
2 Swedes create dating profile for 14-year old boy. 100s of faggots try to get his manhole.

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Why choose a pride photo filled with women for this story?

based, some Jow Forumstards should setup a sting to expose these degenerates

Wasn't that one of /ourguys/? I remember that thread. He said he was making a profile on grinder

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I think that you are correct and God Bless them.

I want to do this to catch some pedoleafs but can't find any fag dating sites allowing profiles under 18

What news site is this supposed to be from?

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Underage gays just click that they are 18+
Like porn is forbidden for minors but that doesnt stop them from using it

Dont be a bigot this is beautiful.
Why do you care what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their home?

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>Negra Efendić and Adrian Sadikovic
These memes write themselves.

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Subtle message that the 19th was a mistake


"Boy's *soul*".

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Whats the problem with this? They are free to do what they want.

>But I never actually met the child (who doesn’t actually exist) so I’m good.

Gay logic. These are the same people who believe that pissing on someone is an act of love on par with heterosexual family formation.

I demand to see the pictures he used then. I bet a picture of an attractive boy who could very well be above 18 was used. And btw you cannot specify your age as

Rainbow is light deconstructed by a prism(the eye in the triangle)
Light brought to them by Lucifer the lighbringer by his very etymology.
The rainbow flag is the flag of Satan

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ok, now do the same thing with a girl on a straight dating platform

naw, killing is wasteful, I have a even better solution

albeit, compared to it, killing is merciful

No surprises here

What a surprise

Lucifer isn’t the Devil’s name.
Read the chapter again, the title of ‘lightbringer’ is attributed to the Babylonian king, and being left untranslated from the Septuagint to the Vulgate doesn’t make it a personal name, no matter how much KJV capitalizes it.

>excusing pedophile behavior
only a butt hurt shill faggot, i tell ya

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fuck off pedo faggot

You do it nigger

the prism is a pyramid, the pyramid is (one of) the symbol of the NWO, that faggotry is being pushed as an agenda

seeing that these are b*lijas lets convert those names to English, for better understanding

>Negra Efendison
>Adrian Sadiqson

literal roaches

helo butiful, i am business man, send pics of butiful vagina

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Stop being a moralfag if the legal age in Sweden allows for sexual acts with 14y old then its legal if the kid in question agrees on.

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It was originally reported on a notorious Swedish liberal newspaper m8

They already do retard.

But they're usually creepy losers that no one cares to notice.

Unlike these faggots they're putting up on a pedastool.

>I demand to see the pictures he used
check out this outraged nonce

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14 is also the lowest age of consent in Italy but fucking a teenage girl means her father is basically allowed to break your legs here

>I demand to see the pictures he used then.
he gave the archive link you flaming faggot, go do the search your self, i bet you have never even done a days worth of hard work in your life, and that your a commie too

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And the liberals will call this unjust baiting and profiling of poor oppressed faggots.

>Meanwhile on Planet Straight, this is considered normal


I always laugh when people accuse gays of all being pedos on a website that began by being a hub for child porn to the point that the admin- who took the initials C.P. - actually made child rape a running joke and created its own comic animal based on it.

In between boards dedicated to posting underage cartoon girls, I mean.

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No he is not legally its okay if she consents if the father initiates violence against you then you have the right to self defence and bash his head with a hard object.

Sick cunt

faggots are filthy animals
every year these degenerates are allowed to roam free they get worse

Its archived don't be such an afraid nigger

>can not specify age >18 on Grindr

No shit that’s why you just tell them afterward while chatting and conversations. If you persistsntly declare that your 14 and that you just are trying to look and claim older on the website and the fags still pursue even after being very clear your in a website that your not old enough to be in then that’s a pedo move. No excuse.

Oh look a gay Belgian.

And that is why there needs to be a website that allows for legal dating between 14y old and adults.

first day here?

>kids can make clear sexual conscious choices
have you ever been around kids? they are just more aware retards, they cant even get their emotions in check let alone make responsible choices. you need to rethink your life

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I remember that

>Planet Straight
it's just "Earth", you bent nonce
surprise surprise the straight population contains some wrong'uns because it's 95% of humans you shit-stabber
doesn't explain why 95% of benders are fucking paedos

If the legal age allows for sexual exchange, this age being different from country to country, why not let them be on dating websites?

>No he is not legally
Legality fuck itself when you fuck someone's teen daughter m8, it's basic decency
Age limit is and can be this low here because we're decent human beings and we spontaneously kill pedos whenever we got the chance

Like that priest they sentenced for 10 years of jail after he raped a girl (that later killed herself); he lasted one (1) day outside of jail
before getting his brain all over the walls

I hope you die painfully you pedo faggot.

