The French Revolution is responsible for modern progressive bullshit

The French Revolution is responsible for modern progressive bullshit
What role did the Jews play in this?

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It was more the incompetence of the French monarchy

Bullshit, there's no way Revolutionary and then Napoleonic Wars happened without Rothschild interference

Long story short :
Louis 14 was traumatized by la fronde when he was a child, and, once adult, he put them in a golden cage called Versailles, leading them to become indebted degenerate NEETs. Debt to banks, expenses to merchants. Then merchants and bankers filled the power vacuum seeing nobility became useless and under a kind and weak kind.

Rothschild became powerful by funding both sides during napoleonic wars, and buying Britain for bread crumbs after Waterloo, thx to a bluff.

Watch and learn

La fronde being a noble rebellion, and a typo : Louis 16 was a weak and kind king.

French revolution was an illuminati / freemason inside job
We tried to warn the frogs, they didn't listen

>The French Revolution is responsible for modern progressive bullshit
Is that the power of American school ?

Unrelated to the revolution. Happened a century later, and while the revolution was pushed and organized by bankers, merchants and traitorous nobles and priests, la commune is a proto bolchevik attempt that we crushed. One is a capitalist coup, the other a proto communist one. With no common actors aside useful idiots.

This. Pic related.

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No. American academia loves the Jacobins and fetishizes the Terror.

None. French or burgers, are responsible , it’s 100% kosher. The Frankfurt school, jews and only jews. And their allies the free masons.
Not the people but a few rotten alien and traitor elements. England and the rest of Western Europe share the same burden btw.

It was more the crisis of french society, and monarchs were the product of it.

Louis XVI is what happens when you're a cuckservative. He should have never reversed Maupeou's parlements.

This. A thousands times this.
The free masons are a bigger threat than kikes. They are the capitalist-communist threat. The 2 faces of the same coin. Never forget : there are other options.

He was betrayed not by the parliaments but by his ministers, who implemented Jewish trade, oups, i mean capitalism, that created starvation in a thriving country, and planted the seeds of the revolution. That started because of speculation leading to thousands dyeing, while we had enough grain to feed 2 countries. Modern capitalism was born,

No it's not, USA is responsible for modern progressive bullshit.

>1973[6] – On 15 October the Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatry Federal Council declares homosexuality not an illness – the first such body in the world to do so; in December the American Psychiatric Association removes homosexuality from its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
Guy who legalized gays:
>was the 37th President of the United States, serving from 1969 until 1974
>Political party Republican
>leading anti-communist

>Although doctoral programs for women's studies have existed since 1990, the first doctoral program for a potential PhD in gender studies in the United States was approved in November 2005.
>Published Nov 8, 2005 12:34 am
>The IU board of trustees unanimously approved a measure at its Friday meeting in Richmond, Ind., to create a gender studies Ph.D., making it the first and only doctorate degree offered for gender studies in the country.

>The first male-to-female surgeries in the United States took place in 1966 at the Johns Hopkins University Medical Center.
>Presidents of the university Milton S. Eisenhower July 1956 – June 1967
>He was the younger brother of U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower.


Retard. What kind of books the Nazi burned ? What kind of institutes they closed ?
Jewish ones. Lurk more.

One last bump before sleep. Study. And learn that no white country is our enemy. Always the jews and free masons, the banks and the market. Always. Good night.

the jews ? we guillotine them all

The jews sold them the guillotines.

Tell me more

It goes all the way back to Judaism and also Charlemagne.

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>freemasons bigger threat than kikes
Hello newfren

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