Attached: khajuraho-temples.jpg (1000x574, 789K)
Why /pol doesn't respect India?
Xavier Ross
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Parker Morales
Dominic Davis
Angel Lopez
They mad
Sebastian Ward
Indo-Aryans are essentially extinct in India and Dravidians quite literally shit on their legacy (pun intended) and glorious history. India is a corrupt, crumbling shithole with too many people.
Kevin Mitchell
Was gonna say 'now all we need is a leaf'...
Julian Cooper
we do, just stop shitting in the streets and become a superpower by 2090
David Baker
Hunter Allen
I think what Jow Forums's problem with India is that you can't poo in the loo
Ethan Baker
That's a temple dedicated to Dravidian deities, retard.
Caleb Mitchell
post more temples
Landon Bennett
vedic literature and yogic sciences are based, i respect india for preserving sacred knowledge.
there i said it, now poo in the loo
Thomas Gutierrez
"... Indians, as a race the least chivalrous of men ..."
-Richard Burton
Jace Reed
Matthew Rogers
Fuck you kike.
Ethan Edwards
I'm aware, you usurped an entire sub-continent, removed their history and installed your own foreign Australian based jigaboo nonsense.
Isaiah Cruz
What reason do indians have to call jews kike?
Owen Howard
Because Jews don't want Indians and whites to be friends so they sew discord here. Also Indians are the worst offenders of their Noahide laws regarding idolatry. So they want India conquered by Muslims.
Dylan Thompson
Because every Indian state should be a separate country, and no one outside of India cares enough to figure out which groups of Indians are good or bad.
Brody Ramirez
they've shat their bed since the muslims raped their genes and their memes
Liam Taylor
Hiel Hitler
Madarchod yahudi
Caleb Collins
Isaac Foster
Becuase I work with a lot of indians in the U.S. and in India. You guys are by far the most arrogant idiots in the world. I've worked with asshats from the middle east to retards from russia and you lot are by far the worst.
Your food isn't that good.
You always make fucking noises that sound disgusting.
You always stink.
You always work for pennies.
You always argue over BULLSHIT.
You always ask 1000000 questions for simple things.
I'm surprised you all even can reproduce without debating with your wife for 3 hours about how to put your penis in her vagene.
Adam Wood
sounds stinky.
Ayden Butler
Carson Kelly
because pajeets ruined Vedic religion and shit all over Aryan higher civilization
Benjamin Martinez
because theyre low Iq and don’t appreciate world civ
Owen Kelly
Austin Perez
sounds alot like the west
oh i'm sorry, we’re too stupid to notice that part around here.
Owen Foster
youre this stupid because both your parents are white.
Tyler Ramirez
This is true.
Indians ask for clarification on the simplest of tasks five million fucking times.
You never have conversation with Indians because they just talk for hours without saying shit.
Hunter Morales
Jackson Williams
Indians are super arrogant despite the squalor conditions they live in and being a generally unintelligent race. It makes you look very foolish. Only a small step above niggers.
Jaxson Scott
Come for conversation with my family, I’ll show you hell.
Connor Price
Because your whole country is a bad joke. You don't contribute anything to the world. The only thing india is good at is producing air pollution, and producing low IQ shiting machines
Sebastian Scott
I think you will find that the number of people on Jow Forums who have read the Bhagavad Gita and studied Sanatana Dharma and Buddhism is greater then what you will find in the public at large.
Jow Forums respects India, that is it respects the highest castes of your civilization as they share a history with Europe. The Vedas, The Mahabharata, and The Ramayana are works that represent the peak of the Indo-European religious and metaphysical tradition.
Only a fool would reject their contribution
Asher Gomez
you need some buttcream for your butthurt. perhaps you should just use better sanitary practices in regards to defecation.
POO in the LOO!!!
Benjamin Ortiz
I am butthurt, I was validating the point that indians suck at conversation, I can’t converse with my own family, they are nuts.
Charles Martin
Honest answer: Indians generally look ugly and I find their aesthetic unappealing.
Jason Morgan
Jack Reyes
Sebastian Wright
Joseph Lopez
Just kill yourself pajeet, you'll do a us all a favour
Eli Thompson
>Indo-Aryans are essentially extinct in India
What a stupid statement.
>Dravidians quite literally shit on their legacy
Actual pure dravidians are okay,it's only the mixed breed central indians like that cause most of the trouble
Isaac Foster
Cuz u are stupid annoying and stinky. Also we don’t like having to deal with your shit English for customer support.
