Wtf is this australia?

wtf is this australia?

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Maybe it’s a superstitious thing

The cucked government in action

Legal shit.

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Blackfellas deal with death differently. its taboo to say the name of the deceased, or have pictures of them out for a fair while after they have died. i suppose seeing them on TV would count too.
Avoidance of naming the dead:
Traditionally, this meant avoiding referring to a deceased individual by name directly after their death as a mark of respect[4]—and also because it is considered too painful for the grieving family. Today the practice continues in many communities, but has also come to encompass avoiding the publication or dissemination of photography or film footage of the deceased as well. Many Australian television programs and films include a title card warning Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders that "Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are advised that the following program may contain images and voices of people who have died." (as recommended by the Australian Broadcasting Network[5]).

We all know Abos are stupid but this is just a religious/cultural thing.

Laugh your ass off at this.

It's hilarious.

do they not understand technology?
what about words written by someone who had die?

abos don't look or talk about dead peoples, if two people who are close in a social circle share a name and one dies, the other has to choose a nickname and never use their name again

its cause theyre raytarted

"We characteristically discuss time and history in a very limited linear manner. Today is today, yesterday was yesterday, and tomorrow will be tomorrow. However a brief study of the understanding of time in different cultures reveals that not everyone sees time in the same way. Western culture has become so adept at identifying itself with the scientific method and empiricism that it can be difficult for us to realise that our understanding of time is culturally appropriated. Recognising that our understanding of time is subjective and that there are other perspectives allows us to see that our view is not necessarily superior to others"

oh look im a bing bong

They’re scared of the spirits !

Abos have a thing about seeing images of the dead

No wonder they never advance if they can't even teach about ancestors of importance.

Abos and dalits. They're all stupid.

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pretty based desu. the idea of time is a jewish invention.

It's weird because Christianity is roundly derided as a backwards nonsense, but Aboriginal religion is perpetuated as if it is truly sacred.

Anyway, apparently some Aborigines are bothered it they see photos, video or recordings of dead Aborigines, so certain leftwing media elements will utilise that disclaimer whenever they show recordings of Aborigines. But, isn't it interesting that Aboriginal religion could contain proscriptions against recordings, when recordings didn't exist to them prior to European settlement. It's almost as if they are making this shit up as they go along.

Yeah they are literally animals.

Famous for pouring sand in their children's mouths and leaving them to die in the bush.

Abo culture is savagery and they should have to bring themselves out of the gutter, not bring us civilised people into it.

I think some random Aborigines complained once or twice, then some cucks put up the disclaimer, from then on, if you ask an Aborigines if they want that disclaimer they'll say yes, purely because they like when they get to make us do retarded shit.

Unironically Based.
Why is today not the same as 1000AD? Explain how without resorting to your own religious beliefs. Pro tip: you can't

Left-wing television eagerly placating the sort of primitive superstitions they would mock if held by White Christians. Many such cases.

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