Leddit discovers her bf has no inner voice

Leddit discovers her bf has no inner voice
And here I was thinking you guys were joking about NPCs

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Finite number of souls.

How does it feel knowing an NPC has a girlfriend, while you cant get one incel

Looks like from the edit there were a bunch of people white-knighting.

It's really strange isn't it? What goes on in these people's heads? Do they even think or just act based on instinct? I doubt they have an inner voice either. Really, what makes them different from animals?

what the fuck
is everyone on reddit retarded in some way

You have such concept as Reddit in Russia?

>is everyone on reddit retarded in some way


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I dont even know what the fuck people with aphantasia think they arent seeing

When i Close my eyes and try to image a red star, I can see the red star with my minds eye, but not my actual fucking eyes.
Who the fuck can do this?

More NPCs just doing what they're programmed to do

Their mind's eye is blind.



I would say it just isn't there. They are, in a sense, meat dolls. Soulless automatons.

Underated and checked

I’ve always loved being alone because I can be left to my own thoughts and imagination. Been that way my whole life. Life would seem so boring without it

I can indeed relate to that sentiment. Perhaps their need of constant social interaction is dictated by the fact that they are simply incapable of extended and refined thought. Alas, we could not know since we are not normalniggers, but in my eyes, it's a question worth pursuing. Just imagine the world without the eternal NPC. If everyone had at least the bare minimum of intellectual thought.

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Yeah. I made the mistake of using Reddit for a while, since I could get away with it on my work tablet. The more I browsed the front page, the more I drifted towards idiocy and faggotry—possibly irreparably.
I still use it for Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia and Gwent news tho.

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Imagine having no imagination by birth and it being incurable hahahah

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This user is completely onto it.. Revelation did say that idiocy and faggotry would abound

I went to a mtg draft at this guys house and they were complaining about donald trump, calling him an orange cheetoh and saying "i read on reddit that ______"

The dude got his wife pregnant and he literally said his baby was like "some kind of parasite" in her. He wanted to play nintendo switch until all the other people playing the card game arrived. He's a philosophy student in a Canadian university, too.

I thought it was all a joke, a meme or some kind of exaggeration, but there are actually people out there like that.

I don't understand the concept of "no inner voice" or "can't mentally visualize" at all. Can these people even recall memories or experiences mentally from their past? That's basically my internal mental picturing... whatever, except it's for the future or like daydreaming. It's nothing more than mentally recalling something I've seen or experienced in the past, then tweaking or changing it mentally, and like... projecting it to the future. Recall the past as a reference point to mentally create a possible future image.

Seriously, can these people even recall their own past? How do they plan for the future if their mind is just empty blackness?

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>ever doubting Jow Forums
/pol is always right you newfag

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>He studies philosophy as a major
there's your problem right there, philosophy is either self-taught or introduced and THEN self-taught.

>How do they plan for the future if their mind is just empty blackness?
Look around you burgerbro. What does it look like?
>begging the answer

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I'm actually deaf since birth so i can partially understand. Human beings adapt in really ridiculous ways and what might seem alien to one of us is like auto-pilot to others.

Recalling memories and the past is dangerous
Only progress is allowed

>Now I have a boyfriend that’s really upset
I bet it looked like this...

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My girlfriend corrected him about ancient egypt and he pretended he was tired / went to his room because he was so buttmad.


I have an inner voice, but I trained myself to use NPC think. It's actually more efficient. You don't have to consciously sift through sounds and images to find what you want, you just intuit it towards you. I now use inner voice for creative thinking and NPC think for information recall.

Slippery slope. Be careful fren.

>mutt logic thinks aphantasia is the same as no inner voice
circumcision really does turn you into a retard

what a manchild lmao

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so if people with aphantasia are soulless, what does it mean if I have hyperphantasia?

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A big part of my life is writing music in my head and I don't think I'll quit doing that any time soon.

>i see colors n shit

Read up on the curse of ham.

An error. Multiple souls trapped in one. The only solution is to kys.

what do you expect, she's a woman, hardwired by nature to seek attention in the stupidest things.

