Zoomer says to me “I never wanna drive”

>zoomer says to me “I never wanna drive”
>I reply to him “you won’t have to with self driving cars on the way”
>he gasps with relief and exclaims “Thank God!”

Is there any hope for the future of the domesticated man?

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Why wouldn't you want to drive?

Because zoomers were born surrounded by convenient technology that does the work for them. Bless their hearts

personally I live in a shithole part of california and the illegals love driving drunk everywhere, like their favorite hobby. that and the only place I need to actually drive to are the shooting range, which is nice, and into the homeless infested liberal shithole city for Costco. fuck it I'll walk

Look out for vans of peace, user

Zoomer here. I fucking hate driving, it's awful. It's stressful as hell and is so fucking dangerous it's ridiculous. It's expensive too.

>research Weston A. Price and Physical Degeneration
>research Gut and Psychology Syndrome
>research pesticides and “A Silent Spring”
>research EMFs and “An Electronic Silent Spring”
>research uncle Ted
There is a reason all of this is happening. It can be stopped. Nobody knows or cares.

Whats it like inside the mind of a zoomer? Is everything filled with anxiety and pessimism?

Saving all of this for later, thanks

They will also be more successful than you, millennial.

>thinks menial tasks like driving are difficult
>will magically be more successful than previous generations
You do understand success requires hard work, right?

They grew up in a clown world, you grew up in paradise. Who do you think will have a better time succeeding?

Are we talking about succeeding in a civil war or a dystopian clown world that goes on forever?

oh wow, a guy doesn't want to stare at the tail lights in front of him and deal with drunken spics and off-the-boat apefricans pulling stupid antics that could get him killed for 3 hours a day, where you can't move and can do absolutely nothing else during that time? what a weirdo amiright.

cars are cvckoldry. trains are the thinking man's transit of choice.

It probably depends on where you live, keep in mind there's a lot of non-whites on the road. I wouldn't want to drive around those retards either.

im in the exact spot you are man, driving is a fucking scam at least here in commiefornia, thank fuck my job is only a few blocks away and i have amazon prime one day shipping

Yes I'm constantly bothered by something.

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Constant anxiety for me, I literally can't think of a time where I was not anxious. I'm not that pessimistic though, I definitely think the world will get better, it might just get worse for a bit first.


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Driving fucking sucks I agree, and I'm not even a zoomer

It's only fun out in the country. Driving around in the hustle and bustle is just shit.

You're on the right track OP, but wrong about the particulars. It's not the ability to drive a car that makes us human, we were human before cars were invented. It's the ability to feel a full range of human emotion.

Which emotion is the one we aren't allowed to have anymore OP? Could it be hate?

>I literally can't think of a time where I was not anxious.
That's called life. Most people are anxious most of the time.
Most people also mans up and deals with it.
Except for the snowflake generation who thinks life is easy for some reason despite all evidence on the contrary.

Low IQ

Because I almost died at least twice falling asleep behind the wheel in few years I dared to drive a car on our boring highways. This alone make it not worth it.
In addition I had to communicate with traffic patrol almost every single day (their job here is to stop you and to see if they can make you bribe them or else you go to piss in a jar because "you don't look drunk, but you're too happy for no reason"
And then there are other reasons: using taxi is less expensive than maintaining the car, friends anf family members who want you to solve their transportation problems, and so on.

Depression. Atleast for an Weimerican zoomer living in the South (Mexico combined with Africa). 18 now and fresh out of high school on the road to college because I don’t know what to do with my life. I just want to fight and die for my people when the time comes.

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Literally see no problems here. Zoomer got this right.

>parking costs as much as a return ticket
>fuel prices keep going up
>most people work just to keep one
>Insurance was 3k for first time drivers last time I checked
>If you are out you can't have a few drinks
>everything can be delivered

>happy for no reason
I always wanted to live in a country where fun and happiness was outlawed

Succeeding in a race war.

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>itt: poor fags who don’t know what it’s like to drive a nice german or british car
driving is one of the best experiences ever. sometimes i’ll just go for a drive and smoke a cigar

I can see the bad times coming and it scares me. Here in Australia at least, the housing market is so fucking close to collapsing it's amazing people aren't rioting in the streets. War with China is inevitable, and while I am confident the West will win it probably wont be bloodless. Racial tensions are bound to get worse if current trends continue, unlike the rest of Jow Forums.I don't want a race war but I can see it brewing. After the next major war though life will probably be good, we can learn some lessons from it.

Can you teach me to be a man? I never had a father or mentor to guide me.

You are right. I never could even finish high school.

driving is super overrated

Could just be general paranoia I guess or a constant sense of impending doom I've had since I was about fourteen and read about how the system is destined to collapse eventually. Living in California doesn't help either.

>in the yyyyeeeear 2525

>Boomerposting unironically

congrats, enjoy your youth.

driving is fun but when done not for recreation its a chore just like any other. It costs money to maintain, (((insurance))) and (((licenses))) and is the reason why american infrastructure is shit. Its actual insanity to even consider this should be normal

>Lives in California
>LMAO bottom text
Maybe don't live in the shittiest state in the union. Trains are for the homeless.

