Oregon has a "potential" happening

1) OREGON !! home of a state half filled with loony oonbat far left crazies, and as GOD would see fit, the other half republican conservative militia/hunting types. Here's the basic plot line:
2) Democrat-majority state gov't trying to pass cap and trade bullshit law. The Republican senators found an attack strategy, and a unique one: if they all RUN, there is not enough lawmakers present and the bill can be blocked this way. They took off.
3) democratic geniuses sent out the STATE POLICE with orders to search, find, detain/arrest absentee lawmakers.
4) one republican senator was quoted as saying "tell the state police to come armed, and to only send bachelors."
5) the republican militia groups (there are many across this state...) began issuing statements that they "fully backed" these republican senators and would both hide and protect them "at all costs" and the republican senators allied themselves with the militia the MEDIA is portraying as... "right wing militia groups" (editors note: possible "right-wing death squads"? one could only hope).
6) options now being tossed about? martial law, considering what ever troops might actually be stateside in the national guard for oregon...etc etc
7) so not a HAPPENING YET, but... awfully close to a big one.

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video sauce:

Are they known to be in-state still?

except this has happened multiple times in Oregon and also other states

>Are they known to be in-state still?
This story is just breaking. Its not entirely clear exactly WHICH senators are where at the moment... and its tense with respect to sending armed men, which armed men, etc etc... sitting state senators rarely threaten to shoot people much less state troopers. If enough of these standoffs happen? eventually one of them will be the spark on the powder keg.

>except this has happened multiple times in Oregon and also other states
yes, i know it happens sometimes? the new added element is the senators threatening to shoot state troopers and the militia's allying up with senators. These things are usually a lot quieter, no talk of gun play.

At some point, people are going to have to (or not maybe) own up to the fact that the complete extent of the formal relationship between me and that guy at Alliance was that he was the manager of the gym where I worked out. The end. End of story.

It follows that our formal relationship was jack shit. If they say, "Oh, we thought the manager at your gym told you that we were hiring you as a secret agent in the service of your sworn enemies, and that you were delegating your proxy to your enemies so that that could act against your wishes in every matter," then I will be glad to point out how ridiculous it would be to think that the manager at the gym I go to would be involved something like that. That basically the same as asking the cashier at the walmart I go to if they told me that my new job is actually a secret agent job where I will help my enemies make sure everything I want never comes to pass. Do you see how fucking stupid it would be to ask the cashier at my walmart about that, or to involve the cashier at my walmart in anything other than taking my money at walmart? It's the same thing with the guy at my gym. He is to me like the cashier at walmart is to me. Certainly I am more interested in jiu jitsu than I am in shopping at walmart, and I held the guy in much greater esteem than I did the cashier at walmart, but the formal relationship was the same as the one between the cashier and I: jack shit.

If you want to know If I'm swearing allegiance to my enemies, and if I intend to help my enemies kill my friends, then you should ask me. The elderly greeter at my local walmart is not the person you would talk to about that. Neither is manager at the gym I go to.

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Terrible OP
This is a slide thread

Google exposed

>This is a slide thread
no, it is NOT. Its one of those retarded situations that COULD one day be a problem's starting point.

I'd argue the real slide threads are the google threads. They are being constantly bumped and made despite using the same exact information we've had for hours. Not to mention there's absolutely no way there are so many people who cant use the catalog to see a thread with the info they want to post is already up. And then of course calling every non-google related thread a slide and linking back to the googleshit.

also the food is about to skyrocket they cant keep the prices down for long

planning to make a trip to the capital myself since I have the day off

I'll be supporting loggers and honest oregonians in their cause to save their communities from this bullshit legislation


I love this story so fucking much.

>be libtard dem
>republicans think your climate change bill is absolute faggot shit so they all call into work instead of coming to vote because fuck you guys, blue flu day.
>Dem cunt decides to call the state police and send them on a fucking gestapo raid to arrest republican senators for taking a vacation day and doing literally nothing illegal
>Republican ubermensch senator tells that fucking bitch to bring it
>true american patriots realize that this is yet another instance of the Dems using the same fascist tactics they ascribe to republicans negatively, but it's ok because it supports the left this time instead of the right and immediately back the senator because that's what patriots do

First, what kind of fucking police officer follows orders that are blatantly illegal (like extraditing senators from a state they have no jurisdiction in and no extradition order because absolutely no crime has been committed in the first place).

Second, and I mean this with all honesty, please let this shit go Waco and start a fucking civil war. Please please please let this happen.

I notice one thing about this the amount of shills on youtube attacking the senators is odd

>I notice one thing about this the amount of shills on youtube attacking the senators is odd

This story is the literal example of why the left is fucking cancer.


Also, how the fuck do we get this fucking senator into the White House. This is the goddamn legendary hero we need right now.

Is this just state wide or located in only some areas cause i am an eastern Oregonian on the Colombia

>Is this just state wide or located in only some areas cause i am an eastern Oregonian on the Colombia
its a state government fiasco, not playing out on the streets yet.

One of the reports said something about a compound that a bunch of militia guys fortified on the Idaho border across jurisdictional lines.

I could have read that wrong... but that was my understanding.

How likely is shit to really just hit the fan to the extent some people were talking about such as martial law being declared

I'd imagine for that to happen the whole state of Oregon would have to have some kind of Trayvon chimpout before something like that could happen.

OK thanks i just wanted to know im not being hunted by a commie death squad

commie death squads? the portland area commies are pussies, if anything it'll be right wing death squads cutting off portland from supplies

Hopefully if this winds up turning into something stupid they listen to some of the cooler heads involved (or that were trying to get involved) with the Bundy situation.

>compound that a bunch of militia guys fortified
That's journo for "house with a fence around it"

I really should join a militia

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>he doesn’t know
lmao keep laughing at cherry picked pictures of fat moron larpers and feeling superior

Im just here for excellent choice of image from OP

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