wouldn't people who recently worked their asses off to wipe their debts be annoyed?
If burny sanders cancels the study debt
However I've heard the argument that many people were essentially tricked by our entire culture into doing something that doesn't really pay off. Yes, these debt-ridden people made mistakes. Forgiving them is a bitter pill to swallow, but the alternative is somewhat worse: their desperation leads them to vote for bad policy. Not helping them won't teach them a lesson, they'll just vote for someone who promises gibs.
I would be somewhat annoyed since I abstained from taking on any debt and ended up going to a college that I didn't really want to go to and taking a major I didn't care for because it was cheap and I didn't want to have my parents co-sign into crippling debt.
what kind of spiteful moron gets mad because other people don't have to suffer? nigger mentality
Because I'm paying it twice. Once for myself and again for the others that are too dumb to take care of themselves. Voting for Bernie is already voting for free gibs. But for other people. Might as well go Yang so that you can get some of the pie too.
They should be mad at their universities. Those universities basically just use students as conduits to get federal student loan money to begin with. Look at university administrator salaries in the US - that's student loan money. It's incredible how LITTLE blame the universities themselves have gotten for this whole mess.
nothing should ever change for some benefit, because there is some part of a population that in the past endured a tougher set of circumstances
yes, debters should be put in forced labor camps until their debts are payed off and only then may they return to society with their "knowledge".
I'm going to be pissed because I didn't go to college to avoid the debt because I'm not stupid, but now all the people who were stupid are going to get a free pass on the consequences and I'm stuck here without a degree.
The universities all have massive endowments. Just because it is topical, Oberlin has nearly a billion dollars in their endowment. If the debts are forgiven, the money should come from the universities.
Sensible answer that I wasn’t expecting to see here
There is literally no fucking chance this is happening. The figures this retard is spouting are for current debt and don't take into account defaults or extended interest etc. Credit companies (ie banks) will never let this past the Senate and seeing they have all the money good luck with trying.
yeah but who cares about wagecucks, and they won’t be 1% as annoyed as the kikes who own all the debt.
Not really, they would share the boost in economy but let's be serious, nobody will allow Bernie to do that
No one puts a gun to your head and makes you take out a $100,000 loan for a liberal arts degree.
People make incredibly poor choices, and should have to live with the consequences of that.
There is no way this shit passes
People who sell shit like dumb people with money to sell shit to
People who didn't go to their first choice school because they were worried about the high tuition would be even more annoyed. It wont happen anyway, just loser canditates trying to get attention.
It would kickstart the economy even more, but still completely glosses over WHY college costs so much in the first place.
>Nothing wrong with a little usury, goy! Pay those debts for us, goy! Don't have kids or start a family; just wagecuck for us instead!
Yes, he'd have to gradually wipe it over decades to prevent any serious 'discontent fallout'.
We have it here with our new-car-stacked-VATs.
20 years ago that was almost 300 percent. Not it's down to 180 percent, and will steadily drop until we mach the EU standard. We all have to be exactly the same you know. That's the dream.
But, there was talk about just dropping it back then. But
>you buy a nice new car at 80K USD
>the taxes are dropped
>your neighbor buys one just like it for 20K USD a few days after you did
Somebody is going to feel royally screwed
My older brother worked his way through college to get a degree that would help him become a cop. Took no student loans, payed off his debt in less than 5 years. My youngest brother is majoring in gender studies and has accumulated at least $70,000 in debt in less than two years. I would be furious
People take out mortgages for just as much money and fuck that up too and they're held to account for their bad decisions.
All you do if you forgive debt is you make everyone else poor, because the public ultimately pay for it. And you also subsidize bad behaviour which means you get more of it in future.
Is it possible to get multiple huge loans and have them labeled as student debts just before new legislation is passed? If so one could make good money
wouldn't canceling all the student debt, just signal to universities and citizens that you can rack up as much student debt as you want cause the government will pay it for you in 5 - 10 years?
I'll send the kike a bill for all the student loans I've paid off. I'm not cruel tho, so he can reimburse me in monthly installments at a low interest rate
Even if making them live with the consequences of that sinks millions of people before their careers even begin? Surely you realize this won't end well for the country...
I agree with you in principle, and under no circumstances should the government enter into a pattern of bailing out idiots, but I am deeply concerned that doing nothing in the name of not incentivizing stupid decisions will lead to an outright collapse of society in our lifetime. There are so many forces moving toward a violent breakdown.
This is a great point. If any kind of debt forgiveness program is to be enacted then it should not be funded on the backs of ordinary people. It needs to come from the top sub-1% of people.
Of course, the current system will never do this. So I think this discussion is mostly academic
Kikes wouldn't lose anything. The debt would just be paid by the government instead of the students.
