Describe America in 4 words

Describe America in 4 words.

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Taxed on foreign earnings.

(you) obsess over us

Jewnited states of weimerica

Whiter than you mohammed

Die for Israel goy

Whiter than you, mohamed

Massive but short firework

t. amerimutt

Attached: EthnostateAmericanBranch.png (1615x787, 173K)


Attached: IQ37.jpg (1818x1252, 264K)


Jews Niggers Debt Obesity


>butthurt english teacher

>unwanted expat who gets off on underage-looking women would like to comment on racial purity

honk honk pay me

Best country ever created

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Niggers fucking ruined it

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obsessed with black cock

I'm mowing the lawn

Thirsty For Jewish Cock

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bus nigger
bus nigger

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Butthurt foreigner detected

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Zionist Occupied Puppet Government

Fuck everyone but us.

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coca cola sometimes war

Still mostly white people

nigga you just ruined my appetite

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Death to America!

Attached: death to america.png (805x506, 20K)

Ay Dios Mio SeƱor!!

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Greatest Country On Earth.

I love Greece and I like shitting on America, but God damn it if it isn't awesome. How can the rest of us even compete?

Motherfucker don't have one hand.

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Fat "people" are disgusting don't matter the country.

Why so obsessed, faggot?

America is still the greatest memeflaggot! USA! USA! USA!

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LOL How can Japs even compete? America is the greatest country on earth and always will be.



Some good some bad



Eat shit freedom bitch.

Land of the freemarket.

Butthurt jannies are deleting your posts lol

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only country that matters

Vassal state of israel


t. German vasal state

>LOL How can Japs even compete? America is the greatest country on earth and always will be.

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Soon to be gone.

it's all so tiresome

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a jew's best friend

Niggers, Jews, Spics, Mutts.

>Be American
>Get shot

They are eternally buttjealous.

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>Be American
>Get enslaved

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to be fair that was probably a troll
surely no american be that dumb

what the hell

The Americans don't use the gay metric system, you fag. So the American warrior-scholar meant feet! He is 6 feet like all real men are!

Goddammit that just aint right

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Shudditdown, the goyim know

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Just another day in the usa

Attached: Mudrica.webm (640x360, 2.15M)

moot really let himself go

Paying for kikes wall.


Foreigners need not apply

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>The one with the pink dress
8/10 in weimarica

I know, right? Everyone shits on America, but America has immigrants from every country on earth, while Americans are rarely immigrants themselves. I would love to live in America too. But I wouldn't want to burden the Greatest Country on Earth with my presence there. America for Americans!

if only

look at your id

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everybody's mirin because its president is a reality tv star

sucks to be the 3rd world(including the EU). lel. get on 'murcas lvl boyos

Suburban strip mall hellscape

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Land of the free
Home of the brave

>Describe America in 4 words.
>Writes a blogpost
Ameriburger education, pic above your post is you

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Cannot compete with China



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We have patriotic underwear!

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Poor fags are jealous

Imagine living in Europe, or japan like english teacher. Both live in countries where people are underpaid more then our poor people.

america is lost

really pretty quite jewish

Greatest country in history

let's go to wendys

stop posing as a greek you fucking cringelotd

no fun drugs allowed

>ralph pootawn rides up

every time

Pro Nigger-Israel-Shills

Greatest country in history

Its seething

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Imaginationland, I'm a crossdresser