against you).

Confirmation bias in your mind, mostly.


Yeah this.
War is also part of some blood ritual

Maximum damage control right here.
If "its fucking nothing" then this guy wouldn't care so much

Only for Aryans.
Those who have Gods of was like Tyr or Mars. Historically white people are healthier with a warrior culture. When we act like semites, we get the degeneracy we have today.

Attached: Screenshot_20190624-073553__01.jpg (1080x1803, 563K)

yeah right. you keep on looking for secret symbols and clues to find the invisible elite who totally controls everything. you're an idiot. your logic is seriously retarded.
>must be something

occult means hidden, the origin of the word hell
means to hide away. occult knowledge = knowledge
of hell.

Appropriate for thread.

>logic is seriously retarded.
If my logic is seriously retarded, you should easily be able to argue otherwise rather than just reeeeeeeeeee insults

Not really.
It starts when you understand the necessity of God.
From there step by step OP claims become legitimate.

Based Italy

Sounds like you're not familiar with confirmation bias. Pareidolia fits in as well with these topics.

From where are you coming from?
You reject the idea of God or the claims of the OP? That all in all can be put inside the wide box of satanism.
Speak clearly.