It cannot be forgiven because the next generation will know they can do the same. So they will choose to get into debt and vote forgiveness.
all they really need to do is make bankruptcy applicable to student loans like every other type of debt.
This, they would use tax funds for this shit and since taking money away from gibs is racist other areas of US infrastructure will crumble
Mortgages in the US can be taken to regular bankruptcy courts. Student loans cannot.
Solution is for those who weren't tricked to genocide those that were and who would vote for bad policy. Anything else is what would be called in the economic world an irrational solution.
Lets do ubi instead and then open a loop hole that exempts shady lenders from repayment. For example, school shuts down and student isnt able to complete to receive degree but still has to repay loan.
Why not just make the debts dischargeable through bankruptcy like normal debt? We have a longstanding process for this that does not involve $1.6 trillion in handouts.
Then make it so you can go bankrupt on them.
Why are you mad at borrowers (many of whom are poor) instead of the people who got rich off of the scam, like the university administrators? Let the blame follow the money itself.
So that all the meme-degrees can be forgiven and paid for with OPM. While those useful to society basically have to pay twice?
Do something about it pussy
Nationwide rioting could happen.
It's ok, they have privilege.
Yes the feelings of those who were mistreated will be hurt so we absolutely shouldnt stop the mistreatment of the current folks
Makes perfect sense
Nobody would do anything besides complain on the internet and move on with their lives.
Not really, outside of Jow Forums most people will have kids, and their kids won't have to worry about crushing debt.
Whenever you want to contemplate how people will react to any given situation, stop, and try to picture what it might be like to not have autism.
If he makes college free there will be an epidemic of people going to school as high school 2 and just living there. Shit I'll do it. Crash this economy...with no survivors
Ok bois here it is in a nutshell.
Be the gubment poli and pay all the liberal profucster (professors) $and now they will own those instetutions .... oh yeah theyalready do but love to keep up the good faith moneys for votes.
>gender studies
he's not a dude
I do think the student loan system is ridiculous and that it should probably be forgiven. However, they will still vote for the guy promising gibs, that's what everyone does.
That would actually be a good idea, but Trump isn't going to do it (for whatever reasons), and so people are jumping to the next level.
>their desperation leads them to vote for bad policy.
And teaching people that the government will come by and fix all their mistakes, no matter how fucked up like the retards that have 500k or 1mil in debt, doesn't do the same? It would be even worse, you'd tell an entire generation of people they don't need to be accountable for any of their actions and decisions.
Well you’re not wrong. He started taking hormones last week so he can start transitioning
You mean like with the banks after 2008? That argument ceased to work after the financial crisis, you know.
t. good goy.
We live in a very different time now, with different context. The government bails everybody else out, but not the common person or the regular person who was told they have to go to university. This double standard will not last.
>but the alternative is somewhat worse: their desperation leads them to vote for bad policy
Take away their right to vote
>If I keep saying goy, no one will notice that I'm a marxist faggot
>My older brother worked his way through college to get a degree that would help him become a cop.
Wouldn't that just decrease his chance of getting his nigger-shooting-permit?
Is the point you're trying to make that because the government and banks are corrupt normal people shouldn't be held accountable? I don't understand. Why not argue that bailouts period are bad, instead of demanding you get a piece of the corruption? Two wrongs don't make a right.
You don't need a high IQ to get a criminal justice degree. That's why those courses are full of brown people and women.
This. The real solution is to set a maximum annual debt and/or a maximum total debt that one can accrue and draw down the amount of debt permitted over the years. As far as forgiveness there are already programs like teach for America that exist.
Yes, dumbass.
Wow man you posted in greentext and used merchant memes! I guess according to you we actually should force taxpayers to spend billions of dollars bailing out people who thought that borrowing $100,000 to get a PhD in Lesbian Studies was a sound life choice.
How much are you in the hole, btw?
Then you're just arguing for accelerationism and aren't worth talking to. Shit like this only ever hurts the normal citizen. The government officials and bankers and CEOs are untouchable by stuff like this.
How is that fucking sensible?
He just said "we have to give them money otherwise they'll vote for someone who will give them money"...
>Whenever you want to contemplate how people will react to any given situation, stop, and try to picture what it might be like to not have autism.
I need to write this on sticky notes and paste it around the house so I don't forget it, lol.
I fucking HATE blankets with those dumb-ass frills on the side. What is the point??
>wouldn't abolishing serfdom be unfair to all the honest serfs that worked hard under feudalism before
This is your brain conditioed on slave morality
lmao you're actually saying banks should get bailed out but common people should have to suffer. I'm about this close to roflcoptering over here.
God hates you wanna know why? You could have prevented your faggot brother from ruining his life. IF you treated him like an actual male and toughened him up he wouldn’t have turned out like a faggot.