Its 15 in sweden. 14 is illegal

Pedo faggot detected
If someone says in their profile info that they are actually 14, it doesnt matter what they look like or what the technical minimum agecrequirement is - it's still pedophilia

>a country decides your morals
if you dont get your shit together you are probably going to hell

>Legality fuck itself when you fuck someone's teen daughter m8, it's basic decency
Says who you? Maybe you should teach your daughter to not be a whore before you hit someone?
>Age limit is and can be this low here because we're decent human beings and we spontaneously kill pedos whenever we got the chance
The age limit exists because it was deemed the best age upon which no physical problems would appear in case of a pregnancy.
>Like that priest they sentenced for 10 years of jail after he raped a girl (that later killed herself); he lasted one (1) day outside of jail
Rape should be punished by life in prison I do not defend such things.
And I hope you grow up already.

Oh yes I should be getting my morals from a jewish book written and modified hundred of times to satisfy an agenda to guarantee the right of supremacy of said jews.

why are pajeets like this on social mediums?

I mean technically every woman is someone's daughter

The age of consent being 14 doesn’t mean that a 30 year old degenerate can have sex with 14 year olds, it means the 14 year old is legally allowed to consent to having sex. The 14 year old is still a minor and if a 14 and 15 have sex with eacother there are no legal repercussions. A 16 year old won’t get in trouble for having sex with a 14 year old because the age of consent is 14.

age of consent is not a free pass for pedophile faggots to fuck underage people.

It's time to start a new To Catch a Predator. This time it's all gays, all the time.

I clicked this to see what it was, and almost immediately closed out but then I noticed these girls have some talent. My wife is a trained dancer so I've had some knowledge on the subject inserted into my mind.
Absolutely, this is not normal in our society. Their wardrobe is inappropriate but only like 2% of their routine is what I would consider to be above their age range.
This is the kind of thing mothers push their kids into. Meanwhile their fathers just grumble and head off to work.

>The age of consent being 14 doesn’t mean that a 30 year old degenerate can have sex with 14 year olds
But thats exactly what it means, the age limit is required to allow relationships between young women and older men.
>age of consent is not a free pass for pedophile faggots to fuck underage people.
You dont know what you talk about.

>written and modified hundred of times
to be this wrong, and a pedo to boot!
>satisfy an agenda to guarantee the right of supremacy of said jews.
you mean where it hates them and calls them accursed? nice how you conviantly hate jews when it comes to Christ, but jewish pushed degeneracy is a-ok in your mind. you have less continuity then a comic i wrote when i was in 5th grade, get a life you pedo scum

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This is bait right?

It depends on the country, Mr. pedophile, age of consent in western countries have a lot of restrictions specially when it comes to age difference and status.

It’s not a free pass to fuck preteens.

>age of consent is 14 for girls
>16 year old guy fucks 14 year old
>this is perfectly legal
>30 year old pedo thinks age of consent is a free pass to abuse 14 year olds

Neck yourself

This I could get behind. Some places have age of consents as high as 18, you could pose as a 17 year old and dish out some serious damage to the fags since they won't even have to be pedos to fall into that trap. Could end up with mass incarcerations of faggots.

people want to fuck kids now, this the the state of the world. honk

>to be this wrong, and a pedo to boot!
What are the synods, what are the councils prior to that, what are the modern day councils too.Open a fucking history book.
>you mean where it hates them and calls them accursed? nice how you conviantly hate jews when it comes to Christ, but jewish pushed degeneracy is a-ok in your mind. you have less continuity then a comic i wrote when i was in 5th grade, get a life you pedo scum
Hurr durr something something Jesus Christ, something something punishment in afterlife, something something screeching of hell.
The law allows for a relationship between said teenager and an adult depending on the age, you dont like it but this has been the case for centuries at this point.

Christcucks here constantly attack fags because they want to cover the fact that they are race-mixers and african lovers, don't forget that Jow Forums. The lgbt issue is easily fixable, the racial problem is not.

Now try the same with a girl.

>Says who you?
pretty much everybody but pedos (at least here)
I legit don't know how your people are dealing with kidfuckers but the general consensus here is to kill them, regardless of what the law says

They usually get their fair share in jail but people also wait for them to get out
Nobody snitches anyways, everybody's happy when a pedo dies

>Maybe you should teach your daughter to not be a whore before you hit someone?
Just like I should teach pedos not to fuck children by killing the first one that touches my daughter, sounds logic

>The age limit exists because it was deemed the best age upon which no physical problems would appear in case of a pregnancy
Yeah, then half the world had to raise it to 18 because people like you assumed it was ok to fuck teens

>Rape should be punished by life in prison
And sex with an underdeveloped kid should be punished by death

Don't get me wrong man, I'm just telling you how it is, you're literally fucking our youth.
It's a basic human instinct to kill you.
Literal murderers have a better reputation than pedos here

Have you ever heard of statutory rape? Many places place restrictions on social status, employment and age difference. In Canada and many other countries the age difference can’t be more than 4 or 5 years if one person in the sexual relationship is a minor.

