The fact that you all think you dont need spouses/a family unit in modern society really reveals how young and male this board is.
"The juice isn't worth the squeeze" is a popular phrase here but did you ever consider that people grow over time and eventually you could find a spouse that would balance you out and vice versa? Once you get old and sick you're going to regret all the anti-woman nonsense and cry about your friends abandoning you because you have no one else.
Retard, I'll just shoot myself once I start shitting my pants.
Jackson Jenkins
Or they’ll be fine and actually happier without a woman
Juan Lee
>gets declared incompetent as soon as pants shitting begins and has guns confiscated my daughter looks like a 15yo version of that. She's promised to end me with dignity when the time comes. She's a vicious little shit so I trust her.
Tyler Brooks
nobody needs a white whore who adores niggers, cheats on you daily and is as dumb as bricks to "take care of you".
Nobody does that.
Tyler Butler
and after the need is over the divorce rate is triple for 55+ year old's and up. now if the damn kids would move out the basement.
I've missed my chance with amazing women and I can't bring myself to settle, and I can't figure out how to attract amazing women like I used too.
William Morales
Nonni? Pol is an advocate for marriage and a strong family unit. What are you on about? Mgtow faggots have no place here.
Ian Hill
>who is going to take care of you when (...) The syrian immigrant doctors will
Bentley Fisher
I don’t need a woman around to nag me into an early grave. I don’t need her around to suck up all my money and spend it on useless shit that’ll collect dust in the garage, who will eventually ask me to organize and clean it up as if I had anything to do with it. I don’t need a woman who will guilt me for not getting her the same things our rich friends with the perfect lives have. Women are materialistic shallow whores, and I’ve watched my dad make himself a slave to them my entire life. It’s not an enticing prospect but I’ll shoot myself before I let my body get old and decrepit to the point I can no longer care for myself
Carter Barnes
You do realize women age too, right?
Oliver Nelson
My dog
Hunter Sanchez
I'm not male. And I'm not sure I want to marry either. I'm young though, that could change in the future.
The moment my quality of life has gone to shite (dementia, osteoporosis, arthritis etc.) you best believe I'm headed off to Belgium on the first cheap Ryanair flight I can get on to get a drip put in my arm and my suffering put to an end.
Crude imagery aside, I have a grand-aunt in a nursing home who's had multiple strokes. When I visit her, she can't even speak sentences usually - two days ago I was surprised because she was happy and smiling, and asked me questions. She was a lovely woman in her prime but now she's barely sentient and I don't think she enjoys life. It's sad, but for her own sake she'd be better off at peace. This goes for anyone in this kind of state. Sometimes being caring isn't the best option.
James Lopez
Chase Taylor
>I'm not male Male or janny tranny detected
Cooper Watson
thank god i live in a culture that takes care of elders. all of my grandparents lived with my family and were taken care of by my parents until their death. i will do the same and my children will do the same when i get old
Anthony Morgan
>I’m not a male Why is it entirely impossible for a woman to post on this site without drawing attention to their lack of a dick? Nobody would give a fuck if you didn’t mention it, stop begging for attention, whore
Eli Gutierrez
It's not that I don't think I need one, it's more like, unlike women you can't spend all your time looking for a spouse, and add to that it's much more difficult. I don't lambast women in general, until they do something really stupid. So you could, if not sympathize, maybe at least try to understand the difficulty here. Maybe without treating incels like the plague. that would be good
Chase Jones
I'll just take care of myself. I watched my grandfather do that for 20 years after his wife died when I was a kid. Didn't need anybody's help. Maybe the men in your family are just weak.
Josiah Scott
Women will never respect white men until we kill these jewish run governments in a rebellion. Who wants to respect a bunch of debt slaves. Female behavior rn is entirely justified.