They were talking about how long the Egyptians worshipped the gods. He said it was for a very short time and my girlfriend pointed out they went back and forth to those gods because certain kings forbid it. He said she was wrong, so she said "lets check wikipedia".
After that he said "well you know ANYONE can write in Wikipedia, right?" so she said "anyone can write a dictionary too", so he left until we left kek.

The "inner voice", believe it or not, is to a large degree generated in the muscles you use to speak-- When you think in words, you'll find that you're very slightly pantomiming speech with those muscles, and your brain generates the sounds that correspond to those movements based on your memories of hearing yourself speak.

If I focus on forcing that very slight micro-movement to stop, the inner voice stops as well. It's kind of cool, because I start using pictures to think or drawing imaginary lines between things in my field of vising to form ideas. (i.e. if I'm thirsty instead of thinking "Let me get some water," it's like I take a rubber band and stretch it between myself, my kitchen, the cabinet where I keep my glasses and the pitcher, and walking towards them releases the tension in it)

I think that may be what having no inner monologue is like.

I can't imagine being unable to visualize anything myself. It sounds like it sucks. I can't even force myself to not visualize anything if I close my eyes.

I think it's somewhere north of 50% of the population, user. It's almost impossible for most people (even those who are able to actually imagine) to put themselves in the mind of another.

I could not imagine being with a girl so dumb. I tried it in the past and i just cant do it. My gf makes me do a buncha shit for her but atleast she doesnt talk about stupid shit. Seriously, get a life.

well fuck


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>White font on black background
There's a special place in hell for you.

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Been saying this for awhile

>They were talking about how long the Egyptians worshipped the gods. He said it was for a very short time and my girlfriend pointed out they went back and forth to those gods because certain kings forbid it.
For me things like those are quite fascinating, especially Akhenaton; what would push one man to bring on himself the ire of the entire nobility and priesthood to convert to a quasi-monotheistic cult?
>"well you know ANYONE can write in Wikipedia, right?"
It's not even true these days, some pages are locked.

I actually think you're right about this, from a neurological perspective.

Not even lying. There is someone else in here with me.

Your girlfriend sounds based, make sure to have babies with her

fpbp and checked

I don't think intellectual thought is quite right; some NPCs are indeed intelligent. It's more like those people are machines, incapable of actually humanity as those endowed understand it. I don't know if it is lacking a soul, but it's a pretty decent way to articulate the problem if nothing else.

She’s posting on reddit so his gf is a fat retard 100%

Not entirely a reach tbqh senpai

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>It's more like those people are machines
This is how an NPC works for sure. They can store lots of information like a computer, but don't know how to process it or use it in a meaningful matter without outside input (i.e media propaganda)

NPCs are a danger to our continued existence. We should like, totally kill them.

Learn 2 code

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She's explained it poorly though. He's probably thinking people have movie quality recreations in their minds, when it's more of a fleeting construction.

> in b4 npc
I paint as a hobby and visualize what something looks like before realizing it all the time

cd code

Imagine for a moment realizing that your entire life's been done on autopilot and that you have no idea how to actually willfully think

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So if all of this is true and as says, there is a finite number of souls, then does that mean that the "NPC"s or those without souls have no objective reason to follow a religious morality?

Bear with me here and assume there is a heaven/hell dichotomy in the afterlife. Does an "NPC" have any reason to be a "good" or moral person? Or are they ultimately not held accountable for their actions in life? Can they go to heaven? Do they automatically go to hell? Or does their consciousness just fade into nothingness in the same way as if there was no afterlife?

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We want kids in the future when we're more secure but she had ovarian cysts which almost poisoned her, so we might have to try in-vitro sadly.

We've actually been to Cairo and Luxor. Cairo was kind of a shithole, but all the museums/temples were amazing. There were a few people who definitely outshined the 2000 touts and brainwashed muslims.

My favourite was seeing the desecrated temples of Horus that ancient Christians tried to destroy, or the Sobek stuff.

Cheers guys.

They don't want people to acquire this skill because it creates critical thinking feedback loops and makes it harder to propagandists against you

That's fucking weird. In my case I tend to forget a story from a book pretty quickly, so when year later I think about the book the first thing ill think about are the scenes I made in my head, (although not the dialogue). So I guess I am not an NPC at least.