Russia is for sad ones (Rossia dla grustnyh)
is literally a meme here (rebranded from "Rossia dla ruskyh" (russia for russians))

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>>parking costs as much as a return ticket
>>fuel prices keep going up
>>most people work just to keep one
>>Insurance was 3k for first time drivers last time I checked
Have you tried not being a poorfag?
>>If you are out you can't have a few drinks
>drinking the alcoholic jew
>>everything can be delivered
Now you're a bitch to somebody else's schedule instead of your own.

Poorfags ITT. Go ride the train with homeless and niggers.

Or the fact that we are fucking gigantic. The logistics of providing transportation for a country as large as us are insane and are the reason why driving became popular.

have you ever heard of walking.

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Its not so much not wanting to drive a car, its the general fear with taking control of something, mixed with the attitude of wanting things to be easier

Because cars are cancerous and destroy human spaces and relations to each other, not to mention a massive money sink. In the future, one can hope cars will exist only for recreational purposes in the countryside.

Pussy I fall asleep driving drunk at 100mph all the time, I still drive.


I heard you cannot do it by foot in the USA


Not for long.

You sound like a fucking Commie. Muh green spaces, muh tight communities, all run by inept politicians who spend billions of dollars creating shit methods of transportation that get overrun by spics and niggers.

>>everything can be delivered

by magic

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You are weak and I hope you don't reproduce. You don't even control your own emotions, how could you learn to control a woman's?

Im describing the zoomer mentality, not mine

human ancestors all drove

Haha true.

Most places are not built for foot traffic, especially in suburban areas.

Fuck, that's depressing. I remember being young and a bit anxious, but there were plenty who were confident and capable my age even back then.

I sucked at driving when I first started. It was nerve wracking for me and anyone unfortunate enough to be in the passenger seat. Just keep at it.

It goes down to the fact that they are used to get everything served to them. Having to learn to drive for the first time confronts you with the fact you are not a child anymore. Many are repelled by that. Example: Hidinginmyroom, a YouTuber

You're a goddamn moron. You chug hot sauce to stay awake behind the wheel

Got my driving license as it was a pre-requisite for a job, fail my final interwiew for the job
The waste of 1700 eu is now burning in my pocket.

Nope. Zoomers will be worse than the millennial. Prove me wrong.
>Protip: you can't
The Zoomer must be gassed before they inevitably turn into millennial 2.0.

So kick out the spics and niggers. The entire reason we don't have tight communities are the niggers to begin with. Fucking pathetic defeatist. Keep spending money on your truck goy!! The Ford CEO needs another raise!!


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You first, faggot. I don't live among them. I'm not going to do your job for you.

Wouldn't you be in more danger being a pedestrian? At least when driving you survive if you're in a bigger car.

Here's your (You). Pic related.

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>cars are cancerous
still better than any form of public transportation

>destroy human spaces and relations
cities full of skyscrapers are what destroys these things, not cars

>a massive money sink
*laughs in a $150 30-year-old comblock shitbox*

Driving is probably the single most fun thing there is to do in the world besides fucking. Fuck zoomers.

Driving feels great
Always nice to cuck some pedestrian faggots giving his gf a ride
Oh no you came with your bycicle I guess I’ll just take the girls then beta boy
Also enjoy your train for the holidays and being stuck where you are with a tedious walking distance to everything interesting
I’ll also take your gf and visit every spot along with the surrounding countries while you walk to the village once

>wanting to drive in a city
>wanting to spend 2 hours a day going to and from work

Fucking idiot boomer. nobody asked for your help.
>We should have X
>>We shouldn't have X
>We should have X, and here's why
>>Well I won't help
Go fix a broken part on your F250 for the second time this year. Don't forget you need an oil change in 2500 miles! and the get the brakes checked for good measure! Shit, you may as well get your tires rotated while you're at it. Oh, and the engine light came on inexplicably yesterday, I wonder what that's about. Probably just another $500 fix. The price of freedom.

Honestly, you should have to re-take your driver's test every 5 years or so. There are so many fucking dipshits on the road that I look forward to automatic cars.

china seems to be able to build high speed rail. americans are just lazy and disorganised

but you mutts are too fat to walk.

You are absolutely retarded. You know nothing about cars because of your crippling anxiety and the low IQ that comes from living in California. Surrounded by shitskins and the homeless, you ride trains and probably made friends with some nice spics. I learned to use my hands to fix my own things unlike you coddled faggots.

>we should be more like china

buh huh, me boomer like monkey.
monkey see on internet, monkey do.
I want to see how you fix your car, when it gets serious damage. And even if you manage to repair something for yourself - you are still wasting your time and money with this garbage.
Kys, boomer faggets

You're never getting driverless cars.

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Skyscraper jew was only made worse by the car jew. As it turns out, when everyone goes fast, nobody goes fast. Skyscrapers and high rise buildings shouldn't be tossed around willy nilly like in NYC or Chicago or London as they belittle human perspectives and make every street force the person feel like an ant in a hallway. Instead, low and mid rise buildings should be the norm as in Europe's towns that remain somewhat untouched by globohomo.

