Why do poojeets hate christians?

I went on a mission trip there and the salt was palpable

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Maybe they don't need Mormons interfering in their country, just like we don't need muslims interfering here.

India is a revolting shithole, that nigerian woman was right

Get out of their country fag

No, my job is to preach the gospel worldwide

They already have their own religion, no one wants to hear about an arab and his jewish mom with a daddy that kills everyone just because

Poos would be way cooler if they were Christian

I would put it like said since I am a believer in Christ but he’s essentially correct. They have their own religion that’s tied to their national culture. That’s why they don’t like Muslims and why those two religions don’t get along. Then again Islam hates everyone that isn’t them.

Cus poos hate cucks

If you have an anglo name that was made known to the poos, they STILL resent the Indian colonization by the Brits.

Their culture is repulsive

Because they love Rama, Vishnu, and Brahma. They look to the vedas and the mahabharata. Why need a bible?

Nothing is more repulsive than your sandnigger cult

Probably because you're actively trying to subvert their culture and religion with Abrahamic nonsense. And just like in Rome, you're targeting women and poor people.

There should honestly be a crime to do what you're doing.

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Those are the fallen angels
Sure there is, odin was a practicing homosexual

why do Christcucks want to convert the poojeets?


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Proving once again that Christcucks are degenerate liars just like the kikes whose religion they have adopted

Because their cult demands it. On the personal level, the cultists are driven to convert others because non-cultists are likely to point out the contradictions and falsehoods underlying the Abrahamic tradition and so proselytizing becomes a necessity in order to ward against the cognitive dissonance arising from being confronted with their degeneracy. Because they believe in fiction, they will not feel at peace until all those who know the truth have been eradicated, silenced, or lobotomized. This is the nature of the Christcuck and why they destroy cultures, repress philosophy, and murder dissidents. If allowed to regain control of our societies, they will return to burning alive any who oppose their cult. They openly call for a return to that madness.

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because they are pag*Ns
all pag*Ns subhumans are revolted by the truth
they just want to have gay orgies

A dead Christian missionary is a good Christian missionary.

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pretty-sure they already have their own religion, kiddo

>I went on a mission trip there

Based pajeets dabbing on jew agents

Missionaries have always been used to weaken other cultures religious homogeneity and to sew chaos. Seriously, keep your shit to yourself, they don't want you there and your book isn't going to fix their underlying issues. You'd need to kill 70% of the Indian population to fix things.

>all pag*Ns subhumans are revolted by the truth

Dumb leaf

Your subverting their culture and religion (which is the fucking root of all Indian culture) by targetting the downtrodden and feeble minded like a parasite
Be glad they didnt kill you

>caring about faggots
Old european faiths and dharmic ones (and pretty much every single non desert cult faith) were/are extremely based on the natural world and it's interpretation. Dharmic ones specifically are rooted in understanding our position and growing with it, not fighting nature and approaching reality clinically with a set of no-nos and ultimate judgement based upon a single life in an otherwise meaningless material world. Other faiths place strong emphasis on life here in the universe and stress the natural beauty in everything and in their necessity. Love, loss, death, and every emotion possible are embraced and depicted because there's no need to speak about life in a highly polished manner like Abrahamic niggers do. One in one thousand babies are born as intersex, rather than covering that up and working around it they embraced it. Greeks said Hermes and Aphrodite had an intersex baby, thus we get the deity and the word Hermaphrodite from that. Hindus have Ardhanarishvara, a joining of Shiva and Parvati to display explicitly the duality of both sexes as well as those caught inbetween and outside. These religions embrace reality, explain it, and give philosophical meaning to something that is both formless yet all pervasive. Abrahamic faiths are just detached and show everything as being grim and on a time crunch. Not necessarily good for being spiritual or a good person, IMO

I think the worst part of missionaries is that they prey on kids, women and the poor, they KNOW these aren't people who are thinking but people they can take advantage of because they are but pawns.

We built america and conquered the world. Christ will win no matter what
Their culture of shitting in the street?

cause missionaries tell them to poo in loo. they hate that.

>We built america and conquered the world. Christ will win no matter what
lmao, our country is going to be a spic shithole in less than 100 years, meanwhile in 100 years Japs and Indians will still be themselves. But as long as the spics love Jesus right? Your real life starts when you die so who cares about what happens here right?