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also schizoid disorders are due to a soul who picked up shards of other souls on its way to reincarnation - when schizos hear "voices" its actually echoes of thoughts from those soul fragments

Non-verbal abstraction without a mental picture is actually not an npc thing at all. It was one of the five types of thought studied in the psych article that helped start the meme.
For example, a programmer who has a sort of mental construct of a program's behavior before and as he writes, but has to think really hard to tell anyone in words or pictures what's happening.

This causes eye strain in a lot of people. It may work for you, but it's hardly universal.

Jow Forums is a Christian board

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I'm a webdev (I know, not a real programmer) and most of what I do is either building muscle memory or using it.

>You don't have to consciously sift through sounds and images to find what you want

It's not like I mentally have to go on a search or pull up an index or cycle through everything in my mind to get the right spot on a magnetic tape. The mental image is there kind of automatically when I think about it. The image/sound/smell/taste/feel just accompanies the word or thought in my mind if needed/relevant on it's own, and it's like random access memory, not sequential access memory. I don't have to actually think "image of this memory of X". I just have to think about "X" and whatever past experience through whatever sense, or feeling comes into my current thought along with "X".

It can be any image, sound, etc or a combination of them that come up automatically, instantly as needed while I'm thinking about "X". I don't think I could suppress this or turn it off either. It's like "you are now blinking manually, you are now breathing manually". My mind does the inner image/sound thing on it's own, and it would take a constant, never-ending effort to suppress it.

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Check out the thread, there is a frightening amount of people who can’t visualize anything

How could one even function without being able to imagine things?

I mean, that doesn't even sound like living a human life.

Sorry for your loss.
Here's the article, it's the last of three

Your post doesn't seem to have anything to do with an inner narrative voice, but rather this faggot's alleged inability to visualize objects.
In any case, you have to go back.

This is what scares me. I can't imagine that these people are able to run on anything BUT autopilot.

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Is that why people were so happy in the good old days centuries ago? Because the population didn't exceed the amount of souls on the planet so people had more fulfilling lives. Now the majority are soulless and it has corrupted society and it only gets worse. Or maybe I'm just crazy.

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50/50 it's a random male basement dweller trying to farm karma and attention with his fantasy stories. But yeah, 0% chance it's a reasonable looking female.

>implying reincarnation clashes with Christianity
Purgatory = Earth

Anyone want to describe what they see when I tell them to think of the number 4?.
If my eyes are closed, you know how you have a fuzzy black field? A black 4 appears in that field, outlined by the phosphors firing. If my eyes are open I have a small red 4 surrounded by a bit of white. How about you anons?

phosphenes* not phosphors

this explains a lot about why they just accept CNN narratives hook line & sinker with no critical thought. they just accept what’s told to them about how the world works because they literally can’t visualize anything else or solve nuances etc

I want to see a political gender and racial sorting of people like this. I bet it would be very unsurprising.

You'd probably be surprised if you thought through where you're "building muscle memory".

Unless you're a node.js guy, in which case you're just tacking on hundreds of other people's libraries and calling yourself a developer.

>deaf since birth
Ouch. My apologies user. Can't imagine what it's like to live without music. Although I'm sure your other senses are sharpened to compensate. You're exactly right though - humans are wildly different, despite certain commonalities.

I visualize a white sheet similar to paper with a 4 printed on it with black ink(?)
I think it's fairly normal desu.

black 4 surrounded by yellow/gold glow

>You'd probably be surprised if you thought through where you're "building muscle memory".
I apply conscious thought to internalizing the information, and then repeat it over and over (either through practice exercises or for work) until it becomes like breathing or driving.

I think of a 5/5 domino with the correct number of dots, so for four, it's 4 dots and a blank bottom. That's for numbers up to 10. Above that, I just see the number.

same here, but the background is like halflife when you noclip into a wall

Sounds similar to mine.
Very autistic.

But then whose got the dark soul?

I know what you mean but I thought of this too

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>but the background is like halflife when you noclip into a wall
yeah, that's a good analogy

The basic assumption that someone could realize this and then start acting accordingly would immediately denote a non-npc. That’s borderline awakened tier planning and thinking. More like a Crowleyan than an NPC.

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means they are high

That's some visualization there.
I don't literally see it with my eyes, it's like there's a second monitor. I see a black 4, exactly like on an address, but it's in my head