Bentley Campbell
Okay, but you're all assuming it's going to be a slow gradual decline. A co-worker told me a story about a 65 year old friend of his who had a stroke while driving and got pulled over. The cops thought he was drunk and without a companion beside him to tell them he's having a stroke they threw him in jail. 8 hours later they realized he wasn't drunk and was actually still in stroke and suffered a lot of brain damage because of it, and because of the damage he was now mentally unsound. He inherited millions from his father about a year prior and since he didnt have a spouse to act for him he can't access any of the money and lives like a pauper. And you are proof that I'm correct in saying a family unit is necessary.
Jason Miller
go fuck some niggers and then fucking kill yourself already, useless lump of meat and proteins. literally wasting normal humans food and air
Aiden Allen
>implying women take care of any men, let alone weak and old men they don’t want to fuck anymore and at least subconsciously think belong in the ground
Good one OP
Robert Edwards
Based glownig
Julian Jackson
See I don't get this, there are tons of guys that would love to comfort you and provide for you when you're like this. Emotional support is one of the key legs of marriage and love. but you just go "nah I'll just kill myself" I don't understand it.
Jace Richardson
so I should organize my life based entirely around my own retarded fear of death? fuck off boomer nobody is going to buy your bags and you're going to die alone broke and hungry under shaniqua's watch
Daniel Walker
>slow gradual decline Because it is. You just gave anecdotal evidence as to why it wouldn’t be and expect me to believe it. I’m healthy and I take care of my body, so it’s not very likely I’m just going to randomly become a vegetable when I get older
Jackson Allen
Drop some pounds and get a jerb.
Nicholas Sanchez
>Whose going to take care of you when you're old and sick? My trad trap, obviously.
Yes they’re idiots. They claim to be vehement proponents of western culture, yet the family unit is the backbone of western culture. We do have to remember this place is infested with shills
Austin Peterson
it's harder the older you get that said, i lost an amazing woman when i was young and thought id never find love worth having ever again. now im here with an even better woman and a couple kids of my own bloodline. theres hope, man dont despair. become the best man you can be but for yourself. a mate will come
Jonathan Walker
My grandma is a spiteful, selfish wench who only looks after my grandpa when their kids scold her for being a layabout. The only benefit of a wife is to hopefully have kids who will take care of you (good luck getting them to 18 without her running off and poisoning their minds) and to have someone around who can call 911 (buy a LifeAlert, it’ll nag you less).
Jace Martinez
>Whose going to take care of you when you're old and sick? Hopefully that chick. I'll be toss thick ropes of load all over those tonsils
I am 24 years old, I have a job with a good salary, $60k+ in savings, own my own apartment and I hate every second of life.
If you honestly think I will ever be old enough to need taking care of you are fucking retarded. I will kill myself before I turn 30, mark my words.
John James
post pics for proof. timestamp and slash down sternum with a stab wound in the left lung for proof
Julian Brown
Faggot cope, the post
Julian Roberts
Jason Parker
don't marry, and don't have any children. you need to leave room for the 1 million third worlders the government is having imported so that irish can become a minority by 2040, preferably 2030.
Logan Young
No one. I'll lay down and die.
Colton Kelly
I have a hole dug out a few hundred yards from my walmart dorm. Since no one gives a shit about me, I'm not going to bother planning funeral processions. Didn't Vitus Bering say something along the lines of >the deeper in the ground, the warmer I am
nah op referenced males as 'you all' so I clarified that my opinion was the same, just from a different source. No one seems to care. Except you, of course. If it happens without the gradual decline my plan still stands. Fuck living a hopeless life with no opportunities. Typing that was a waste of human energy. You're just hilarious aren't you? Eventually they'll just lose patience with you, a non-sentient vessel. Why wouldn't they? Men aren't these people you purposely fall in love with as an insurance backup when you're disabled and old, or at least they shouldn't be. They're not servants either. I wouldn't marry a man to be my future carer. If you can't survive without constant support, life isn't worth living.
Adrian Lee
It will be common in the near future to see old men shooting corrupt government officials and Jews. As awareness spreads men will make martyrdom a right of passage as our ZOG offers no justice it will be forcibly taken. What better time than before you become a liability to your loved ones
Caleb Roberts
I don't plan on getting sick, and if I do, I'll end myself.
