Cycling infrastructure

Why do right wingers hate it?

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>muh cars and shit

it needs a greater degree of separation from motor laneways
there is no justification for the mixing of incompatible groups where such mixing causes dysfunction, disunity and harm

Because in my country those cycles niggers can stop driving in the car's road when they talk each other's (you know because that's too hard to talk behind someone so I'm gonna play with my life just for my faggot friend can see me on his side)

Is that a miniature golf course?

Cycling infrastructure has a cost vastly disproportionate to the number of people x miles traveled and displaces/slows auto/bus/truck traffic necessitating multiples of expenditure to add more lanes, or exponentially greater cost to build light rail or other mass transit solutions (which still dont end up being used except in a few megacities).

Town near me took a 6 lane toad down to 4 lanes to make bigger bike lanes for the 20 cyclists in town.

The major light that is the traffic bottle neck now flows 33.3% fewer cars per light cycle. (2 lanes removed out of 6 = .333)

Thousands of people now sit in traffic longer, more time idling, more CO2 emissions.
All for a few cyclists.
Increasing traffic negates tenfold and emissions saved by increase in cyclists because motorists outnumber cyclists thousands to one.

I like cycling but that infrastructure is fucked

Because it encourages douchebags like this guy

Something something agenda 21 MUH TRUCK

>UK roads
All of your roads are fucking retarded, how do you even drive without dying?

Fuck cyclists!

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Bikes are based.

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That shit is designed with the sole aim of cyclists hitting pedestrians and cars hitting cyclists. Wth.

In America, everything was designed around the car.

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Because its a nuisance and the cyclists intentionally try to act like a nuisance towards traffic and pedestrians alike.

They constantly cry about sharing and following laws but not a single one of them wants to obey traffic laws or wait on a pedestrian. Instead they just scream at them as they ride past.

Cycling attracts left wing holier than thou narcissists like a magnet. Thus theyve taken over the hobby and their behavior makes everyone resent it. Even if at its core riding a bike isnt a bad idea.

i don't hate it. we should have planned for it years ago.

We actually have the safest roads in the world, tied with Sweden.

Nothing against cycling, but its really makes that junction look way uglier

Where I live there is too much rain and snow to consider cycling as anything more than summertime recreation.

unironically the best solution is when they make every junction a free-for-all which puts everyone on edge
The only casualties are blind people but they have it coming

Wouldn’t biking lanes fix that? Pic related isn’t an ideal solution, but seriously, from a health interest and just for the good of the environment, isn’t a decreasing in gas guzzling cars for the best? Air quality to even saving money (cas, repairs, car insurance etc.) can be improved if bikes are made more accessible. I’m not dick riding cyclists here nor am I a leftist, but bikes are pretty based.

Well I just started riding my racing bike to work because it's great cardio and I'm sick of standing in traffic. It's actually really fun in the countryside if you're not a complete idiot about it. Most of the time I'm driving by myself on roads where cars can't drive.

Now in the city it's something else. It's pretty much impossible to drive like a normal person on a racing bike in the city. It's just so infuriating with all the pedestrians, slow bikers and cars. Even if you're obeying every single fucking traffic light like me, it's pretty much inevitable to not almost crash into everything and everyone. Although it's mostly someone else's fault, you're going to inadvertently fuck up some day, and you better pray you don't hit shit.

Wow look at all the different colors and lines and shit telling you where you can and can't go. That on top of 3rd world urban savages that don't need to follow any rules at all looks like such a great alternative to rural living.

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I never understood why cyclists don't just use the sidewalk. Is there laws against it, or is it somehow more dangerous for the cyclists? I can imagine if it's about not hitting walking pedestrians, but it didn't look like there was a single person on the sidewalk at all in that video.

It's largely unnecessary if people just pull their heads out of their asses and watch for bikes/ obey the traffic laws if they're on a bike.

cyclists are assholes. my taxes pay for the road, so gtfo

The same reason trains running on roads is stupid.

