What does Jow Forums think about Hezbollah?

What does Jow Forums think about Hezbollah?
On one hand they're Muslim extremists, but on the other hand they're Nationalists who fight against the Zionists.

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I love Hezbollah. They're not perfect, but they're anti-Zionist, and anti-American imperialism. The only flaws they have is that they're religious (they do practice some secularism and work with communists), and they're a nationalist movement (but they're doing it for the sake of decolonizing Israel, so, its not too bad). Death to the United States

Based sandnigger

>. The only flaws they have is that they're religious
They're religion is one of the main reasons why they want to liberate the near east from jews and amerimutts

I'm not a muslim, swissbro.

Hezbollah is defined as a terrorist organisation in my state, and it is illegal to promote terrorists, so I’m gonna leave this thread. Thanks

Chomeini hated Communism.
>"We wish to cause the corrupt roots of Zionism, capitalism and Communism to wither throughout the world. We wish, as does God almighty, to destroy the systems which are based on these three foundations, and to promote the Islamic order of the Prophet ... in the world of arrogance."

I mean the Hezbollah

oh, that would make more sense, lol.

they're good as they are, a resistance movement, getting into power would quickly reveal that their political agenda is a joke and won't work

This is Israeli for "won't let us buy up their capital"

I vehemently disavow Islamist terrorist groups, but Hezbollah does not fall under that category in my opinion. As someone of Palestinian descent who has came to the conclusion that Jesus Christ is my lord and savior, I applaud Hezbollah for acting accordingly in the face of Jewish organized tyranny and Jewish conspired violent upheavals of their fellow Syrian neighbors. Hezbollah from what I have seen have fought alongside the free men of the Syrian Arab Army to ensure terrorism against the Christian (and other) minorities is put to an end.

I frequently pray for the sake of the middle east by way of destruction for the Jewish state because they are the harbingers of death and chaos in what would be a peaceful region if not for Israeli and CIA glow nigger meddling. I pray for a middle east that doesn't require a Hezbollah, but one where Muslims and Christians can live together in peace and one where Christians can actually grow. May it be God's will that Hezbollah and their ally's crush Israel and stomp it out of existence, Amen.

Attached: Hezbollah comfy.jpg (600x513, 55K)

Based. I find it respectable that Hezbollah is supporting Palestinians even though they're Sunnis.
I have a question for you though: Don't you feel kinda weird, living in America, a country that is creating all those wars in the Middle East?

>their political agenda is a joke and won't work
can you explain this further?

No plan survives contact with the enemy.

Kill them alongside the kikes.

They no longer are muslim extremists, they dissavowed the ideology after the civil war in Lebanon

standard Islamic economy, no usury==>interest free loans==>impossible to do banking==>few loans which are state sponsored==>dying economy

Just invest in stocks bro.

it's not unpractical because there would be no where to invest, it's unpractical because the working class and entrepreneurs would have nowhere to take loans from

>The eternal Anglo
Whenever I start to feel sorry for you and France when I see niggers infest your lands, I remember how you were the ones who gave the Jews control in the first place. I hope you either never procreate or that you have a daughter that has children with some nigger filth. Then after that the Italians com in and exterminate all the French, Anglos and other subhumans and repopulates the whole of France and the UK with superior Italian genes.
I don't feel weird at all. I know that the struggle America faces behind closed doors is the same struggle that Palestinians face in front of the world. The coming end of ZOG control in the west and the coming destruction of Israel are more intertwined than any of us can imagine. Soon we'll all be free from the judaization of the world.

Attached: Palestinian flag bearer.png (484x742, 36K)

>impossible to do banking
Kike detectetd

You're a fucking parasite on society, kike. Tilahas tizi.

no just an arab who studied economy

Kike theology. Kill yourself you future lamp post ornament.

have sex

I’m neutral in this fight. Both sides should nuke each other to death and leave the rest of the world alone.

>Israel will be destroyed any day now!

Attached: brave arab warriors.png (700x526, 693K)

In the ideology of the Iranian Islamic Revolution they play the role of an army that spreads the revolution in the world. The fact they are mostly operating in near and middle east does not mean they are nationalist. They are, on the contrary, Muslim globalists who want to spread Islam globally. At best they have common goals/enemies with nationalists to a small degree.

>I remember how you were the ones who gave the Jews control in the first place
May Iran wipe the entire fucking United Kikedom and its MI6 shills off the map.

>rhetoric is fact
You have to be 18 to post here.

stay away loser

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>keeps posting this picture
That's just going to make it even more embarrassing for you shills when the tables turn. Oh man the day you are all made to eat your ties will be so satisfying.

We're not getting raided by Iranians. >It's all in my imagination.

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