Based. Ive been to your country too and i know plenty of poles in america. Its heaven on earth

>Because their cult demands it.
Sort of. The gospel says to "go and spread the word", not necessarily to convert people. Who wants to listen, will listen, who doesn't want to, won't listen. But some sects take it further, I guess.

The bean problem is the capitalists fault since they need new consumers and workers and you know it

People like you disgust me
Your no different that Muslims or Jews, you just peddle a slightly different take on your incestuous stone age desert cult

Poland is alright to live in. People are honest and honorable, contrary to what (((our))) media try to convince us.
Wages are low though. But that might be what still keeps us levelheaded.

Jews dont believe either the old or new testament. The babylonian talmud is basically witchcraft

>We built america
Of course, in other circumstances you Christcucks will disqualify the Protestants from being "real Christians" and denounce the colonial elite as Masonic Satan worshipers. When it benefits your argument to claim their achievements, you call them Christcucks and when you want to argue that their heresies are the reason for our problems rather than Christianity itself, you will disown them and call for a return to "true Christianity."
This dishonesty is just another example of how Christcucks are degenerate liars just like the kikes whose religion they have adopted.

lmao, and guess what they say as an excuse to let these people in? "oh these people are God loving natural conservatives!" These people wouldn't have an excuse if we hadn't fucking made them a part of our religion in the first place, all it did was make it easier for them to get in. That's why Jews don't try and spread their religion, they know that if they let everyone in it would destroy them.

Probably because of the missionaries converting nigger castes.

I live in chicongo, theres lots of poles who fled from communism in the 80s and 90s.

Jews arent christians, they hate christianity and want it gone

not all of us are hindu or muslims you faggot, the south and northeast have a lot of Christian majority areas, some states are majority Christian too
India is not limited to the little shitnigger towns you go to do your mutt evangelical bullshit that does nothing for the people you fucking faggot, mutt 'missionaries' do more bad than good for us pajeet Christians... all you fags do is piss off the hindu mobs that inevitably come for our fucking heads

Maybe they prefer worshiping their demon gods and shitting in the street?

(((Greenberg))) also claims that Jesus used homo magic by fucking his apostles. Odin was not gay.

Stop abandoning the religion of your ancestors for some dumb Jewish subversion.

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Because you want people to pray to a faggot jew god and keep a name like thomas or matthew

What is your opinion on hindu nationalists?

Based, we should get rid of hebrew names.

You wouldn't happen to have the image of the excerpt on that saved, would you? I really should fuse both excerpts into one image to further demonstrate the deceitful nature of Christcucks.

The pagan mobs seem to be a common thing, I know that during the conversion of the Roman empire you had this phenomena.

Anyway how about you blame the pagans for being degenerate scum instead of missionaries for trying to save souls.

They were the biggest homos of all time. Weimar *1000

Why do you niggers insist on lying? It doesn't make you look good.

stop larping, faggot

>implying that all indians share a common ancestry and history
no you dumb mutt, you don't know jack shit about the various subcultures and ethnic populations here... my people took the Christpill when the bongs came, and our whole culture revolves around it, hell we don't even have pajeet genes, we're all chinks here

my people will endure, it sounds corny but we've done it before we'll do it again... we will unironically die defending our Christian way of life

And he wonders why people don't like him.

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Read Occult Theocrasy by Edith Star Miller chapters on India it completely explains their retarded theology that took over and how.

they just hate faggots like you specifically OP.

white evangelists have no place here, it's just that way... christian white people going about their preaching openly is already a huge fuckin red flag that'll probably trigger a new lynching wave that affects us more than them... we're a small minority but we can hold out on our own...Their intentions may be good but they bring nothing but trouble for us

>couple hundred years ago
It's not too late to stop being a christcuck. The native traditions and religions of India is still alive.

Weren’t parts of India Christian before the bongs came? Like down in Kerala where they believe themselves to be the descendants of St Thomas or someone?

