would Jow Forums agree with that?
Would Jow Forums agree with that?
>and that truck driver's name?
>albert einstein
Is this a femcel powerfantasy?
so, unsolicited attention is punishable with termination of employment - with that unwarranted escalation of grievances
I can shoot a gypsy for existing....
I am ok with that
>then the potus himself called me and congratulated me and gave me a medal of honor
Of course. The truck driver has no respect for another man's property.
If he was a chad driving an expensive car she'd probably blow him in the passenger seat.
Yeah. If a dude was sitting his truck blowing kisses at my daughter, I'd probably shoot him.
This. If her story is true then the company is most certainly lying.
You're suppose to call the cops and let them shoot him.
>I looked at my kingdom
>I was finally there
>To settle my throne as the Prince of Bel Air
New Yorker detected. In the south you will be shot for not shooting in such a situation AND your moonshine privileges will be withheld
for blowing kisses at your daughter?
if you saw a sexy lookng 16 years old slut on the street, would you not try to make her suck your dick?
in any case what a fucking creep fuck that guy
white people don't behave like that, niggers, spics and shitskins do however
I bet it’s a man who wrote this.
Normally I'd say this is bullshui, but if the girl was very clearly dressed in a high school uniform the guy is a perv and i don't feel sorry for him.
Oy vey dats rassisd
So the her testemony alone is enough?
If someone behaved like that while on the job (and especially from my company vehicles or in uniform) for me I would most certainly fire them. If they where under contract I would make them sue me and probably sue them back for damaging my companies image.
I would however need evidence.
>If'n anybody has sex with mah daughter, it's gon' be me!
t. /u/Imguts
blessed post
As someone who regularly takes bullshit customer complaint calls for a taxi company I can promise you that, if anything, the person on the phone just told her that to get her off the phone. Nobody reasonably gets fired on the spot from any job because of a random, anonymous customer complaint.
t. swing shift dispatcher
What color was the truck driver?
no, I would not agree with that. What he did was harmless and not disrispectful.
and even if, it's not a reason for firing someone.
I'm all for firing stupid (w)niggers who behave like that, but that the company didn't even check the other side of the story makes me sick
the holy quads
No, Ahmed.
It takes more than a hour for someone to process a termination after someone reporting it to customer service. Most likely the CSR didn't do shit with the information. Also HR doesn't call people up to tell them someone was fired, especially if they aren't involved with the company.
This is true. The CSR didn't do shit. We get this crap all the time and no one does anything or cares, because 99.99% of the time the customer is just being retarded. I work for a call center.