
>we deserve reparations for what happened 150 years ago!

>we deserve reparations for what happened 80 years ago!

Are Poles the niggers of Europe?

Attached: polish flag.jpg (800x450, 112K)

Other urls found in this thread:

1930s: Polish ness is equal to subhumanity
2010s: Poles are based Aryans.

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>Haiti's first president Jean-Jacques Dessalines called Polish people "the White Negroes of Europe", which was then regarded a great honour, as it meant brotherhood between Poles and Haitians


proud of not being wh*Te

GTFO mohamed

Shut the fuck and pay the reparations already, wh*tey!

Attached: whitey.png (838x559, 754K)

I went to Poland and got shouted at for being a Pakistani Muslim. Those people are truly the worst people of Europe.

Attached: GermanyPoland.jpg (700x394, 111K)

Nah poles are cool and you need to pay up

You already pay reparations to Poland in Greece indirectly but we need to suck dry eternal kraut even more until your cucked gov make Germany 99% muslim

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better pay up mohammed

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Poles are pussies

Jesus. Suddenly World War II is the midpoint between the present and the US Civil War.

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Of course they are. Fuck gibs demanders of all kind.

you better pay up too cuck

When have poles asked for reparations? Israel is the one asking for money from Poland.

P*les are the white negroes of Europe

Stop paying the jews and we will shut up aswell

Stay mad, bohemian dumpling.

No, Poland talks about reperations. They say they are "evaluating" how much exactly. But since half their country is from Germany, they haven't made an official proclamation yet-

Nah the Irish are the niggers of Europe just check the average IQ

>bohemian dumpling
feelsgoodman, was that supposed to be an insult?

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he's referring to the tactic used by our politicians to refuse to take in muslim immigrants.

basically it goes yes sure we will take in refugees but first give us reparations. really it's a sugar coated way of telling the krauts to fuck off.

To be honest, no. Better start eating somethin.

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That was only a response to Germany and the rest of Western Europe pressuring Poland to take in a share of Negroes and Arabs you took in. Deal with them yourselves.

Just keep sending that money to your local rabbi instead Hans.

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poles are niggers of niggers, lol

Germans: *Has the whole world show solidarity to it in the London Agreement when it's at it's lowest point.*
Germany: *Gets back on it's feet and now other countries need solidarity* Oy vey no.. Punish Portugal! Punish Greece! My moneyssss!!!
Germany: *Is literally saved from becoming slaves of the Soviets by Americans and British*
Germany: *Gets to carry some extra weight thanks to the EU* Oyyy bad British! Oyy veyy make life hell! They want to leave! my moneysss!!! Americans are vey bad, they rivals!! We turn back on them! My moneysss!!

Are Germans the kikes of Europe?

Pay up kraut or else


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Ahh, this gayreek again. Stop posting boomer tier memes.

Oh, this gayman again. Stop being kikes!

>muh london agreement
>muh amis saved germans from da ebil sowjet

They couldnt even save poland, fagget.

>Be black in white colony
>Have everything built for you
>White man leaves
>Leave everything to fall to pieces
>Be Polish
>Have well established independent republic
>Have everything destroyed
Yeah.. No difference there at all.

>Have independence

Nigga, you gay?

>London Agreement is no big deal. We don't owe anything for it! Why should we even have this "honor" thing you talk about?
>The Americans and the Brits saving our asses is no biggie! We don't owe them anything.
Spoken like a true kike! I'm sure Merkel would be proud of you!

>saved da germans

Nigger, it was the plan all along. Without these morons, soviets wouldnt be a thing.

No, Krauts are.
They make their environment uninhabitable

>Are Poles the niggers of Europe?
Also Polish swines are best friends with stinking Pakis.

Attached: Pakistan Air Force was established by Poland.png (1280x953, 955K)

So, you think that if the Brits and the Americans left and let the Soviets do whatever they wanted after the war, without them getting involved, a country called Gaymany would exist today? Because I think all Gaymans would either be dead or speaking Russian.

>Congratulations, you now own the wasteland that was once your country again
They've been paid back approx. 2% of the wealth lost from WWII, and used that and their own labour to turn Poland into a first world country again. This thread is comparing the Polish to people who collapse countries that were working fine, in times of total peace and economic prosperity.

oh hey, it's the seething g*rm again

>let them german goys do the dirty job
>oh, theyre weakened, lets invade them
>somehow a kind of saving

Imagine being this retarded.

Should had fuck with germans then and rely on you.


Those are football hooligans. Nice cherry picking thigh.

Do you or don't you agree that if the Brits and the Americans hadn't protected you after the war, you would be done today?

Imagine being that much of a kike.

Poles are the original niggers, the eternal victims

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Tell me how we "fucked" with them?