Fuck off snownigger. You illiterate savages were the original rapefugees

>Under Reinhard Heydrich and Heinrich Himmler, the Security Police, and the SD were responsible for suppressing internal and external enemies of the Nazi state. Among those enemies were "political churches" – such as Lutheran and Catholic clergy who opposed the Hitler regime. Such dissidents were arrested and sent to concentration camps.[65] According to Himmler biographer Peter Longerich, Himmler was vehemently opposed to Christian sexual morality and the "principle of Christian mercy", both of which he saw as a dangerous obstacle to his plans battle with "subhumans".[66] In 1937 he wrote:[67]
>We live in an era of the ultimate conflict with Christianity. It is part of the mission of the SS to give the German people in the next half century the non-Christian ideological foundations on which to lead and shape their lives. This task does not consist solely in overcoming an ideological opponent but must be accompanied at every step by a positive impetus: in this case that means the reconstruction of the German heritage in the widest and most comprehensive sense.
>Himmler saw the main task of his Schutzstaffel (SS) organization to be that of "acting as the vanguard in overcoming Christianity and restoring a 'Germanic' way of living" in order to prepare for the coming conflict between "humans and subhumans":[66] Longerich wrote that, while the Nazi movement as a whole launched itself against Jews and Communists, "by linking de-Christianization with re-Germanization, Himmler had provided the SS with a goal and purpose all of its own."[66] He set about making his SS the focus of a "cult of the Teutons".[68]

Coz we don't want pedos and necros in here you amputeddickhead

>t. christcuck

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Fuck off treefucker

You stop at attacking the source because you cannot actually demonstrate that the information is inaccurate. Once again, you are behaving in the same deceitful manner as the kikes whose religion you have adopted.

you really don't know shit about my people snownigger, and I don't expect you to, but just know that we're trad and based as fuck, have a solid and strong culture built on our traditional tribal and Christian values, and will unironically never change or forsake our way of life for the sake or progressivism or anything else... we have adopted the way of life that built your nations, the one you have forgotten and thrown away

Fun fact: Miller is a crypto name for Cohen for Jews, it's why there are so many Jews with that last named (Exp: Ezra Miller).

yeah, a few areas in the tribal sister states of the northeast too, plus some other areas in the central part of the country

this lol
most whites come to this part of the world to convert dalits and they do it for money.
Christians are basically joke to us. Most hindu extremists are pissed because of this because they have lost their slaves and they can't order around dalits anymore. So the hindu extremists are beheading christians everywhere now thanks to you mutts and anglos.

Let's go on another one
>One of the most important Nazi proponents of racial-mystical paganism was Heinrich Himmler, who regarded his SS as an elite Germanic tribe. In the following speech, which was delivered on the occasion of Reinhard Heydrich’s funeral, he explained some of the principles of his faith, which were based largely on a general contempt for individuality and humanity.
>"We will have to deal with Christianity in a tougher way than hitherto. We must settle accounts with this Christianity, this greatest of plagues that could have happened to us in our history, which has weakened us in every conflict. If our generation does not do it then it would I think drag on for a long time. We must overcome it within ourselves. Today at Heydrich's funeral I intentionally expressed in my oration from my deepest conviction a belief in God, a belief in fate, in the ancient one as I called him—that is the old Germanic word: Wralda.
>"But everything that we do must be justifiable vis-à-vis the clan, our ancestors. If we do not secure this moral foundation which is the deepest and best because the most natural, we will not be able to overcome Christianity on this plane and create the Germanic Reich which will be a blessing for the earth."
>Source of original German text: Rede vor den Oberabschnittsführern und Hauptamtschefs im Haus der Flieger in Berlin am 9. 6. 1942 (Gedenkrede für Reinhard Heydrich), U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, MD, T-175, Roll 90, Frames 2664-2685; reprinted in Heinrich Himmler, Heinrich Himmler: Geheimreden 1933 bis 1945 und andere Ansprachen. Bradley F. Smith and Agnes F. Peterson, eds. Frankfurt am Main: Propyläen, 1974, pp. 159-61.

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>based as fuck
pick one
>So the hindu extremists are beheading christians everywhere

because global religions are just huge power plays. Hindus don't send missionaries to your shithole of a town and try to change their mind.