>it needs a greater degree of separation from motor laneways
>there is no justification for the mixing of incompatible groups where such mixing causes dysfunction, disunity and harm
spoken like a true american
of course it wouldn't work with your hideous monstruous infrastructure, """"architecture"""", and community culture

>mudslimes everywhere

The problem is, at its core, bike lanes are all about reducing the economic utility of a roadway and giving it to recreational users. Imagine the truck that has to deliver ten minutes later because a roadway is over capacity because of cycling lanes. Now aggregate that and you get a sense of how retarded these lanes are.

hey that's my grandpa's bike

also that setup doesn't provide any protection against trucks of peace

bikes are the ultimate redpilled form of transportation.

>good for your wallet
>good for your health
>good for environment

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This coming from the Turkish province.

this, how has no one mentioned how they made like half the people in that image to be muslim women lmao

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It's a law here, and it's annoying to avoid pedestrians; as well as switching from sidewalk to the side of a road every time there's a human on your path.

>needing to breathe heavily as you peddle on
>when cars are right next to you spewing massive amounts of toxins straight into your face
good luck with your lung cancer

Sidewalks aren't as consistent as streets. I take the sidewalk wherever possible next to busy roads, but most places inevitably have gaps and broken sidewalks.

Because cyclist are up there with Vegan being the most annoying asshole pieces of shit the world has ever seen.

Fuck you Dagur, you Holland slurping piece of whore mayor! Stop re-routing infrastructure fund to fucking bicycle roads that no one uses!

We have superior transportation

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I figured either of these might be the case. I guess it's just safer and more consistent overall for cyclists to use the roads.

I don't know why either, but this picture triggers the fuck out of me.

that is also absolutely true

Because they're Calvinist, an incurable, crippling personality disorder created about 3 or 4 centuries ago.

Over here right wingers love it,
If you are against cycling infrastructure you'll lose the elections immediately,
Its a cultural thing,
There are even huge nationalist cycling events
All white people cycle over here,
The same in Holland

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But those are cycling enthusiasts, the role of cycling infrastructure to get normal, everyday people to just cycle to places, without thinking about it.

>I don't have my drivers license yet what is a side street

Because if you hit them on accident you go to prison for a long time for man slaughter
For this reason when you see them you'll notice everyone drop like 20 miles under the speed limit until they get around them because no one wants to get their lives ruined by the suicidal faggot in the middle of the street

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Yes, having to commute an hour each way to work every day in a gas guzzler is really doing wonders for the environment

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>not a bodged e-bike
>dont even need to exert energy
>importing batteries accelerates the end times
>can rest easy that if anyone steals it they'll probably kill themselves riding it

Many cities do have ordinances forbidding wheeled vehicles on sidewalks

Nope. The PIIGS pay for your roads. Sit down.

This. I want my tax money to be spent on having more of those fuckers mangled under the wheels of a truck, not less.

Just look at that retarded mess

fuck special infrastructure, just take over the road

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it seems to me its really a problem in big cities and America
sure in my comfy little town it works but capitalistic hellholes just arent built for it

>soldering on Lithium batteries

Cycling is a shit show in cities. They want to share the road with cars and have their own lanes, however they refuse to abide by the RULES OF THE ROAD. They pass reds, almost ride into pedestrians, ride against traffic, cut into lanes, ride on the fucking sidewalk, its almost as bad as spics on dirt bikes.
>lives in nyc

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This. Unaesthetic.

Most right wingers live in the burbs and farmlands where its not necessary.
My preference is to replace street parking with bike lanes not remove car lanes.

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I thought liberal city slickers were the biker haters?

Although I understand bikes are a nuisance in big city shitholes, cars are still fucking stupid in general, just use a bus or train unless you need it for your job

Oh no my $5 innertube will have to be replaced.

Cycling is great but if your driving a car its annoying to watch for cyclers. Amsterdam is the best for it

Police here will usually stop you and tell you to get off the bike even if theres nobody there.

Because you look like a little boy riding a bike around the city.

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I don't understand. Why paint it green?

So is this for putting in your yard? I'd hate to have my boomer mower hit one and catch it in the shin.

I wouldn’t mind cycling lanes. It would hopefully stop idiot cyclists from riding 4 abreast and then complaining when an impatient motorist turns them into a mix of bloody pulp encased by Lycra. Alas, here in the third world people don’t give a fuck about cyclists and their lanes either.

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thats the color of bike lanes in large cities

Because they are the peddling Jew. The nigger of the road.

stay off my sidewalk bikeniggers

Based. Cyclists > Jews.

and the cycleniggers would STILL jump a red light

i fucking hate cycleniggers
none of them ever know the fucking rules of the roads

these are the worst type of people on bikes.

