
Attached: IMG_20190623_201039.jpg (611x846, 84K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Brainwashing and child abuse

Jews are pedophiles


Attached: Jewish_Feminist_Linda_Gordon_Nuclear_Family.jpg (960x1191, 164K)

Attached: 15221392.webm (1280x720, 1.09M)

Degeneracy spreads where there are no fathers in sight.

single mom = degeneracy. Who would' ve know.

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Every gender matters
Both of them

This kids gonna regret so much shit when they're older
Probably hate their parents for encouraging this shit

the future is looking amazing
bye bye bigots!

Orthodox Kikes must be kevetching

I'm willing to bet you can find at least one or two retweets or even actual posts condemning straight pride, though. Every gender matters so long as I get goodboy victim points for supporting them.

Also shit that never fucking happened for 1000.

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And probably commit suicide like 90% of trans bullshit ect... When they réalisé they cut their dick for nothing

Every single case of this abuse happens to kids with single mothers or divorced parents.

>7yo are pride parade

It's beautiful.


Attached: 7.png (925x500, 743K)

What!? Kikes abusing their own children? TOTALLY UNEXPECTED!!!!

>every gender matters
This sheiit raycis. Only black lives matter

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If it weren't for this woman's account being verifiably real, I would have thought this was just a Jow Forumstard taking the piss. You can't even satirize the left anymore.

If everything matters nothing matters

That's the rules of this game

Based chink

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>And then everyone clapped

>calling your child "kid"
doesn't seem right