Mexico sends 15,000 soldiers to the US border to stop the migration

>The elements make arrests and then send the undocumented migrants to the authorities to initiate the pertinent procedures.

>After the agreement with the US In terms of migration, the Government of Mexico deployed 15,000 elements of the National Guard and the Army on its northern border to stop the flow of migrants to the United States, said Monday the Secretary of National Defense, Luis Cresentcio Sandoval.

>The Defense Minister explained that the elements carry out the arrests of people without documents and then send them to the authorities to begin their immigration procedures.

>"Nothing else we stop them, we put them at the disposal of the authorities to do their normal procedure or what is determined in each case," he explained at the press conference given each morning by the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.


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>fuck amlo

Why? for enforcing our laws? Or you're just saying 'orange man bad'?

>and then send them to the authorities to begin their immigration procedures

top fucking kek

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based fuck South America

did amloco said that the soldiers would be deployed only on the south border?

Shut up faggot I hope these other Mexicans deport you to El Salvador

Good thing about mexicans
They always have a price

not ready to say based mexico, but keep it up.

You have such concept as Jim Carrey in Mexico?

Does a Mexican passport count as a document?

non-meme question, why does it seem like most of latin america hates mexico?

Based AMLO.

Sweep them all back to Belize.

for letting them in in the first place!
thanks to him im voting for the candidate that mostly resembles Trumps policies on next elections
Mexico is going to be BLOOD RED next elections.

I wish they used live ammunition on the migrants. Shit would stop overnight.

Awww paying for the wall and securing our southerner border I didn’t know you guys liked us so much

czeched and today I learned your conservatives are red as well, figured it would be reverse like canada.

>voting for a literal kike
Absolutely cabron

I know the vast majority of Americans don't believe in cause and effect, but actions do have consequences.

It’s reversed in most of the world the only reason dems are blue in America is because they pitched a bitch fit about Reagan comparing them to the Soviets

well in reality blue is conservative in mexico, but i wanted to alude to the color red of blood like i stated, but you get the idea anyways.

If I could send $1000 back in time, I would buy John Hinckley more time on the gun range and some JHPs.

Where's all the Jew shills?

>making reagan another JFK-like messiah figure to boomers
why would you do that

Might be shift change time at Herzliya.
Or, they're in the Eastern time zone behind seven proxies and it's quitting time.

You are protecting the wrong fukken border

>implying that a famous television actor from their childhood wouldn't have been their messiah already
He wouldn't have been around long enough to implement his kikeification program to help them out. Bush the Elder would have had to do it and would have had nowhere near the charisma. Also, the Democrat Leadership Council might have never gotten off the ground and the neoliberal wing of the Democrat Party might well not exist today.

In holocaust memorial and Iran threads.

Utter nonsense, my good fellow. Have you never heard of the military doctrine of defense in depth?

mostly because they were educated by gringo's (((entertainment))) that always have give us bad reputation.

So what you are saying is, Mexico is paying for our border security?

I wonder how much it's costing them to keep all these troops deployed and housing/admin etc to handle these migrants daily.

Yeah it resembles pic related.

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It's work. It keeps people busy rather than jacking off around the barracks. They own their own damn currency, they can use it to move whatever the hell they want to. Why are you so paranoid that money might be moving through the economy, causing goods and services to be delivered?

TFW most Anglo realize that the majority of illegals in the states aren't Mexican in origin.

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Pretty funny that Mexican soldiers are trying to stop Mexican trash from leaving

Just shoot them or hand them over to the cartel to do it for you, do everyone a favor

What level of spastic retardation is this? I was just curious what the overall bill that Mexico was footing for this and you shot into some bot level (you)

>thanks to him im voting for the candidate that mostly resembles Trumps policies

"I want el salvadorians here in the biggest numbers ever"

*crowd gasps*



cartels > mexican army

more like "make mexico great for once" or "im going to enforce tarrifs on the countries that came here and exploited our land and people"
>cartels > mexican army
thanks to obama and his high claiber automatic military grade gifts to the cartels.