Jesus Christ here

You're all going to hell.

I was practically a communist, fully behind woman's rights, anti-racist, didn't believe in money or property, and filled with love for every form of life.

Racist, belittling, and hatred are a grave sin. You've been warned.

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>a sub hundred IQ faggot pretends to be a jew fairy ave tells me I'm going to a place that doesn't exist
You were once nothing and you will return to nothingness.

you are not christ.
don't be disrespectful again.

you are just stupid.

No, you are...

It's a cardinal sin to take the Lords name in vain...

retards like this who believe we "were once nothing and will return to nothingness just because lmao" are the most superficial humans ever. or a teen

Fuck kikes and kike lovers.

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Your gay as hell

"11 If two men are fighting and the wife of one of them comes to rescue her husband from his assailant, and she reaches out and seizes him by his private parts, 12 you shall cut off her hand. Show her no pity."

-- the creator of the universe

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Gas the Kikes; Race War Now

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Don't say I didn't warn any of you here. Racism is anti human.

Don't larp as me

It can't be anti-human if niggers and kikes aren't people

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On the contrary. In fact if you really need to know, Anglos are the children of Satan. But don't tell anyone I told you that. It will become much clearer once you arrive in the bowels of hell.

Thread is an abomination. Sad.

By the way, the way hell is set up is that it is by design made to be surprising. So many so called Christian conservatives will wind up here, much to their consternation and surprise.

Oh, hello. After checking your history it seems that you are destined there as well. I hope you are able to conceptualize the nature of eternity. It's not too late, however.

A valid thought, and believing in such a theory is not a damnable offense. However, the fair treatment of all human beings does not depend on ones belief in the afterlife, but is instead a test by which ones afterlife will be determined.

>Ave Satanas & Heil Hitler!

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I tapered you with cancer

Yo jesus, any updates on the plan?

You're going to hell for mocking the Lord.

I'm sorry?

not you, you're obviously a libtard faker.

No youre not, your a very naughty boy.

Show me where in the Bible it says I have to love communists, trannies, niggers, or retarded faggots like you, OP.

Doesn't your flag eliminate religion?

And Lord wants to spread his holy word not hide it under trigger warnings


>You're all going to hell.
At least we'll have clergy to comfort us.

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This is blasphemy. He was a yogi who learned from Babaji. You just cursed yourself lmao.

Protestants are as bad as Catholics.

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Jesus was in favor of women's "rights" in a post modern democratic republican sort of way?

That has to be single most absurd claim Ive heard in awhile, and this is a clown world. Im pretty sure killing your own babies for economic reasons in not acceptable. As you say, he didnt care for money and preached to have faith that everything will work out without it.

Nice bait faggot.

And that why branch mensch needs to be stopped

Yeah, oh and the muslims are bad for that kind of stuff too. And lets not even get started on the jews. Im spotting some kind of pattern....

I don't give fuck nigger only faggots go to heaven.
Bring it own kike.

Shit bait

>You've been warned.
At least in Hell I won't be surrounded by leftists and niggers, I guess.

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Jesus is literally one of many mythological Gods made by man. Jesus the messiah "Christ" probably didn't even exist and is a Jewish invention just like Jehovah.

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>Didn’t believe in money
>Render what is Gods unto God and Render what is Caesars unto Caesar
Obligatory slide thread boys, Jewgles been exposed # # #

>Didn’t believe in money
>Render what is Gods unto God and Render what is Caesars unto Caesar

Obligatory slide thread boys, Jewgles been exposed # # #

based & redpilled


I sent a demon in the shape of a cross.
You failed to overcome it.
Because my demon overcame you, it became the symbol of you, forever.
I win.
t. Satan

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>Racist, belittling, and hatred are a grave sin. You've been warned.

Prove it commiecuck nigger