Nazis can't present a single legit argument against illegal immigration.
8ch bans
Eat my gooch commie
subhuman kys
Everyone gets banned on 8ch you whiny entitled fuckwit. Illegal immigration is bad because it drives down wages while introducing conflicting interests that break the cohesion of a culture.
I don't speak monkey, can somebody translate?
fuck off ukraine
Tbh I love the way Russia illegally rekt your country. Provide a single argument against their invasion; protip, you cant.
Here's one.
Why are you shilling for more cheap labour?
It's illegal. What other argument does one need?
Illegal immigration is...
Case closed
a bunch of teenage national socialists behave like petty tyrants? i am SHOCKED
Are you the same nigger who's VPN just busted in the last thread and you came back to troll with the Ukie flag and it shower a burger flag? I'll post the screen shots if it's you, nigger. sage
>a fucking leaf
The Holocaust was legal
Why would anyone post on the other Chan instead of here?
>autistic jannies and mods, ridiculous censorship
>same 10 posters
Cause here it's full of redditors and larping zoomers.
Don't worry, you only matter in life when the FBI arrests you
So clearly you arent important
Be grateful you live in Ukraine. I'm thinking I may want to move their in the future.
stop shilling, and you won't get banned
It’s illegal. Also sage
If you have a problem with illegal immigration being illegal, legalize it you massive faggot. And stop shitting in Polish streets bydlo. Your women are cool though.
It's got serious rep, mate.
It has Q and had Brenton, two of the greatest bad asses to use a keyboard.
What we got? poos LARPing, other assorted shitskins LARPing, trannys and sissys LARPing, LARPagans, Glowniggers LARPing, /leftypol/ARPers who are fed up with their censorious dead board that come here for a taste of freedom then try to change the board to their own dry dead censorious culture...what else...raids from all the chanz, far too many leafs and gypsys (though they might be LARPers) and ofcourse, that wart on Jow Forumss ass, /britpol/
The best thing here is Murdoch Murdoch but they're probably feds.
Jow Forums is gasping on the fumes of bombing ISIS and electing Trump...who surprise surprise ended up being the biggest LARPer of them all.
>1 post by this ID
They banned you because you threatened to brutally murder a German child, maybe?
What's wrong with killing invaders?
What invasion? Crimea voted to join Russia and the “no insignia soldiers” were just U.N. transition specialists. That little scuffle in Donbas, Donetsk, Luhansk is just anarchist ruffians trying to cause trouble, Russia plays no part.
Your post is literally the argument against it.
>Salaries (resources) in my country aren't good enough to satisfy me
>Let me into yours so I can get some of your resources
>I am willing to kill to get some of your resources
>Let me in or I will kill you
Illegal immigrants are invaders, pure and simple.
I really can't be fucked arguing this right now, but I'll nibble at the bait. These immigrants permanently take the jobs your children should have temporarily. It inflates the workforce and and lowers the cost of labour. Labour is the monopoly of a nations lower/middle class and are reliant on such a monopoly.
Then you look at the biological destruction it causes, k-type organisms then feel the strain of carrying the ways of r-types. You think thousands of years of evolutionary psychology is going away just because you take the monkey out of the jungle?
>All racists see is criminals; I see engineers, doctors and scientists.
These immigrants aren't fleeing their shit-hole™ countries. They're fleeing themselves!
They were right to ban you.
>Instead of fixing my shit I will go to my neighbour and fuck up his shit
Solid reasoning
It's in the name: illegal.
Uncontrolled immigration leads to huge suffering on the part of both the host nation and eventually the visitor/immigrant too.
Just look at the UK, schools, hospitals, roads, all completely overcrowded where they could have been comfy with a static or declining population.
Even if there is a shortage of people to fill jobs, this situation doesnt last long and then when there are too many people there is a delay before those coming in to the country figure this out... then you get a swing from too few immigrants to too many.
Of course I have completely ignored the subhuman nature of many of the people and cultures that may come here, where even 1 people behaving that way is 1 too many, but that is another issue.
We have Somalis in London now who are continuing their civil war from back home, here now in Thamesmead. The area was always a shithole, but at least it wasnt at the point of civil war.
hmmm! it's really hard indeed.
the native pays more taxes, finds a job harder, housing prices through the roof - can't raise a family because first three reasons. What bad? no bad.
>Last bastion of freezepeach has even worse power tripping jannies
Just move to Romania.
But you have to be my slave.
Illegal immigrants are not us. Why try to make them something they're not?