Cut college down to two years since most of the classes you take are fucking useless to your degree. Set the interest rate max to whatever the 10 yr treasury bond is at the time.
As fo forgiving the loans .... fuck no. You made a poor fucking choice now live with it. I already payed mine off. I’m not paying anymore taxes to fucking help some other idiot out.
I never once said that but you're a fucking retard who digs a hole and then bitches until someone else gets you out of it.
I went to school and came out making 110k a year in software. I paid off my 60k in student loans. I'm already paying like 30k in taxes a fucking year. Why the FUCK should everyone else get that shit for free?!?!
>I'm going to be pissed because I didn't go to college to avoid the debt because I'm not stupid, but now all the people who were stupid are going to get a free pass on the consequences and I'm stuck here without a degree.
>Дeгeнepaт: the post
its not about them.
if i cured your aids, wouldnt families that lost people to aids be mad? who cares, fuck them, solve the problems you can.
>you’re being forced by a lord to go to a liberal arts university and pay 500K for an African basket weaving degree
>Take away their right to
You are setting a precedent here
baste retarded berniebro
As much as I hate usury you're not forced to take out loans at gun point. There are millions of people who were responsible and worked through college or paid off their student loan debts.
Now you want to make those people pay again so worthless parasite niggers don't have to. Fuck all niggers and parasites, hope they starve.
This is the same argument for foreigners who became US citizens and went through the arduous process versus blanket amnesty.
All the people crying about discharging the debt in bankruptcy need to study this for literally 2 seconds
You USED to be able to do that. And the previous generation fucked it up by getting a shitload of debt and discharging it, then getting a job so they didn't have to pay it
The banks stopped lending loans out and the universities cried to the government
So the government made it backed until death and that's why we see the spiral of tuition rising
>I never once said that
You explicitly did. Anyone can scroll up and see what you've posted because we have IDs. How are you this dumb?
Gibs beget Gibs, the post.
t. White Apologist
This is "End Stage" democracy.
>End stage: The last phase in the course of a progressive disease.
>People make incredibly poor choices, and should have to live with the consequences of that.
We live in a society, you also habe to pay the consequences of gullible people wasting loans on meme carreers. How is it going to college ever a poor choice? It's not like their are deadbeat neets. They got jewed and rejoicing on their demise is being a jew enabler.
Post the reply where I said "banks should get bailed out."
Instead of paying off everybody's student loans they should put a cap on the interest rates or buy their debt and provide lower interest rates.
There are already loan forgiveness programs that do this.
This still won't address the underlying cause which is that the cost of college keeps increasing (faster than inflation).
The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 didn't help since it made filing for bankruptcy harder which made lenders feel safe to lend more money which inflated costs in all markets that lent money was spent.
This bill probably had a hand in the 2008 financial crash as well as the soaring cost of college.
You must not understand what 2008 did to inflation. You do realize that it completely fucked all of us right?
My wife and I had $250k in student loan debt (one MD and one MBA). we at ramen, walked to work, and held off on kids for 5 years to get out of that debt. Now we live well with a modest home and two cars and two kids.
So I somehow owe some millennial with a degree in humanities half my paycheck because they can't get a job out of Starbucks. Okay.
fucking boomer retards defending jews. Loans with interest are usury and no mater how stupid the person taking them, and no matter how dumb it was for them to be allowed the loans in the first place the fault is always with the usurer.
Usury should be a capital offense.
>lets make all those naive white lib arts students waste their lives repaying Schlomo goldstein-shekelberg so they can never have kids
Kind of like taxpayers vs welfare scum?
Good point op
Imagine defending the kiked loan system in the biggest kiked country in the world.
>wouldn't people who recently worked their asses off to wipe their debts be annoyed?
Maybe, but that's their problem. Should have been worried about it before.
I don't have any student debt since I did good in school and got my STEM degree fully covered by financial aid.
But even I recognize that for literally all 12 years of primary school, teachers brainwash kids into thinking that college is the only way they won't be seen as a fucking loser, even the ones who don't belong anywhere near college. Why should we let kikes ruin the lives of white kids who made a dumb decision at 18 under the influence of malicious adults.
If anything, the primary school systems of said students should be responsible for the loans.
>Now we live well with a modest home and two cars and two kids.
Apparently you want to force your children through the same suffering.
Imagine that kikeliticians are trying to establish the same system in the rest of the countries and ruin welfare - one of the main things that saved the West from bolshevism.
or better yet, let kids default but the high school they went to must automatically co-sign for their loans.
Fair point. So why make the rest of us pay for that usury?
Yes. I paid $1000 a month on my $300 a month minimum payment loans to wipe them out in two years. I guess I should've just acted like a nigger instead.