>the hindu extremists are beheading christians


"muhh Christianity first spread amongst the poor", not true. Christianity mostly spread among the higher ranked Romans and the roman soldiers, not "slaves" as the un-researched meme has it.
Source: How the West Won by Dr. Rodney Stark (2014).

how weak is your shitty religion if it gets destroyed by some simple missionaries though? kek.
almost as weak as the pagan religions in europe, which got completely rekt by some simple missionary bois

>How the West Won by Dr. Rodney Stark
>How my kike on a stick is so gr8 (Dr. Jewney Snark).

>Why do poos hate the christcucks that raped there country?

>he doesn't know

>Why don't poos want their culture changed to jewish things?

Based pajeets, destroying the scourge of the demiurge.

> a solid and strong culture built on our traditional tribal and Christian values
good for you. and dont ever give those christian values up like western europe did, otherwise you'll see your society degrade into a cesspool of sodomy in 15 years or less

Returning to that damned wikipedia
>Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi Minister for Propaganda, was among the most aggressive anti-church Nazi radicals. Goebbels led the Nazi persecution of the German clergy and, as the war progressed, on the "Church Question", he wrote "after the war it has to be generally solved... There is, namely, an insoluble opposition between the Christian and a heroic-German world view".[13]
>Goebbels noted heightened verbal attacks on the clergy from Hitler in his diary and wrote that Hitler had approved the start of trumped up "immorality trials" against clergy and anti-church propaganda campaign. Goebbels' orchestrated attack included a staged "morality trial" of 37 Franciscans.[13]
>Diary excerpts
>What does Christianity mean today? National Socialism is a religion. All we lack is a religious genius capable of uprooting outmoded religious practices and putting new ones in their place. We lack traditions and ritual. One day soon National Socialism will be the religion of all Germans. My Party is my church, and I believe I serve the Lord best if I do his will, and liberate my oppressed people from the fetters of slavery. That is my gospel. Dated 16 October 1928
>he Fuhrer is deeply religious, though completely anti-Christian. He views Christianity as a symptom of decay. Rightly so. It is a branch of the Jewish race. Dated 29 December 1939

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>Why do poojeets hate christians?
the British spent a ton of money trying to prevent the spread of Christianity in India

You are an absolute retard who is earning his place in the underworld. Try to remember I said that as a Christian when the burning comes

The scam is that modern evangelical mission convert and then build business networks so that people will see when you turn to Luciferian "Prosperity Christianity" it pays off. These are parasites and heretics with deep emotional problems. They will join you in hell

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fuck off kike

>Not necessarily good for being spiritual or a good person

bleh new age bullshit begone

Sick larp, but we can tell you don't really believe your religion because you ignore what it asks you to do and because you're on fucking Jow Forums.

Stop lying. It's common knowledge that Christianity was spread through the appealing to the poor and women. Countless of historical sources speak of this, and even Augustine thought it was embarrassing. Christians literally tried to appeal to the higher classes by re-writing the Bible as a Homeric epic. The New Testament was constantly mocked for it's piss poor Greek(with the exception of John).The story of one of the earliest martyrs(i forget his gay name) literally talks about how he got to a Roman villa where all the women and slaves were Christians. Constantine's mother was a Christian. Augustine's mother was a Christian. etc etc

There is a reason why if you go to church ANYWHERE in the world, like 80% of the people in attendance are women, and it's not a bug but a feature of Christianity. In the Catholic and Orthodox churches, really the only men in there are the priests.
Imagine being proud of subversion and thinking it's proof of truth or strength. this is the Christian for you.

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nigger you are a slav transplant. also Christianity is spread openly. subversion entails deceit. Christians were always open about what they were and are, even during persecution.

You lost, snownigger

Empty threats. Research such as that done by Ian Stevenson strongly supports the reality of reincarnation. Gehenna isn't real; like the story of Yeshua, it is simply fiction invented by sandniggers.

>You don't worship a fictional kike and follow a kike religion, so I will call you a kike
As always, the Christcuck displaying why there is a correlation between belief in Christianity and lower than average IQ. Of course, this is also simply an ad hominem attack because you cannot refute that the National Socialists were suppressing Christianity and replacing it with renewed Germanic spiritualism. In both regards, you show once again the deceitful nature of those who have adopted a kike religion.

nigger you are a slav transplant. also Christians then and now have always been open on what they preach, even in persecution.