Which one of you sick fucks raped her?

Which one of you sick fucks raped her?

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>they raped me by touching me without my consent and then I had an abortion in my head
>it was real in my head!

Are we supposed to feel sorry for her or the rapist?


Why these virtue signalers always make abortion after rape, but don't take a morning after pill?

Only leftwing men commit rape

It was me I confess


>Had sex with a bald guy I thought was rich
>He wasn't rich

Being pregnant gives chemical rewards.

She looks like a tranny Conan O'Brien

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Is the rapist okay?

For SJW's, "rape" is the New for word for normal hetero sex

>shit that totally happened, you guys

I love how such cases are so rare, they literally can't find one to parade around and actually have to make one up.

Would have been funnier if you were from Moldova


This man is far from being a comedian.

well it clearly was the rapist as no one would want to fuck it.

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Think she raped herself, looks like the type..

Is that why it turned into a guy?

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>it is my truth

What is next for her career?

I was raped too, Hannah. I watched the entirety of Nanette


Let me guess, the rape you never reported to the police, right?

THAT.....was "raped"....

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Must have been a gay man

by another butch lesbian high on coke right?


I was trying to rape CONAN O'BRIEN ... didn't know it was her

Funny how every single one of them were raped.

>Which one of you sick fucks raped her?
Whoever did it is a man among men because that would have taken an incredible amount of alcohol to do.

homopho trans rape is actully common

It was Carl Benjamin

Why did she wait until she was weeks fucking pregnant instead of just taking the morning after pill?

So, like Conan O'Brien?