I'll stay healthy and active. It's not that hard if you're not a weakwilled loser.
Luis Richardson
>literally can’t refrain from attention whoring whenever possible Yeah that’s a woman alright
Brody Murphy
A bottle of whiskey and a long hill walk in the snow.
Alexander Thompson
Do it now, why wait. All that money, you could at least have some hookers and shrooms before you go.
Daniel Clark
..oh look it's a leaf post, let's all point and laugh at this moose riding fuckwit
Hudson Nguyen
Nah not really about that. They're not importing 1 million. Right now there's only one town in Ireland that the immigrants have nearly become the majority, and it will stay like that for a long time because people protest refugees moving in near them all the time.
Adam Cook
>Whose going to take care of you when you're old and sick?
The Robot Wife:
Pros of a Robot Wife:
>never ages >never smells >doesn't get fat >works with 100% efficiency to make you happy >doesn't turn into a psycho once a month >will never cheat on you >Robot Wife could also be good for Home Defense >can do chores for you >never complains >always wants to fuck when you want and fullfill every one of your fetishes >never initiates any Drama >can own as many robot wifes as you can afford (will make Men want to work harder) >long battery life thanks to fuel cells >completely customizable during ordering process >Robot AI learns about you to be your best possible companion >can only improve over time >easily replaceable
Nigga we ain't gonna get old and sick. We know that, that's why we're here. We're all gonna be so fucked by then, if we're not dead, we'll wish we were.
Being old is fucking awful anyway. You can't do anything, mostly because you aren't able, and partly because you don't even want to anymore.
Hudson Evans
I'm not attention whoring any more than the men in here, now fuck off
Logan Jenkins
My gun will.
Daniel Smith
>Once you get old and sick you're going to regret all the anti-woman nonsense and cry about your friends abandoning you because you have no one else. >outside of my direct family, I already have no one else. Just work acquaintances with whom i make small talk.
Grayson Allen
> my daddy gave me money to buy an apartment and let me live rent free. ok
Caleb Edwards
Hookers are disgusting and I don't like not being in control so drugs are out of the question.
Jace Smith
No, my father has never given me anything. I bought BTC and Nvidia stocks.
Blake Watson
dont do it breh, you got followers here.
Luke Myers
I already have mild chest pains and have collapsed twice. If my heart doesn't give out, my job will.
Ireland is already only 80% irish, from 99% just a decade or so ago. The "Ireland 2040 plan" stated 1 million MORE, it isn't me pulling a number from the air. The half-paki homosexual set it. That will be 2 million, reproducing with 5-8 per family. Official predictions are irish minority within 10-20 years. Do something about it. Gemma Doherty seems alright, check out "anti-corruption ireland".
Jaxon Ross
>reveals how young and male this board is. late 20s-early 30s neckbeards?
Ayden Hill
Hmm, heard of her. There definitely is a rise in Irish nationalist parties. I have no problem with immigration in a controlled manner but I can't see the benefits of just importing a million people for the heck of it. If it's any consolation Ireland 2040 is really just a load of nonsense and a show that everyone here kinda forgot about as soon as it was announced. Nothing will actually ever be done.
Samuel Hill
I plan to go out like a real man.
I'll keep all my sadness and anger inside until I let it out 20 years from now with a gun.
Ryan Fisher
>and it will stay like that for a long time because people protest refugees moving in near them all the time. Okey doke
Connor Miller
My father worked his entire life to provide for his wife and his ex-wife and their three kids. He did a lot of squeezing and got very little juice for himself. Then when his time came, it was colo-rectal cancer and he was in the hospital and dead within six months. I firmly believe that if he’d taken more time to live for himself, he’d still be alive today.