LKEK I have rebuilt engines and transmissions, Hans. Does Merkel allow you to touch your own cars? Also it's great how anyone who has the slightest bit of ability and confidence is now a Boomer to you fags.
>Tradie = Boomer
>Gen X = Boomer
>Handy Millenial = Boomer
>Alpha Zoomer = Boomer

Not worth it where I live. Go in debt to buy something that costs money with no place to park safely and a town that's close to impossible to navigate quickly. Nope.

Ask Pewdie-Pie how hard he worked.

Idk about you but driving in European cities is nice
I night drive tm in Paris almost everyday and it’s fucking great
it’s too clogged during the day with fucking delivery trucks, Uber and cab, faggot with their bikes and bird lime scooter fucking retards to be really enjoyable but at night it’s fucking empty and you can enjoy some nice music while looking around Paris looking at people buildings etc finding new places you didn’t knew about
Looks fucking great at night and a car is clearly the most comfy way to enjoy cruising an area your curious about
Most effective being a two wheel motorized something like a scooter or motorbike easier to park and to get rid of traffic but exposed to rain and wind and less comfy
Everything that’s on the road and don’t have an engine is fucking gay
Use a skate board on the sidewalk or something if you don’t want to drive and gtfo
Fucking hippys clogging traffic because they need half the roads for their shitty bike lanes
Enjoy breathing my exhaust fumes if you dumb enough to do a physical activity in the actual car traffic of a big city
Fuck public transportation stinking piss and filled with pick pocket and addicts
Fuck zoomer with their free roaming gay electric scooter and shit costing a cab ride and needing slave to repair and rearrange them at night
Enjoy you 35kmh limited man children toy that will probably kill you since you’re allowed on the road without a driving a license or anything to protect you

I know my landlord at my walmart dorm gets pissed if your hood is up if you're doing anything other than putting wiper fluid in or giving someone a jump. I got tired of spending $3k annually to get my car street legal and buying lemons with blown headgaskets.

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I have to drive cause SA has limited public transport and a lot of land. And also you're fags if you don't enjoy driving and can't appreciate motorsport, its a sign of homosexuality.

Zoomer threads are started by discord trannies

I almost died four times and got flipped off countless times. It would be nice not having to drive anymore.

Aren't you a millennial by some chance?

ICE cars as they are now are an absolute waste of money, getting a car was the worst thing I ever did.
>very expensive fuel
Will be waiting for used electric cars to drop to used car prices, they're well over 60% cheaper to run. Even basic 125cc Motorbikes are godly in price and utility, but dangerous as fuck because of all the dumb chavs speeding like retards, and illegal and immigrant drivers who got their 'licence' from a cereal box.

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Air quality in the subway is even worse than the surface
Vaporised break dust all kind of nasty shit
Using the subway for commuting will ruin your health not even mentioning being stuck to disgusting wagecucks coffing and sneezing and sharing their germs
Also rats gypsies pick pocket bum fucking giant Commercial and woke posters shitskins musicians and beggars
Bus is vaguely better but not really and also fucking expensive and slow as shit
Both stop at night and force you to use some uber shit enjoy paying a shitskin listening his ethnic radio station and making money out of degenerate kufar leaving bars drunk on white wine
Only way to go in a city is a personal vehicle and everything without an engine let you either sweat like a pig do sport and breathe shit in traffic or being a general annoyance to everybody either on the sidewalk disturbing walking people or on the road disturbing driving people
Also rain and wind in your face and too slow to cross the entire city fast enough
A car or motorbike is the only way in or outside a city and it cost less once the vehicle is paid with gas and insurance than a fucking public transport pass
Only excuse to not be driving is not having a garage being a wagecuck and having your company paying half your pass but that makes you a faggot as well

Unironically go to the local community college that offers maintenance courses. Or a maker space. Learn from other people, control your own autonomy. This stuff is simple, it works by feel and tech books that don't even require an 80 IQ

Millennial here I don't have a car but I own an apartment... Everyone ask me how I got so much money while they change car every year and pay 3 different taxes and insurance on it...

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Maltese are top-tier companions, hearts of gold, and girls go crazy over them.

The Chad Maltese

Driving is true freedom and you are a fag if you don't fix your own shit, pic related is my current repair

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Dios mio...

Starter motor or A/c compressor? Can't see mounting tabs or manifold. Did some ho-hum brakes this weekend.

Electric cars are fucking gay
Enjoy your 400km autonomy with your overpriced iPad with wheels looking for charge station and waiting 2h for a refill with a machine refusing your card or realising the plug type is wrong etc
Paying 40k for this kind of junk when you can buy a perfectly fine used car for ten time less is beyond retarded
Electric didldo cars are as expensive as high end hatchback car with sport engines and full options like a golf or a civic
Also this car driving themselves needs to stop I heard several zoomer using this excuse for not being able to drive
>I won’t bother driving it’s dangerous so I’ll wait for car driving themselves
How stupid is that
Affordable and reliable Automated cars not requirering a license won’t exist before your death if that even happen you faggot