Not gonna lie pol every time I see people in any comment section saying how they would murder nazis I kinda assume they...

Not gonna lie pol every time I see people in any comment section saying how they would murder nazis I kinda assume they are weak in real life.

Attached: girl (11).jpg (932x960, 60K)

I didnt know catholic was a country

You dumbass retard that's England

They probably are, but you don't got to be strong to use guns or bombs so don't underestimate people.

Can't tell if being ironic or just American

Shutup aussie

Most people who say they're going to punch/kill "Nazis" usually look like this. They're either fat or deathcamp skinny. Basically the effeminate loser retards you all had in high school that were unpopular and generally stupid/cringe fall into that "anti-fascist" camp as so-called adults. They want to appear tough while having absolutely nothing backing it up.

Attached: soy.jpg (1200x1600, 426K)

Oh my bad.
I though it was martinique, but theirs is red.
Then I thought it was the catholic flag.

Seeing as they are fighting an enemy that does not exist in person (unlike Antifa, etc) they spout out their delusions of grandeur and remain unchecked on it. All the while, their retarded theories of non functional economics, social acceptance of degeneracy, promulgation of further socio-economic decay are creating the type of people the hate/want to murder.

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They are weak, weaker than a bullet to say the least.

I want to berry my dick in her ass if you know what I mean

And that's why you flaunt your powerlevel loudly and proudly...

sing it with me anons
1 post by this ID
1 post by this ID
1 post by this ID

That bitch thinks she’s strong, but my dad bod beer gut having ass would man handle her.

same here

How could you possibly come to that conclusion?

Attached: 1559835655661.jpg (750x1068, 525K)

I want to colonize that caucasian amazonian

I've seen antifa face to face and it's a joke how scrawny most of them are. That's why you haven't seen any of them get shot in self defense by cops or anyone else they assaulted with weapons, improvised or otherwise. Because even with those things they don't justify a threat unless they swarm in groups with bats and clubs. Then it's a riot, and that gets handled differently.

Attached: rufio punch.webm (988x548, 2.84M)

>that popeye windup

that and they are exactly the very thing they claim to hate and despise.
They themselves are hateful people that do not see the folly in their own words. I have come full circle with my thoughts. I do not lie and see my enemy for what it is.
We are dealing with low intelligence non reflective slaves.

Yeah I love how that cunt thinks she's going to do something and he just looks past her like she's not there.

She looks great except for the fake tits

God, muscle women give me the bestest boners ever.

It's not limited to Nazis. Anyone saying stuff like "I would beat up / kill x group so hard if I ever met them" are spineless loosers that would break down crying after a single slap.

STFU France how about you try winning a war without our help for once

i think its got to do more with people who put in effort and realize that life takes look, are more pragmatic and sometimes they see past the bullshit victimhood nonsense that's broadcast as normal. being a weak fat fuck is pathetic, but of course leftists love to pump up the egos of inferior retards.

I want her to fart on my face