Kiwi femanon here, and no, I won't show you my tits, grow the fuck up, Incel...

Kiwi femanon here, and no, I won't show you my tits, grow the fuck up, Incel. My question to you is this - if you knew then what you know now, would you still have voted for Trump? Simple question

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Tits or gtfo. No exemptions.

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Garage post, this thread is now for posting anime girls

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tits of gtfo

Tits or gtfo

He cucked pretty hard but he still makes me laugh

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tfw your country's GDP is less than Kentucky's

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Tits or gtfo retard

Don't you know the rules? Don't encourage this trash new fags

Uncanny: those are all the reasons that I voted for him. Now tits or GTFO

Who cares what some irrelevant police state shithole thinks of us?

Weird when was the last time anyone spoke about New Zealands president? Do they even have a president? Who gives a shit lol.

Also omg wowzer there are retards in other countries. Who would of thought it?

Show us your kiwis, shela.

Show us your breeding swing, whore.

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I dont give a fuck you are about to get wiped out by an earthquake bitch

>bring up the fact that you're a fem
>say you won't show tits
We assume you're not a woman then, you know the rule and it is simple.

Listen you unbelievably retarded cunt, Tarrant was and always will be a hero for what he did.

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>and no, I won't show you my tits
then gtfo

Obey The Rules

Liberal fag here. Did not vote in last election because no good choices. If trump can stay out of wars the mossad/cia/establishment media keep trying to push he has my vote next time around.

>shows how warped the Party has become
But it's literally just all the white people in America outside of like 5 states.

What a dumb fucking whore.

A woman who wants special pleading. Color me surprised. Low IQ kiwi to boot. Sage

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Hello fellow Kiwi. Pls show tits.

Why are you expecting America to give a fuck what your shithole country thinks?
Kill yourself, you sheep-shagging faggot.

You remind me of someone who goes to my school. She's a very attractive lady. Tits or gtfo

show tits

I'll be happy to answer. Once I see those tits with a timestamp.

If you didn't want to show us the goods, you shouldn't have called yourself a femanon. Is your gender relevant to your argument? No? Then shut the fuck up about it. If you want attention for being a woman, on Jow Forums that requires posting tits with timestamp.

Tits are just common courtesy at this point.

The world would be a better place if you killed yourself. Have you been raped? You know you can get euthanized with zero obstacles right? Show the world how much they need you, femanon, and become an hero

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Tits or gtfo, no exceptions.

Tits or GTFO


>won't show tits
>1 post by this ID
have a sage

Saged. Gas yourself kike

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>1 post by this id
Fuck off newfag

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Get Married.

Open bobs an gib wegana!

All the pajeets are welcome to follow the call btw...

Don't bother lads NZ cunts are flat as a pancake. No tits worth looking at.

You stupid bitch...get out

Who the fuck cares about NZ?

fuck paul thomas, fuck the rest of the world and especially fuck toasty roastie new zealand whores

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>I won't show you my tits, grow the fuck up, Incel.

When I impersonate females on the internet, I'm a huge faggot too.

Rules are rules, tits or GTFO.

>1 post by this ID

tits or GTFO

What the rest of the world hates about America is their de facto world police status and constant bullying of brown shit holes which causes problems for the rest of us. No one gives a shit about the rest of the uneventful bullshit outlined in that pompous screed. These fucking asshats don't focus on the only thing that matters globally and geopolitically which is that as of yet he hasn't started another pointless neocon war for Americans and Europeans to die in. He's not perfect, but not for the reasons listed.

Who the fuck cares about NZ?
Tits or get the fuck out bitch.

Fuck off commie cunt, NZ is a fucking joke.

Show me ur tits

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How asshurt are you going to be when Zblumpf is tossed out on his ass and abortion is still legal nationwide?

That's no way to talk to your dyke daughter.

Tits or GTFO you don't tell me what to do you kiwi flavored leftist subhuman skank.

Fuck. Now you make me want to move there.

> Brown shitholes get nuked
> Causes problems for us

I think you are missing something in that chain of events user.

Fuck your shithole country. Fuck your questions you god damned newzi. Tits or get the fuck out you filthy whore

I hope you get uterine cancer.

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fuck off kike

Why would anyone care what some literally who journalists at some random publication thinks about America?

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Considering you're on Jow Forums, im going to thank you for not showing us them.

Tits with timestamp or gtfo,roastie cunt.
You know the fucking rules,slag.

show feet
and yes

Paul Thomas is a faggot.

>implying anyone here cares what some kiwi thinks of America

That whole thing reads like one huge projection.

What the fuck is a New Zealand and why should anyone care?

How asshurt are you now? LOL

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Fuck off s o y b o y larper. You don't make the rules here, now show your fucking tits or get out and kill yourself. SAGE.

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This faggot represents everything I and the rest of the world should hate about NZ. We are a country of the most self-important fuckheads who think our opinion matters I have ever seen. The number of people I meet who say shit like this about the US but have never visited from NZ is astounding and we should be annexed by Aussie however Aussie would get no benefit at all.

tits or gtfo are because you used "femanon here" to get attention

then your a discord tranny

Dear Kiwis,
>Fuck off, we're full
>stay the fuck out of our elections, Five Eyes
>Democrats need to field better candidates

>Dodges North Korea war
>Escapes gas trap in Syria
>Avoids jungle snare in Venezuela
>Honorably declines to kill innocent Iranians
Possibly. Each time I was deeply afraid he would break is promise and give in, but he's still hanging on. If he makes it to the election I might actually trust him.

>femanon here
Stopped reading, post redpills and ignore female """opinions"""

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very recenetly immigraetd kiwi here pls show bobs vagene

>New Zealand
literally who?

tits or gtfo

Who gives a shit about your Hobbit island?

Why do women always say femanon.
Like it seems they only want attention.

> casual racism

I love how people just imagine that trump has engaged in casual racism, that he is a racist, or that he does racist things, or says racist things

It’s a complete hallucination that relies primarily on a person’s subjective analysis of the things trump has said. It’s fucking embarassing, honestly.

Trump, in real fairness, is a pretty good president, especially compared to

>bush jr and sr

It’s all so tiresome, I’m so sick of listening to turds bash this guy as if he’s some sort of one dimensional cartoon when our economy is screaming, we aren’t in new wars, we’re improving diplomatic/ strategic standings in the east, and we’re laying a framework of treaties and agreements for a generation.

The next president will be some war monger if democratic socialist butthole and the very same people who shit on trump will suck him/her off all the way to the bottom.

Kiwi tits or gtfo

any president that acknowledges a millitary industrial complex that wants war is an improvement

>Kiwi female

Fucking puke!

Helen Clarke and Skeletor have such the world the high quality of Nz girls

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>femanon here
disregarded, i hope you die in a fire OP

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Nobody gives a fuck what any New Zealanders think

Go shear some sheep

The media said he’s racist so people believe he is. Proof or not, they believe it.

Imagine me caring about some broad's opinion. Holy shit.


100% fbi


i recently gave Super Milk-chan a watch and this is the first time i see a related image to it on here what the fuck

>faggot attaches “hi i am gurl” on otherwise no quality thread
>get 100+ replies

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This sage

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