Christian Foster
I live right beside a small town where almost the entire population of the town was to be matched with refugees. For a tiny place they protested well. The final straw for the government? Someone burnt the hotel they were to stay in twice. I think I know what I'm on about here. Besides let's just focus on our own mortality here instead
Aaron Taylor
You have to realise that ireland is a very small population, 4 million irish and currently 1 million foreigners. Add another 1 million foreigners on top of that, plus the legalising of abortion last year, thanks to an american lesbian, how thoughtful, and you have 4:2 ratio. Wait 20 years and those 2 million have become 4-5 million. That's how it works. Ireland will be killed off faster than any other country. There are regular gang riots in Dublin centre with 100s of negros. That isn't going to become better all of a sudden. Take a look at london for what happens when europeans become a minority.
Jack Gutierrez
Too sad. Supportive story: Grandma diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer metastasized to her hip. Prognosis: 6 months at most.
> her: well fuck that I guess I need to go to England one more time.
Tumors seem to be reducing in size, she continues chemo, prognosis still dead within a year.
> her: well guess I need to go to 'stralia and say goodbye to everyone.
New prognosis: in remission, wow, ok yeah keep doing what you're doing.
> this was 6 years ago.
> she's still kicking but she's not doing well, she's on the way out but the point stands, she got diagnosed and immediately decided to go ahead and not put off anything she wanted to do. It helped.
>Whose going to take care of you when you're old and sick? A bullet.
Angel Hill
Godspeed Walmart user. Make a thread before you do so we can pay respect. I’d hate to see you go, but such is life.
Matthew Cruz
Not being a self centred boomer prick I won't bring a life into this world to be my carer. This is why I support organisations like Dignitas.
Matthew Foster
> Planning on getting old
Joshua Walker
>Whose going to take care of you when you're old and sick? Certainly not the millenials. I keep a .22 for this very reason.
Jaxon Lewis
Kek, and you think there's a lot of difference between a self centered boomer and a self-righteous millennial? Pro Tip: Denial ain't a river in Egypt, kid.
>boomers wreck the planet, sell out labor to china, abandon fiat currency for credit cards and usury, import foreigners for slave work, destroy the family unit for more monies to buy more cheap property, allow the drug war, allow countless wars for Israel, won't die, won't retire, won't sell property for fair prices to the next generation >Boomers: why aren't millennials thinking about the future? GO FUCK YOURSELF.
This is the only correct answer >>Robot Wife could also be good for Home Defense top kek that is an especially good idea for cucked countries like ours where you'll get fucked for defending yourself >I swear officer, the man broke in and my robot wife immediately broke his arms and kicked his head in there was nothing I could do
Aaron Ward
Marriage is for that purpose though, to serve each other and help one another, my grandfather helped my grandmother for months through her gruelling dementia until she died, that's how it works.
Also you should have at least 4-6 children for optimal chance of being taken care of as well, higher chance of your kids giving a fuck about you.
Jayden Morgan
sounds like misery to me, completely unrealistic and you pretty much socially alienate yourself amongst your friends.
Alexander Brooks
I got maybe 20 more summers left in me, and have already had 3 children, one has given me a grandchild, so far.
But I'm not going to lay the burden of "taking care" of me at their doorstep, they don't need that pain, especially with the dystopian nightmare libtards are struggling to create.
I'll take a cue from the Ancient Scandinavians, and take a walk in the woods, one winter. With the Earth asleep, in the white silence of the forest, I will sit these old bones down and pull out a gun, and with one last bang, it will be over.
Let the forest take me, when I can no longer be of any use. It's been a good run, anyway.
Im gonna die of the common cold in 40+ years. So... IDC plus it maybe my last reincarnation anyways, not a lot of European native american mutts being born these days. Hopefully I have fun the rest of this life cause the first 23 years was hell on earth, getting way too many vaccines twice, fighting off killer vaccines twice, wastin my youth being a good big brother to my sibs. While I am free, I am also fucked up XD.
Eli Perry
Well said, when I get there I hope there are still forests. Enjoy your time, from the sound of ya earned it.