>What is east Germany.


Indirectly? Poles did not receive shit, only about 100 of them who were experimented on by the Nazi eugenic program received compensation, the 3 million rest did not recieve shit except Soviet occupation

Our land which you stole in the first place.

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I was talking about the german state created by the Soviets, sensible Pollack.

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No, we wouldnt be somethinf like Vietnam, GDR or something like that, see Stalin Note.

>muh genocidal russians

*would, damned

Oh sorry, my bad.
You gotta admit though, soviet controlled Germany is less cucked than the western influenced one.

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A warning of what could have happened to you if you weren't protected by the people you shit on today. Now imagine it was all of Gaymany and with the Americans and the Brits giving the Soviets the okay to do whatever the hell they wanted. The rape of Berlin and East Gaymany would seem like a walk in the park. I'd say you should be grateful to them, but I know kikes are incapable of feeling gratitude.

I don't want reparations. I want Poland to become a Monarchy

I want very low taxes
I want to own guns without permit
I want to have freedom

FUCK people who ask for gibs in the ass. I'm ashamed of them. Get to fucking work niggers

Attached: POLISH KANG WE.jpg (236x315, 21K)

Show flag, kike

>first world
It’s a fucking shithole populated with semi human slaves

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Why not a fascist monarchy like Romania had?

>t. Russian
Opinion discarded. Need I remind you that when Russia annexed and invaded Poland into the Russian Empire, it was the richest region?

Imagine being this retarded. Your kind is nothing more than opportunistic kikes.

You gave Hitler enough reasons to invade. You could have had your corridor and shut the fuck up, but no.

because, as usual, krauts ruined fascism.
same with nationalism.

Also, nice cherry picking. You deliberately picked a picture with shit weather.

European Nations pre-1945 fucked with eachother all the time. People looked out for their own interests. Nothing wrong with not giving up territory just because someone asked nicely. My point is what happened happened, and Poland has done well to recover like it has.

>grateful to the countries that helped the Soviets win the war

Please, consider me a brainlet and source me on these "reasons".
Oh, you can't do it can you? :^)

Said the Iesos Christos faggot, thanks for kike religion.

Fuck their opinion lel

>fascism meme
government should fuck off from peoples lives. it should be an absolute monarchy like in Poland before Commonwealth

My dad always said it was Albanians, but Poles are worse.

We dindu nuffin, we dont want Hamburg. Ok, Sloty.

Where the fuck did you find this chart ? We pay way more than that, 2 billion, kek. It's also true for Germoney, way more than 5 billion.

No, there are no niggers among the white race, sure there are some groups that stand bellow the northern folk for example, but nothing that comes even close to africans. This is a divide and conquer thread.

I've travelled through Poland for weeks. Visited both wealthiest regions (around Krakow and Zakopane) and the poorest (Bialystok and local countryside) and nowhere was terrible. A little rough around the edges, but safe and constantly improving. How are things in your country?

>You could have had your corridor
it paints me to say you're right, but it's true

gdańsk was >90% german. for ex. if Lwów (>90% polish) was held by Ukrainians, would that be a reason to invade? fuck yes lol

i'm not a hypocrite, what's done is done though. let's focus on fixing our relations, because we have a common enemy ay?

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what? are you having aneurysm?

And who also protected you and helped you get on your feet later, you kike.

Here watch one of your kikes politicians getting schooled
I dare anyone to watch the video and say that Weber didn't look/act just like a kike.

>he doesn’t know the truth about fascism
It’s the greatest system created. Couple it with monarchy and you have the epitome of greatness.

karma is inevitable
repent sinners!

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They've oocupied us, you greek moron.

>Are Poles the niggers of Europe?
Youre saying it like there is no real niggers in Europe right now.

Polaks are not even white

Yes they are called polaks

They are certainly Caucasoid.

tHeY oCcUpIeD uS, tHeY bAd Oy VeY
Did you fight for your independence, kike? Did you revolt against them? No? They let your govern yourself on their own? Then shut up and be grateful.

I mean illegally annexing more than 100.000 km2 of German Land, the Expropriation of Millions of Germans should be considered Reparations for WW2.

Tzarist Russia wronged us and now it is gone
Third Reich wronged us and now is gone and its beliefs are banned worldwide
CCCP wronged us and now it is gone, except in Brussels
tread lightly

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unironically based

>illegally annexing
dindu nuffin, Churchill, Roosevelt and your butt buddy Stalin gave it to us

You will be replaced I can assure you of this.

Grateful for being occupied?

We want them fucking dead.

A wild gang of caillous appears!

typical jewish "we stronk but victims" double think, have your ancestry checked

shut the fuck up, cygan

>we deserve reparations for niggers

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