Jace Thompson
Even the Chinese thought this about you
Andrew Perry
Your class system for a start, you're an economic and military power but like any third world country your development is primarily channeled towards your capital, wheras cities like Mumbai are riddled with 4th class citizens who can't read or write, and sleep under train station platforms, we tried to get rid of the class system but as soon as you got independence you fucked yourself up domestically and got rid of our system but of course "we wuz oppressed n sheit".
Austin Howard
reinstate the caste system and you'll be fine
Jayden Kelly
for once the kike is right
Benjamin Hall
Jeremiah Gutierrez
Lincoln King
Parker Diaz
Muh d and c
Blake Hall
They are ignorant fools. Northern Indians are caucasoid, its one of the oldest civilizations and their religion is the last major polytheistic religion left + Indians are not mudslims.
Grayson Carter
Chech it.
Gavin Gonzalez
Gabriel Russell
They see me rollin, Jews hatin
Dominic Morgan
Okay everyone in this thread is basically right about why Indians are subhuman.
But if you need a PROPER and factual explanation go to this site (no it's not mine and I'm not shilling, it's not even monetized)
As for the basic reason why:
Indians aren't White. Indians might they're special or "Aryan" or something but you're just another disgusting group of subhumans in a sea of other worthless brown subhumans.
There, I was brutally honest. Don't shit on me (pun intended), I'm just the messenger here and Indians will always be an unwelcome minority like the rest of the non-Whites. I don't know why Indians feel like they should be welcomed in White societies.
If Indians are so good, why would you want access to Whites anyway? The same thing goes for any other non-White group. You shouldn't be craving access to Whites anyway. Just stick to your own ugly race and shithole land.
Gabriel Anderson
Pretty much everyone from kikes to chinks to niggers hates mudslimes. It doesn't make Indians special. Being polytheistic doesn't make them special either. We have our own European religions. Even Hinduism is an ancient European religion that the Aryans (Whites) brought into India. They bastardized it and now drink piss and cow shit in the name of it. They also worship Dravidian gods (Krishna).
Adam Baker
Fuck off singh
Nathan Howard
The Gita is based beyond belief. Here’s some of chapter 1...
Juan Morris
Madarchode bhenchode thinks you are better than anyone gay chutiya ma kay lavde chal nikal
Dylan Kelly
Bhosadike gand mara angraiz
American indians are the most wealthy citizens in the States. Hobo bhencho
Parker Ramirez
Teri mako chodu randi
Indians IQ is the most highest check out the average o levels passing ratio in england madarchode and tell me why indian kids win the spelling bee competions always bhenchode
Aaron Torres
India hasn't been relevant for thousands of years
Oliver Perez
Teri maki chut hilly billy
Brody Scott
Listen here wanna be European. Get back to fucking donkeys and goat bhenchode
Brayden Cox
Maha madarchode detected L kha mera
Asher Gomez
Paki goat fucker
Leo Cook
Yeah, I don't believe the melanin enriched current inhabitants had anything to do with the Aryans, Vedas, historical architecture or anything, for that matter, related to the ancient history of that geographic area.
Julian Perry
t. retard
The worst cities of India are the northern states, which ironically means the darker the state the better it is.
Wyatt Parker
Cameron Brown
Teri mako chodu paki bhosrik
Juan Long
Paki chutiya, chop your head off randii mudslime
Jace Sanders
I don't know enough about India to develop any sort of respect and the Indians I have met in day to day life are all rude stuck up assholes.
Aaron Rodriguez
Gypsy madarchode better watch your mouth or I'll fuck your sister
Julian Scott
This is old map from 2014. We have toilets in most of the homes now lile 99% after PM Modis scheme for building for poor people.
Cameron Foster
I do actually, but take care of your insecure shitposters god damn it
Carter Bell
Christian Barnes
But user, I do
Alexander Cruz
>Why /pol doesn't respect India?
Because I've been to your country and talked to your people.
Jonathan Ramirez
Brandon Young
Gas yourself
Jose Ramirez
David Mitchell
Doesn't matter, your religion is false and stupid. You morons wipe your asses with your hands before making your food. You drink cow piss. YOU FUCKING WORSHIP COWS. You're ridiculous.
Andrew Hernandez
Luis Fisher
Fucking hell man.