Oh shid, I remember that thread.

Now you’re moving the goalposts

>Age of consent is 14 which means a 40 year old can fuck 14 year old girls



No shit an 18 year old can date a 16 year old you dumbfuck.

>you thought us gays being greatly overrepresented among child rapists was bad? Well look at this drawing you people post as a joke, what do you have to say abou that, bigots.
I get you got fucked in the ass so hard you got brain damage or something.

>I legit don't know how your people are dealing with kidfuckers but the general consensus here is to kill them, regardless of what the law says
And you will be sent to prison and a relationship between a legal teenager and an adult is not a pedophile act.
>They usually get their fair share in jail but people also wait for them to get out
For what reason if the consent is present and its done with a legal aged person?
>Just like I should teach pedos not to fuck children by killing the first one that touches my daughter, sounds logic
If she consents and is of age there is nothing wrong.
>Yeah, then half the world had to raise it to 18 because people like you assumed it was ok to fuck teens
No the 18 y old is related to alcohol consumption and other every day life responsibilities.
>And sex with an underdeveloped kid should be punished by death
I agree that is why the legal age consent was introduce since at that age pregnancy will not be a problem.

Wtf I am not talking about rape, that should be punished severely but if there is a physical relationship between a legal aged teenager an adult then things are okay.

A pedo is a pedo kike, they all deserve the rope. Whataboutism isn't going to save you rats.

just go on a sketchy over 18's site and say you're 18, but when you get inboxed tell them you're 15 or something. That's how the decoys always do it. They always look to tell them as early as possible so that they can't be blamed for leading them on.

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>What are the synods, what are the councils prior to that, what are the modern day councils too.
you mean the people that interpreted the bible? nothing was rewritten you dunce, we even have copys of the Greek Septuagint from Jesus time period and it all checks out. YOU pick up a history book you missinfo pedo
>Hurr durr something something Jesus Christ, something something punishment in afterlife, something something screeching of hell.
literally damage control, you cant cope with being wrong and you dont like god because he tells you not to bang little boys, you are doomed if you dont stop now

Adult means over 18 dipshit.

Age of consent laws are not made to allow 50 year olds (adults) to fuck 14 year olds.

Even if the 14 year old consents it can be considered statutory rape.

Pretty much the equivalent of white men race mixing with asian women. Gross and unnatural and they only do it for the tight hole and submissiveness.

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completely agree

Okay now be a christcuk with someone else I am not interested to debate a spiritual jew since you will never admit you are wrong.
>Age of consent laws are not made to allow 50 year olds (adults) to fuck 14 year olds.
Wrong thats what they allow it if both parties consent and there is no physical abuse.
>Even if the 14 year old consents it can be considered statutory rape.
Depends on the country in all of Europe however is not the case.

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But then again, what's the diffrence.
Some 16 year old have beards etc. and are more physically mature, while others barely have hair on their legs.
If a 14 year old can consent to a 16 year old, why shouldn't she be able to consent to a 30 year old?

those arent children swiss user those are 30 year old refugees..

The same would be the case for a 14 year old girl, people desire youth

>And you will be sent to prison
Fun fact: its unclear if people are covering them or what, but it's rare as fuck that a pedo killer gets actually jailed
And when they do (almost never), they're treated as fucking heroes by the rest of the prison and the community in general, people even raise money for them to enjoy an easy start when they get out

>a relationship between a legal teenager and an adult is not a pedophile act
You can call it however you like, the general perception doesn't change a bit

>For what reason if the consent is present
Underages aren't trusted to drive cars or buy cigarettes, they sure as hell can't consent to sex with someone 20 years older

>and its done with a legal aged person?
Fuck someone's daughter when you're 18 or younger and chances are, you'll get beaten up by her father
Try being older and see what happens (even from a level standpoint)

>No the 18 y old is related to alcohol consumption and other every day life responsibilities.
Which everyone regarded as less important experiences as an underage than sex with an adult.

There is a funny thing tough, if you switch to English the word Lucifero is translated as devil.
For the Church, Lucifer=devil=Satan etc.
That's the teaching.
Indeed indeed.

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Jesus Christ

>I am not interested to debate a spiritual jew since you will never admit you are wrong.
more damage control, you are intentionally spreading misinformation at this point, you are doing the will of Satan. would it even matter if i where to talk about the mental stability of a child and how sex would destroy them? would you even change your mind even if you have every reason not to have sex with children? what is wrong with you that you cant even see the clear damage it causes, you might be to far gone for any reason to dictate any aspect of your life, you need to rethink EVERYTHING

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>me 5 years ago
The slippery slope has limits. pedoshit is a wall that will never be crossed
>mfw today
I love it and hate it at the same time when Jow Forums proves me wrong everytime. I only had to listen

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missed opportunity

This has been an issue in the gay community for decades. This is how Dahmer snatched his victims.