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>I don't understand. Why paint it green?

Camouflage, much harder to spot if it blends in with the background. Same idea if the bike lane is unpainted. Use grey/blackish spray paint.

Also, use 4 barb barbed wire not 2 barbed. 4 barbed positions itself better, and increases the likelihood of puncturing the tire.

Another tip... don't employ where a car/vehicle can run over them. Dedicated, protected bike lanes are ideal.

Because in my car I can run away from diversity if I am attacked. On a bicycle I am a sitting duck for anyone wanting to enrich me.

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Cyclists demand expensive road changes although they do not fund those changes through gas taxes, car insurance, licences, etc. Those bike lanes cost millions in a city.

Those road changes will further congest auto traffic. Car lanes on streets, parking spots and even bridges are rededicated into bike lanes, even if a small number of cyclists use them. Truck drivers are further stressed.

Those bike lanes are often not used because cyclists still use car lanes!

A lot of auto drivers would rather bike but it is impractical. Distances, time, hills, lack of showers at work, carrying work materials, etc. People hate commuting; why do cyclists vilify car users for driving? They are not joy-riding.

Cyclists sometimes relish delaying a car driver. WTF!

Plus riding a bike gives you a tight little ass that's just ripe for the raping.

As long as it is regular biking and not lifestyle cycling like in the Stonetoss comic everyone knows, there is no problem with it. Only these faggots ever endanger themself and others by their reckless shit and disregard of all traffic laws.
I say this as someone without car and I also have to admit, that the bike infrastructure is pretty great where I live so I can't speak for everyone.
Obviously the US with their car centric city design has problems with it.

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I'm a leftie, and I say bikes are for fags.

because they're the eternal goyim of the automobile jew

because they're poofs and they should be knocked down

I hate it. Because it’s only white people use it!! Get more diversity incels!!!! Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Because it interferes with people that have jobs to go to.

>muuh cost

And what about the advantages? Less health care expenses due to people cycling (yes, that's actually a thing), less pollution, less noise, less dependency on oil-exporting countries, etc.

But yes, keep beliving in whatever those car lobby think tanks are spreading.

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That looks like a wide awake nightmare.

that's shopped to be as (((diverse))) as possible

>Oh no my $5 innertube will have to be replaced.

And not just you, but potentially dozens of other cyclists as well if the barbs are employed in number, and scattered along various sections of the bike lane.

Meanwhile, you and the other pedal pushing pissants will still have flat a tire to contend with (maybe even two flat tires), and your ability to get around and create a nuisance for everyone else will be hampered until you get it fixed.

I don't disagree. The automobile should be a tool of liberation, but instead it turned into a mode of control, just like the smart phone.

Because less hippies die in road traffic accidents which is what they deserve.

>ugh, gubbermint, just let me run them over :(
>I care so much about life, like omg, don't kill the fetus >:(

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I've been on a bike for nearly 30 years and I think those infrastructure plans just cause more traffic. Most people still ride like dipshits despite them. Plus, now the ones in my city are filled with those shitty escooter abominations.


I can't believe that's real.

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Cars are a great way for the eternal jew to subjugate society
>make people dependent on buying cars and getting (((car loans)))
>make people dependent on (((oil)))
>get people to have an unhealthy lifestyle
>isolate people so they won't notice (((diversity))) so much (and consequently be ok with it -> notice all the burger COPE "can't use bikes/public transit bc muh niggers")
>isolate people so instead of exchanging opinions among them they can only get them from the (((media)))
>isolate people so they get depressed and have to take (((antidepressants)))
>facilitate the creation of (((sprawl suburbs))) which were literally invented by a jew
>sprawl suburbs double down on all the things above, especially isolation and atomization of society

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Low throughput

im gonna save this as pasta. Thanks medkit

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Because motorists pay for the lanes cyclists us for free. Add a road tax on the sale of bikes for their Lane and then I'll stop bitching about cycle lanes.

you're quite welcome

>he thinks his measly car/gas/whatever tax comes anywhere close to paying for the cost of the roads he uses
>he doesn't know car roads have to be paved much more often than bike lanes because of exponentially higher wear from the weight of cars

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Only americans hate it. And boomers.