What was life in Soviet Union like?
What was life in Soviet Union like?
Salty coins.
>Ugh Sasha I hate standing in line for bread
>But Ivan, it's even worse in America, they don't even have a bread line!!
It was devoid of most luxuries people have right now, but there was a strong sense of community
who cares
Lubyanka is the tallest building in Moscow. You can see Siberia from its basement.
'it was awsome' some college pothead reports.
most homogeneous societies are, even when they are poor.
Were they really starving post-war time?
A judge walks out of his chambers laughing his head off. A colleague approaches him and asks why he is laughing. "I just heard the funniest joke in the world about Comrade Stalin!"
"Well, go ahead, tell me!" says the other judge.
"I can't – I just gave someone ten years for it!"
>but there was a strong sense of community
Long lines for everything, crowded buses, free healthcare,free education,mandatory Military service, no homelessness
That line rustles my Finnish genetics.
The number of WNs who admire communist shitholes because "hurrr at leeest they're racially homogeneous" is astounding.
Pretty good for people with good education. People that lived in the north made better money and had better apartments. Moscow cucks always complain, worst people.
How does that dismiss my point?
Mandatory conscription where if you where forced in a wave to fight against enemies shooting you. If you turned back your 'allies' or leaders shot you for cowardice.
Breadlines for hours and starvation was a normal thing, because communism.
If you slipped up an ever sounded like you where against the state, you'd disappear.
Because Commie KGB can't take a dis.
Mao and Stalin murdered more of their own people than Hitler could ever do to the Jews.
So the reason I hate commies in my own country that want a repeat of other failures.
Oh you haven't seen nothin' yet kid
It doesn’t, ignore the meme-flags Ivan. How was the quality of life compared to Russia now?
GAAHHH! My dosimeter just went from 3.6 to 15,000 Finnish Nightmare Rontgen.
also limited availability of foods/products sub-par and slow healthcare, govt. chooses your job for you, as well as where you'll live.
you had to use newspaper and notebooks sheets instead of paper
instead of toilet paper*
>Mandatory conscription where if you where forced in a wave to fight against enemies shooting you. If you turned back your 'allies' or leaders shot you for cowardice.
This is a meme
>Breadlines for hours and starvation was a normal thing, because communism.
Lines Yes, starvation being normal No
>If you slipped up an ever sounded like you where against the state, you'd disappear.
Because Commie KGB can't take a dis.
At the begining Pretty much, later on it was pretty lax
>Mao and Stalin murdered more of their own people than Hitler could ever do to the Jews.
Yes, Hitler should have killed more
Not a commie but most of your post is just information from movies or something
Q: "Who built the White Sea Canal?"
A: “The left bank was built by those who told the jokes, and the right bank by those who listened.”
Well, I haven't lived in the USSR myself, yet I do have at least a bit o knowledge on it. There was some bad stuff and some good stuff as well. The worst aspect was probably the deficit of practically everything, the very basic stuff was very hard to get, women even had to make their own clothes if they wanted to get fashionable ones. But back then people used to have some sort of common cause that united them, also far more equality than there is now in Russia. And I'm talking about good kind of equality, not the one being pushed down our throats today. So all in all its a matter of opinion. I can understand both people who liked it there better and those that hate the Soviet Era wholeheartedly.
How's this?
The community-destroying force of international capital does have some WNs wondering about alternatives.
In Latvia Healthcare was similar or better than it is now.Lines were longer but our baby death statistics were a lot better
Don't know about the job thing but everyone in my family chose their own jobs.
Also they all chose were to live by themselves and i haven't heard them talking about anyone being forced to live somewhere other than deportations
Mhm, thats like schoolkids waiting on the bus. Nothing really special. Is Suomi so special?
>being that excited for McDonalds
also why would they allow filthy american jews to bring there disgusting culture to the motherland?
It was glorious. You worked for a common cause. You knew that you’d be taken care of. You had the best medical care in the world for free. It truly was a land of love and peace. If not for the traitor Gorbachev, the USSR would still be the worlds superpower.
The Soviet Union was not a homogenous society. 70% of the population were East Slavs, other 20% Turkic, and final 10% Jewish and Far East Asian.
>I'm talking about good kind of equality,
yay... everyone is poor and gets a concrete commie block tomb to live in.
you should know this guy
Its not like its much better right now. At least there weren't so many multi-billionaires robbing the country.
>women even had to make their own clothes if they wanted to get fashionable ones
that's the case of nearly every western country, even capitalist ones, up until like the 1950s though (or even later i think, don't know when they started mass producing dresses and shit)
good life
I agree, but I don't think Communism is the answer we are looking for, 1920's America had the answer.
the subversion was obvious to most instead of what we've got now
It strongly depended on your class. Children of thos (((comissars))) had it relatively good. The rest of us just suffered with little silver lining of simple joys like finding some secret supermarket in some secret city, where you could buy yourself a pretty dress.
starving people
> Don't know about the job thing but everyone in my family chose their own jobs.
Also they all chose were to live by themselves and i haven't heard them talking about anyone being forced to live somewhere other than deportations
I think a lot of people get life north Korea and early (Stalin) soviet union confused with 1960s-1970s soviet union. life got a lot better for people when a literal madman was no longer running their government.
> At least there weren't so many multi-billionaires robbing the country.
Are we talking about Russia or the United States?
Well, in the USSR people did have to put a lot of creativity into making certain basic things. That was one of the clear disadvantages.
Russia, naturally.
peaceful life
After WWII? No, but they didn’t eat as well as Americans
>good education
But whats the point of education if you can't become rich.
>don't know when they started mass producing dresses and shit
Gay Jews took over the fashion industry and started selling (((designer clothing))) to women for 100s if not 1000s of dollars.
Not without its troubles, but still good.
From 60s to early 80s was the best time to be a soviet citizen
Correct. The food wasn't nearly as abundant as in the US, but the starvation meme is mostly a 20's/30's thing.
Yes. All the time. I heard some riveting stories from my granny about 1949: a student found frozen cabbadge at the state canteen's dumpster, so he made some effort to stick it out, and the canteen's guard shoots at him, so he runs (he probably shoot at him with salt, because I doubt he would have killed him for this, this is almost unheard of) another story from those happy times are when there was no heating in the student dormitory, so guys go to get some wood, they take planks from the construction site's fence, and a nail squeaks, and the guard runs out and shoot at them, so they run away and take their planks with them. And girls in the dormroom sayhooray, they now can wash their clothes and stuff. And in the morning (I shit you not) that guard and cops come to watch if they have their planks. But they had all their planks gone, but somebody somewhere on the upper floors still had planks or something, so they took away somebody there.
I only remember 70s, so it was not that hardcore then for whatever reason. Probably because people were allowed to grow their own food by hand at holidays on their tiny yards on the outskirts of their industrial cities.
>But whats the point of education if you can't become rich
You could have comfy 9-5 office job and more benefits.
simple life
I was just thinking you might have taken me for one of those guys that still think the US was doing terribly back then, while USSR was prospering. My bad.
beautiful architecture.
Getting rich isn't the sole point of life.
Horrible. People had no say in the government and no freedom, and were in constant fear of being disappeared by people like Putin in the kgb, being killed or sent to gulags. People often went hungry and were curved to work in terrible conditions for little or no pay, and ha to stand for several hours a day in long lines just for a chance to get a meager meal of stale bread.